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Courtney sighed. "I Agree, Kurt. I'm Working On Quitting The Drugs." She says as she eyed Kurt kissing France's head.

"That's great.. I haven't. So, that's why I wanted you to keep her. So she can be in a safe environment." He says in a mature state of voice as he started gently patting Bean's back.

Dave felt himself frown once he heard Kurt say that. Krist patted Dave's shoulder. "He's being the man, and making the right choice." Krist bitterly said. He didn't want to see it like this, but he knew it was true. Dave sighed as he nodded.

Kurt teared up as he looked down into Bean's eyes. "She can move on with her life, and forget about me." He says as a tear rolled down his face. A shaky breath exhaled out of the father's lips. He didn't want it to be like this, but he knew it was the right choice to do.

He didn't want Frances around the drugs, or him being high in front of her any longer. He wanted her to be safe, and her being with her mommy was the right thing to do.

Kurt hugged his baby girl close to him as quiet sobs left his lips. Dave and Krist got out of their seats and walked over. Kurt sat in the chair that was nearby him as he sniffled.

Frances made grabby hands as she grabbed onto her father's tear stained cheeks. But Courtney didn't say a word. She could only watch. She bit her red lipstick stained lips as she watched - unsure what to do or say.

"Dada.." Frances Bean says and pressed her face to his cheek. Kurt's glossed eyes looked at Frances. His arms holding the baby close to him.

"I'm right here.. daddy's right here.." Kurt mumbled as kissed her forehead. "But daddy has to go.. he's sorry for leaving you." He whispered. Dave and Krist felt themselves start to tear up as they watch the situation unfold in front of them.

Kurt looks up at Courtney. A tear rolls down his face as Frances hid her small blonde head into his chest. Gripping with her tiny hands the flannel that her father wore.

"I can't get clean, Courtney. I can't. It's.. easier said than done. And, I don't want her to be around that." He says as he heard his daughter made small little baby noises.

Courtney nodded. She knew this is how it was going to go, and how it's going to be. "Finally, You Understand-Kurt. I Didn't Want Her To Be Around Your Substance Abuse." She says and leaned back in the booth she was sitting at in the pizza place.

Kurt sighed. He slowly held his baby up and looked into France's eyes. Tears rolling down his face as he smiled weakly.

"Goodbye Bean, Daddy loves you.." He spoke softly as his voice cracked. Frances noticed the upsetting look on her father's face as she started to cry.

Kurt realized as he slowly placed her head onto his chest. He started to rub and pat her back. A sniffle left Dave and Krist's noses as they wiped their own tears.

"C'mon Kurt, Hand Her Over." Courtney spoke as she extended her arms out. Kurt felt Bean grip onto his flannel again as she started to cry more.

Kurt takes a deep breath and kissed her little blonde head before carefully moving her hands away.

"Daddy loves you so much." He says and kissed her little nose before handing Frances Bean to his ex wife.

Courtney takes a hold of Frances and stood up. She comforted her crying daughter and pecked Kurt's cheek. Before setting Frances into her stroller.

Loud crying can be heard from Frances as Kurt knelt down in front of the stroller. He held onto her little hand as he started to sing quietly for her so she can calm down.

She slowly calmed down and looked at her father with watery eyes. Kurt smiled a bit once he ended the little song he sang as he kissed her head.

"You be good for mommy, okay?." He asks his daughter before standing back up.

Kurt looked at Courtney and nodded before walking off with Krist and Dave.

Courtney left a tip on the table for the pizza employees as she pushed the stroller. Leaving with Frances Bean out of the restaurant.

Kurt suddenly broke down into tears. "Fuck..! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He shakily cussed out as Dave placed a hand onto Kurt's shoulder. "Let's go. I already put a tip on our table too." He muttered as Krist went over and grabbed the box of half eaten pizza.

Then, they left the restaurant. The place was too tensed now. Kurt went into the car with the other two.

Sniffles can be heard from Kurt as he scratched at his arm. He digged his nails into his forearm. As the car started up with Krist in the front.

Dave seemed to notice as he gently pulled Kurt close. He wanted to comfort the lead singer as much as possible.

He carefully moved Kurt's hand away as he sighed. "You made the right decision though, Kurt.." he says sadly as he laid Kurt's head onto his chest.

"I know, I know..hurry up and get me home. I need, I need it, I need something to comfort me right now.." he guilty says as he harshly bit on his cracked lips.

Causing them to bleed a little. Dave sighed as he used his finger to wipe the blood off of Kurt's lips. "Drugs aren't going to help you.." Dave muttered as Krist started to drive out of the parking lot. Krist decided to stay quiet for a moment.

"THEN WHAT DOES DAVE!?" Kurt screamed out as he takes a shaky inhale. Dave and Krist felt goosebumps rise up as they both sighed.

"WHAT, CAN, I, DO." Kurt shouts out each word as hot tears rolled down his face. "This feeling– the feeling of– Whatever the fuck, it's haunting ME. W-What can I do!? HUH. HUH!??!" Kurt continued on as his hands trembled.

Dave sighed as he guided Kurt's head down and lays it back onto his chest. Krist sighs as he starts to drive down the familiar neighborhood close to Kurt's home.

"First, take some deep breaths." Dave says as he moved his hand up and wiped Kurt's face.

"And then, we can talk about it. Okay?.."

Kurt sniffled as he kept his head laying on Dave's chest.

"Okay..okay." He shakily muttered out.

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