pt:31 Like A Drug

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this is my apology chapter for taking 10 days to write the last one. this one is shorter.

Your eyes slowly opened. You were hot under the covers. You tried to get up, but Eddie blocked you, with his arms wrapped around your waist. "Mmm," he groaned. You pulled his arms apart and snuck into the bathroom. Once you were done, you stepped onto the small balcony, grabbing a cigarette and lighter on your way out. You always smoked in the mornings when Eddie wasn't connected to you. Your thumb flicks the switch of the lighter. "Fuck," you flick it again and again and again. Fire. You light the end before taking a drag. The air is crisp, and not quite warm yet because the sun hasn't come up yet. Your elbows rest on the edge of the ledge. Your lungs inhale the thick smoke, as you breath out slowly afterwards.

Thoughts run in and out of your head in no particular pattern. Some good, some intrusive, some just genuinely evil. You have no control over what you think of anymore. Almost as if you hit the lever too hard and it's now on override. Now, you've gotten used to it, and found methods to ignore it. It's hard to run away from something that lives inside you.

A strong pair of arms slither around your waist. A face nuzzling into your neck. "Why'd you leave me?" Eddie asks in a deep sleepy voice. He's leaning on you because he hardly has any balance. "I needed a breather," you rub his arms gently. You brought the cigarette to his lips. He inhales. "What did I tell you about smoking?" he whines, "it's too early for this." You inhale it again, and Eddie pulls it away. "Ellie," Eddie hums, kissing your neck softly. He's such a good habit breaker. "Ugh," you whine, giving in, "fine. I'll go back to bed." You trudge into the main room. You lay on the bed, and Eddie crawls on top of you, laying his head on your stomach. You run your hand through his hair. "Are we going to stay here all day?" you ask, antsy to do something. "Mmm," he groans, "I don't want to go anywhere." You try to sit up a bit, but Eddie held you down. "So we came all the way out to California just to sleep?" Eddie already fell asleep.

When you woke up Eddie was gently kissing your neck. Your eyes slowly opened, and you tapped on his bare back. "Good morning, darling," his words, each letter a butterfly, all 17 of them, fluttering with no guilt. You know it's bad when his voice turns you on. Your fingers rub on his ridiculously smooth back. Your head relaxes, rests on the pillow. "I'm hungry," you look down at him, his face, buried in your chest, "hungry for you." Eddie was super honest, and for the dumbest reasons too. He lifts his head to make eye contact with you. His waist is between your legs. You wanted to stay like this forever. Eddie kissed your collarbone. "I want to get a tattoo," you say drowsily. "Yeah?" he lifts his head up completely, "of what?" "Hmm," you think for a minute, "something small." "I guess we'll figure that out," Eddie says sitting up, the sheets fully falling off of him, revealing him in only his boxers. Holy shit. Eddie watched your pleasant reaction. His hands grazed your thighs, which alarmed you to look at him. A wide smirk was stretched across his face. Eddie leans down to kiss you. It was a deep kiss. Time seemed as though it had stopped, which wasn't a surprise for you. You could only pull him closer. Your hands wrapped around his lower back, an inch above his boxers. Eddie was your only need. Ever.

Eddie pulled away, "you are completely irresistible when you're wearing my clothes." You didn't know what you were wearing. Eddie sat up, "I have plans today." You sat up, your back against the headboard. "What are they?" "Well," he says crossing his legs, sitting directly in front of you, "if we are going to come all the way out to Los Angeles, we have to go to the beach!" It has been years since you've visited the beach. Your face lit up instantly. "Really?!" your joy made Eddie smile. "I was thinking we could stop at Santa Monica Pier and ride some rides." "Yes that would be so fun!" you say excitedly. "Then get up," he concludes, scooting off the bed. You drop down dramatically, "I can't." Eddie rolls his eyes. He disappears into the bathroom. You close your eyes, pretending to be asleep, but you might actually do it. You feel a strong pair of arms scoop you up. Your eyes shoot open, and suddenly you are draped over Eddie's shoulder. You hit his back. "Noooo!" you shout. He grabs your clothes as you desperately grab onto the shirt he just put on. "I could just leave you here," Eddie joked, sitting you on the bathroom counter. You grab his shoulders as he takes your shorts off. "No," you kiss his forehead, "stay with me." "Well I'm taking your advice," he slides some shorts on you. "Lift your arms up," Eddie says before taking off your shirt. "Well, take my advice now," you kiss his neck, wrapping your arms around him, "stay." Eddie pushes you back and lifts your head so he could kiss you. He pushed you against the mirror. "Don't do this," he whispers close to your face. It sounded more pleading than it did a demand. You tighten your grip around his neck, pulling him closer. Eddie gives in. You tightly wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him as close as humanely possible. It was a heated kiss. His large hands wrapped around your back, playing with the straps of your bra. You can tell he's fighting the urge to pull away. He leans in, and then back repetitively, until he finally makes up his mind.

"God," Eddie pants, "you're like a drug." His hands were still clinging to your sides. You didn't let go yet. His forehead rests on yours. Eddie's eyes finally meet yours. You melt. Both physically and mentally. Eddie's hands let go after a minute and rests on the edge of the counter. Your arms released. Eddie grabbed your shirt before stepping back. "Let's go," he throws it at you before leaving the room. "Really," you hop off the counter. You slide on your shirt as you walk out of the bathroom. "Eddie," you whine. "Yes, sweetheart?" he acted so innocent. It's not fair. You crossed your arms. You grabbed your shoes and slipped them on. Eddie kissed your forehead and fixed your hair. "Well fuck me if I'm wrong-" you shout after he opened the door. "You're wrong," Eddie interrupted. You fell right into that one. "I didn't even finish," you gasp. "I know," he smiled. "Okay," you sit back onto the bed, "bet." "Nice try," he laughs, walking out, whether or not you were coming, which you obviously were.

You had a random idea, and you looked at Eddie, who was walking beside you. You stopped for a second, and Eddie looked at you funny. Then you began a dead sprint. Eddie didn't have time to process what happened. He began chasing after you. You made it to the elevator before him, frantically pressing the close button. The door closed right as Eddie got there, and you got so excited that you won! The elevator slowly descended to the main floor. The door opened, and you were instantly snatched. You shouted. "How did you get here so fast?!" Eddie laughs, letting you go, "that's a secret."

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