pt:4 towel pics

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if you have any recommendations lmk :)
You wake up in your bed. The sun was shining very bright through your window. You heard flipping of pages. Scared, you look to the other side of the room. Eddie was sitting on the floor reading a magazine.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he says without looking up. You blush unknowingly. The bags from last night were piled into the corner of room. "Huh?" you say blocking your eyes from the sun. "How did I get here?" "I carried you back to your room last night, through the window." "Then why are you here now?"

Eddie sets the magazine down and stands up pushing himself up by putting his hands on his knees. "Someone's gotta help you with your stuff." He leans on the wall and stares at you, you're still trying to wake up. "Well, I have to take a shower." He gestures to the bathroom door. You grab your shower supplies out of the bags and hop in the shower. You hear Eddie moving around, probably picking things up as he walks around. He starts humming a song, and you giggle to yourself.

"Shit!" you shout. "What's the matter?" Eddie asks leaning on the door. You open the door a couple inches, causing him to lose his balance. "Could you please hand me my clothes?" you plead. "Uhh," he responds, his face turning white, "which ones?" "Never mind," you say almost annoyed. You come out, and Eddie covers his eyes. "I have a towel," you laugh. Eddie opens his fingers, "peeking" just in case. You grab your clothes and hear a click and a flash of light. You turn around to see Eddie with your Polaroid camera. He faces it towards you and you laugh. "Eddie-" "Sorry." You get changed into some baggy ripped jeans and a crop top. Eddie is watching the pictures develop. He grabs the one of you in a towel and says, "I'm taking it, it's hilarious." "No!" you laugh. You wrestle him to the ground. "Give me it!" He grabs your waist and starts tickling you. "Eddie M-Munson, give me that p-picture now! And stop t-tickling me."

Max rushed in. "What the fuck is going on in here?" You are laying on top of Eddie, one of his arms are wrapped around you the other in the air holding the picture. You quickly get up. Max has her arms crossed. "I was just taking this." Eddie stood up. "No," you shouted while laughing, "that's mine." You jump up and Max grins. "Why do you want it?" Max asks. "It's a picture of me in a towel." You jump up and down in the air as Eddie holds his hand up. Max starts laughing and tries to help you. As you are jumping you trip over a shoe, and your head hits the window. All the weight in your body, is pushed out the window. You land with your back in the soil. "Ellie!" Eddie screams with his head out the window, "are you ok?" You grab your head, holding back tears. "Ow," you groan. Eddie jumps out the window to investigate. He held your head. "I'm fine," you sit up a little, "just took me by surprise." "I'm getting breakfast," Max yells, "you want some?" "Sure," you stand up. "Eddie?" "Naw, i'm good." You crawl back through the window with Eddie trailing behind you. "Lay down, Ellie," Eddie says worried. "I'm fine," you sit down. He pushes you down, you got instant butterflies. "Stop it Ellie!" you thought to yourself. Eddie starts opening the bags and slowly takes the items and sorts them around the room.

Max walks in with a bowl of cereal. "Here," you begin eating. "Nice," you hear a whisper. You and Max look at Eddie, who is holding up your bra that he took out of your suitcase. "Eddie-" you groan. "Eddie, really," Max takes it from him. "I was just unpacking!" "But you make everything weird!" Max laughs. They continue fighting and you stand up to help them.

"Max, Ellie!" you faintly hear a voice shout. "Shit!" Max whispers, "we gotta go enroll you for school. I forgot to tell you." She pulls you out of the room. You pull up your hair into a ponytail and hop in the car. Max stared at you on the way there. "What?" you groan. "You and Eddie Munson?" you roll your eyes, "you two were flirting." "We were not!" you shout. "You totally were." she giggles. "And now he has a picture of you in a towel!" You blush and look out the window to hide it. You walk inside and Max's mom gets you all registered, and you talk to the counselor, Ms. Kelley. "So I will get a student to show you to your classes-" she began speaking. "I already know who can take me, Eddie Munson." "Eddie?" you nod. She shrugged and said, "I'll write you both passes."

When you and Max got home, you sat down to watch a movie. You made popcorn and poured M&M's and marshmallows inside. Max looked down and started grabbing all the M&M's. You laughed at her. You thought about your first day of school. You thought about how you're starting in the middle of the year. "So how come you left with Eddie Munson at 10 at night? I didn't hear his van come back until 11, with him carrying you to the house." Max raised her eyebrows as she tried to hide her grin. "He was just taking me to the store!" you rolled you eyes. "You sure that's all?" she didn't even try to hide her grin anymore. "Positive."

You eventually split to your rooms. All the bags were put away. Everything sorted into drawers and hung in the closet. You had completely forgot you left Eddie standing in your room. You slid on a long t-shirt and a pair of shorts. As you were trying to fall asleep, you just couldn't do it because of the light across the street. You stood up and looked out the window. Eddie stood there, he must've taken off his shirt and when the moon hit his skin he looked really hot. "Fuck! No stop. You can't catch feelings, you've known this guy for two days." You were staring, long enough to catch Eddie's attention. He started jogging over to your window, which snapped you out of your daze. "Hey," he grinned. He leaned down to meet your face. "Hey." "You looked like you had something to say." he smiled, showing his dimples. "Actually, I do." you smile. He leans into the window for a moment and then leans back out, swaying. "I wanted to say thanks for finishing my room." He smiled, "it was nothing really." He scratches his neck. You pushed him back playfully. "Oh, now would be a good time to tell you that I voluntold you to take me to my classes. You grab your schedule off your dresser. "Seems like we have mostly the same classes." He scoots back, "well, don't forget to brush your teeth." He shoots you a wink, which catches you off guard. That's random of him to say. You took his advice and headed to your bathroom thats connected to your room. You go to pick up your toothbrush but there's a bracelet sitting on the counter, with your toothbrush in the middle. You pick it up and it reads "Munson". You remember seeing it in his wrist earlier. You look into the mirror and see the picture of him taped on the mirror. You smile and head to bed. The light is turned out. Eddie is outside smoking a cigarette. Sleep came very easily.

Im trying not to move too fast with them, but it seems that Eddie is ready... idk lol

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