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Kurt walked over to his mailbox. While Dave was sitting at the porch, a cancer stick lit up and pressed against his lips.

The blonde rummaged through the box but only found some rent mail and a few bills. He flips through them and shakes his head.

"Huh, guess she hasn't sent anything about the divorce. But.. there's, a letter for me." Kurt explained as he sat next to Dave.

He set the bills down, dismissing them as he grabs the light pink colored envelope. He furrowed his eyebrows as Dave took a puff of his cigarette before handing it to Kurt. Deciding to share it.

Kurt shrugged as he grabbed Dave's cigarette and placed it between his own lips as he takes a big inhale. Reading the address and the name of who sent it. It was Courtney.

He blew out the smoke and handed it back to Dave as he tilted his head. "I bet she fucking put the divorce papers in here, honestly. Made it all pretty just so it can be a slap in my face."

Dave sighed as he puts the cigarette out. He watched as Kurt stood up. They weren't as high as earlier, now seeming to know that reality is starting to set in once again.

Dave picked up the bill mail as the two went back into Kurt's house.

Kurt moved his feet into the direction of the couch and takes a seat. He used his hand and carefully ripped up the little triangle. Dave sat next to the lead singer and he tilted his head.

Kurt started to read. His slightly blood shot eyes scanning across the ink writing from his ex-wife.

It said:

"Dear, Kurt Cobain.
You broke me apart. Yes, I cheated on you. Only because I needed a 'real man. '
You are a boy. A boy whose too doped up. Injecting heroin all the time! Not being the man he is. The divorce papers are also in the envelope. Sign them. I already did with mine."
Sincerely, Courtney.

Kurt sighed. His heart felt sore as his eyes traveled back to the paper. Reading it over and over again as he felt rage.

Dave noticed and tilted his head. "What is–" "she did put the divorce papers in here." He says, cutting off Dave mid sentence.

"What?" Kurt nodded at Dave and wiped his eyes. "Yeah..!"

Dave sighed. Kurt nodded as he placed the letter down. He exhaled and scratched at his head, nodding a bit.

"I knew she was going to something like that."  Kurt says as he takes out the folded divorce papers from the mail. "Let me go get a pen. Then sign the shit. I'm gonna burn her letter."

Dave sighed. He can visually see the pain in Kurt's eyes. The heartbreak. The emptiness that ached inside him. Kurt walked into the kitchen to find a pen. Scrimmaging through the drawers, he eventually found a black ink pen.

Kurt sat down at the kitchen table and started to sign what he had to do. Dave slowly and cautiously entered the room.

He knew Kurt was angry. He knew he was heart broken too. He knew the feeling of jealousy and hatred was within Kurt when he walked in on Courtney cheating.

He just knew.

Entering the kitchen, he pulled up a chair and watched Kurt write. He see the tension in Kurt's hand movements. The black ink occasionally being smudged or something crossed out if misspelled or misinterpreted.

"It'll be alright dude.."
Dave tried to reassure, moving his hand up to place it onto Kurt's back but was shoved off.

"It's not! And it's my fault!" Kurt shouted out. Dave retracted his hand away and placed his hands into his lap. His heart ached. He felt bad for Kurt. And he also realized something. The feeling he gets.

It was only starting to be recent when Courtney and Kurt started to fight. The intense jealousy feeling when he occasionally saw them kiss when they were together.

Dave wished it was him kissing Kurt.

His heart dropped in realization. His brown eyes slightly widening in shock as he slowly lifted his head to look at Kurt.

But the blonde didn't notice. He just kept writing out legal information. Dave mentally smacked himself.

He knew it now.

"Almost done?" Dave asked as he moved his own hair back. Kurt nodded. "Done with life? Sure." He says numbly as he slammed the pen down.

Dave felt his heart ache when he heard that. Kurt hummed as he stood up from the kitchen chair.

"Grab an envelope. Put it there.. I'm gonna go do something.." Kurt muttered as he quickly left the kitchen up to his room.

Dave knew exactly what he was gonna do. Which pained his chest. He grabbed the papers as quick as he could and placed them into an envelope. He wasn't gonna take them out to the box yet. No.

The drummer quickly trotted up the stairs. His hand sliding up the stairway handle as he felt nervous. He knew exactly what Kurt was going to do.

He tried to open Kurt's bedroom door but it was locked. He jinked around with the handle before knocking onto it.

"Kurt! Open the door!" He scolded in worried tone. He felt deeply worried for the musical artist.

"..No." Kurt says, his voice was slurring as a shaky breath left his lips. Dave frowned, hearing the tone of voice. It was obvious he was now high on some sort of substance.

"Kurt! You didn't..right!?" Dave cried out as he knocked worriedly on the door again. But he didn't got a response.

"C'mon Kurt! Open the door. Please, dude! Open the fucking door!" Dave cried out as kept banging on it.

But he never got a response back.

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