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Dave carried Kurt up the stairs. Krist was passed out on the couch as soon as the other two left.

Kurt slightly lifted his head as he was placed onto his bed by Dave. The drummer brought up the blanket and covered up the other male.

Dave went to the bedroom door and closed it softly as he walked over to Kurt's bed. "Guess we have to share the bed again, you okay with that?" He asked.

Kurt grunted as his hand traveled down to his stomach and held onto it for a moment before rolling over and facing Dave. "Nah.. I don't mind." He hissed out in a sudden pain.

"Your stomach aches again..?" Dave asks worriedly as he laid next to Kurt. He slightly was sitting up as he placed his hand onto Kurt's stomach.

He added a bit of pressure as Kurt tried to control his breathing. "Fuck, I have no idea what this is man.." "We will plan you an appointment soon.." Dave states as he started to rub Kurt's stomach in small circle motions.

Kurt closed his eyes as his body started to relax. Dave's other hand went up and started to play with Kurt's freshly new hair.

Dave laid back a bit as he felt Kurt scoot closer. Both of them were practically cuddling now.

"Damn, your hair looks so good.. I did such a great job, didn't I?" Dave asks, trying to distract Kurt from the pain. The other male nodded. "Mhm.." Kurt hummed back and shut his eyes.

Gentle scratches Kurt felt on his head as Dave slowly stopped rubbing the others stomach. Dave reflected the gaze of love in his brown eyes as he eyed down at the male that laid beside him.

He wasn't sure when he was going to confess to Kurt, but he wanted too. So badly. By the looks of it, Kurt has moved on from Courtney. But– he wasn't sure if Kurt was still dreading about the missing presence of Frances Bean.

He moved his finger tips slowly around Kurt's fresh 'dyed' hair. Twirling it as he noticed it looked a bit greasy but not as bad as it has been.

A low hum left Kurt's lips as his eyes partly opened for a moment and then closed soon again.

"You can sleep, you know." Dave muttered as he continued to play with Kurt's hair. Liking the feeling fidgeting with it. Kurt must've heard Dave because he opened his eyes yet again.

"Yeah..but, there's like this– heavy feeling I have right now." Kurt says in reply as his blue gaze went up and looked into Dave's brown eyes.

"What do you mean?.." Dave asks as he continued to play with Kurt's locks. His other hand moving to the other males hand and tangles his fingers in with the lead singers hand.

Kurt felt his cheeks warm up slightly. He wasn't sure why. He was confused. He never felt this way before, especially to a man. He furrowed his eyebrows as his heart beat increased itself.

He knew liking men wasn't a bad thing, but he was confused. Why would the love in his chest be aching for someone new?

Kurt seemed to have been quiet which resulted in Dave removing his hand and letting go of Kurt's hand as he asked. "You tired?"

A grunt in approval left Kurt's throat as his head went back down. He laid it onto Dave's chest. He knew exactly what this feeling was.

It was the same feeling he had for Courtney when they first started dating– before everything went down hill. But now, it wasn't for Courtney.

It was for the one and only, Dave Grohl.

"Yeah, tired." Kurt says in a soft rasp as he closed his eyes. Dave chuckled as he ran his fingers through Kurt's hair.

"Let's get to sleep then, we have that interview tomorrow."

Kurt nodded as he grabbed more of the blanket and snuggled his face into it. It slightly smelt like cigarettes but they both didn't care.

Dave sighed in relaxation as he wrapped his arms around Kurt. "Did the stomach pain, ease up?" He asks but only got a small nod back in response.

"Night, Kurt." Dave whispers as he leaned his head down and hesitated. Deciding to be brave, he placed a kiss on top of Kurt's head.

Then laid his head back on the pillow. He had no idea how Kurt was gonna react.

Kurt's cheeks warmed up but he kept his eyes closed. A small smile curled up on his lips as his right hand slowly placed itself on Dave's chest as well.

Dave seemed to notice and quickly darted his eyes down. He couldn't help but smile at that.

Eventually, the drummer shut his eyes so he can get some sleep for the night.

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