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It has gotten pretty late. They didn't mean to turn the forty minute drive into a two hour one, but it ended up happening after countless stops of getting gas, cigarette and weed breaks.

Currently however, Kurt was stoned. They recently got back into the vehicle after a marijuana session. They found it in the trunk of Krist's car and decided to smoke it back in the woods that they came across too.

Krist and Dave were a little stoned, but not as heavy as Kurt was. Especially Krist, he didn't smoke much because he was the driver of the car.

Kurt slowly laid his head down onto Dave's chest as the car started up again. "Damn, it's already 8:00pm! Want me to drive to a pizza place? So we can eat some dinner?"

Krist asks and Kurt nodded. "Yeaaah." Dave couldn't help but laugh a little. He sighed softly and laid his head on top of Kurt's.

Both of them made eye contact. It was full of love, passion, and care for each other. But none of them spoke the truth. None of them can bring themselves to. It was the fear. The fear of what the other will say. How the other will react.

So they just stared,
Their heads close to each other. They can feel there breath hitting each other's lips. It smelt like of marijuana and cigarettes. But they refused to move any closer.

Krist checked up on them with the top view mirror and smiled. He knew, he just knew that Kurt felt the same towards Dave.

"About to kiss back there?"Krist asks and smirked. Kurt quickly jerked his head back, accidentally hitting the back of his head on the glass of the car window.

Thankfully not cracking it. "Ow! Fuck!" Kurt cursed out as he held the back of his head. Dave sat up and used his arms and hugged Kurt close to his chest.

"You okay buddy!?" Dave asks as he started to laugh. Krist started to burst out laughing at the front of the car. Pressing the brake as they reached at a stoplight, back into town.

"Ouh, fuck..ow." Kurt spat out in pain as Dave moved his hand up and started to rub the spot where Kurt hit his head on.

"You okay?" Dave asks and as the car started to drive again to the pizza place. "Yeah, but ow." Kurt replied and flipped off Krist.

Which resulted in Krist laughing again.

They slowly stopped the vehicle at the pizza place and parked it.
They all got out of the car.

Kurt rubbing his head for a moment as Krist opened the entrance for the other two.

Kurt and Dave walked in first as Krist followed in. The door closing by itself behind them.

They walked up to the counter. Kurt putting up his hood as he hid behind Dave.

They ordered a medium sized pepperoni pizza and some vodka. then they got seated at a table by a waitress.

Kurt kept his hood on though as he takes a seat next to Dave. It was a booth seating. So Krist sat in front of the two by himself.
Krist seemed to notice as he tilted his head to the side.

"Hiding yourself?" Krist asks and chuckled as three glasses of vodka was place in front of them by the waitress. She poured some vodka into them.

Kurt takes his hood down, mentally saying fuck it. Which resulted in the waitress gasping. She nearly spilled the large pitcher of vodka that was in her hands.

Her grip tightened onto it as she poured the alcoholic drink into Kurt's glass and the stepped back. Looking at the three with shocked eyes.

"And this is why." Kurt says as a chuckle left his lips. He then picked up the glass and nodded at the waitress before taking a sip.

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