pt:15 March 21, 1986

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TW! traumatic deaths; mention of murder
You wake up really late in the night. Eddie didn't have his arms wrapped around you. In fact, he was facing the whole opposite direction, facing the wall. You can hear his soft sobs. He always is touching you when you sleep, so you knew something was up. You get tired but woke up when you felt a shift in the bed. You look over and see Eddie sitting up at the edge of the bed. "Eddie," you say drowsy, "what's going on my love?" "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up. Go back to sleep sweetheart." You can hear the shakiness in his voice that he's trying to hide. You know he won't talk about it, so you just sit behind him and rub his back. He immediately breaks down. "I know Eds. I'm here." You both sit there for a moment in silence, just letting him be vulnerable because he doesn't show it often. "Thank you sweetheart, you can go back to sleep now." You move his hair out of his face, "not with you like this. Come lay down." Eddie lays down next to you as he holds in his cries. You pull him on top of you and start playing with his hair the way you know he likes. "It's all okay my love." He rests his head on your chest, and you keep playing with his hair to soothe him. He eventually calms down and you kiss him the top of his head. "Thank you, my love. I love you.  I'm sorry you had to see that..." he sniffles. "You don't have to apologize, Eds. I love you. You can always talk to me." You smile. You keep comforting him and he eventually falls asleep in your arms. You drift off to sleep soon after him.

You wake up the next day, Eddie is still sleeping in your arms. You know he doesn't let that happen often as he always wants to be the one to protect you, so you let him sleep longer. Running your fingers through his hair and rubbing his back with your
free hand. Placing a kiss on his head. Eventually, he starts to wake up, eyes looking puffy from last night. "Good morning, my love." You says softly. "Good morning, sweetheart." he says, dreading waking up, "I'm sorry about
last night..." "Eds, you don't have to
apologize again, it's okay." "I know but I still feel bad." You turn his face towards yours and can see the guilt
written all over his face. You know it'll be hard to get through to him, so you just hug him tightly and feel him relax.

His breathing slows and he looks like he wants to say something. "Ellie?" he says, not looking at you. "Yes, my love?" you massage his head. "I need to tell you something." he's fighting back tears. "Okay," you shift to look at him. "The girl in the photo," he says, "her name is Chrissy." You remembered when Robin mentioned her on one of your first days. "She was the queen of Hawkins High. She was probably the most innocent girl alive. She was dating fucking Jason. On March 21, 1986, Chrissy asked me to get her drugs. I almost had a heart attack. Chrissy Cunningham, wanted drugs from Eddie the freak Munson. So, I met her at the picnic table, and we had a great time. I think at one point, I started catching feelings for her. She asked me for something stronger, so I picked her up and drove to my trailer. I went to get it and when I came back, she was in some sort of trance. I started screaming for her to wake up. Then, she started floating. Her bones, they snapped and her jaw dislocated. Then, her eyes were sucked from the inside. Her body dropped to the floor. I ran away." he started crying. You hug him tightly. "Oh my god," you whisper. "Chrissy Cunningham was pronounced dead on March 21, 1986. And, for a while, I was blamed for her death. I was on the run for a week at least. The gang figured out this guy escaped from the same place as Eleven. I called him Vecna. We went into the upside down a few days later, and I went to distract these fucking 'demobats'. But it wasn't enough. They didn't have enough time. I decided to sacrifice myself. I ran out to the demobats and jumped on a bike. They began biting me. I was shoved to the ground. I was bleeding super bad. Ellie, I was supposed to die that day. Dustin was sobbing, begging me to get up and walk back. I couldn't do it. heart stopped that day." You looked to him in horror. You hugged him tight. "Dustin restarted my heart. I owe my whole life to that kid. He stopped my bleeding and carried me to a hospital. Dustin Henderson, that poor kid, cleared my name and brought me home." Eddie was holding back tears. "Oh, Eddie, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember all of that. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." "It's not your fault, Ellie. I should have at least told you." He kissed you on the forehead. "I guess I need to tell you about my dad," you say, tears forming in your eyes. "You don't have to, my love." he strokes you hair. "No," you sit up, "I do." He sits up to listen to you. "My dad was the best thing that has ever happened to me. He was the only person to stand up for me. He would never lay his hands on a woman, but I wish he would." "Why?" Eddie asked shocked. "My mother, the living devil, would constantly abuse me. Bruises and cuts and everything your mind could imagine. My dad would never hurt me, but was too scared to stand up to my mom. They constantly argued.  One day, I walked downstairs, and my dad was sitting at the table. I started talking to him and my mother burst into the room. She was screaming at him. I stood up for him and she shoved me into the wall. My dad finally stood up for me and hit her back. My mom...s-she," You started crying, and Eddie rubbed your back. "It's okay," he softly said, "you got this." "She grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed him to death." Eddie sat straight up, shocked. "Oh my god, Ellie, thats awful." "I watched the whole thing. I screamed in the corner. My mom dug a hole for my dad, and made me clean the blood, then, made me bury my father. She said he went missing. She said, if I ever told anyone, she would do the same to me." Eddie hugged you tight and you cried into his shoulder. "Eddie, she's going to kill me! Eddie, please don't let her kill me." "You're safe with me, Ellie. I'm going to protect you." "How?" you shout angrily. "We're gonna put your mom in jail!" he cups his hands on your face. You were shocked. Your mom in jail? She would kill you if she had the chance! You continued to cry into his arms. "Do you want to go to the police station?" he asks. "Not yet," you say, getting snot all over his shirt, "can we do it tomorrow?" "Okay," he continues rubbing your back. Max stood in your room. "Jeez," Eddie jumped, "when did you get there?" "Oh only a few seconds ago," she said. "I told him," you cry, "I did it Max, like you said." Max goes to hug you. "What day did he die?" Eddie asks you. "March 21, 1986." you reply. He mumbles something inaudible under his breath. "Did you tell her?" Max asks Eddie. "Yeah, I did." he looks down. Max begins to leave the room. "I love you, Max." you shout to her. She smiles and says it back. You lay back down and Eddie holds you. You wrap your legs around his waist as he wraps his arms around your back. You rest your head next to Eddie's. He kisses you and you kiss back. When he pulls away, he says, "I love you, Ellie." "I love you more, dungeon master." You smile. He laughs and kisses you.
We are getting betterrrrr and TRUST ME! there's so much more planned. i actually didn't know how i was gonna describe her father's death, but i did know how he died lmao

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