pt:27 Jason Carver

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holy fuck-  ... debating whether or not this was a good idea
It is currently four in the morning. You haven't slept at all. 1) you weren't tired whatsoever. 2) you couldn't help but think about what Eddie had said. It brought you this overwhelming feeling of guilt.

You were in sweatpants and a bra. You grabbed a flashlight and walkie talkie just in case. You put them both in a bag along with your diary. You slipped on a black zip-up jacket, and hopped out the window. You checked to make sure that Max was asleep. She was passed out. You grab her bike and go on a long trail. You took the route Max told you. You found yourself back on the massive cliff. You dangle your legs over the edge. You sigh. There was no sun in the sky yet. It was dark on one side, and light on the other, but no pretty sunrises yet. You were about to put your hand behind you, but hit a rock. You were about to throw it, but realized there was a piece of paper there. You opened it up and it read.

"If you are reading this, I am dead. I just wanted someone to know what happened. I was raped by (name you can't read). I couldn't take it anymore. Give this to my family. -Tiana"

How sad. You wish you could make out the name. It had five letters, that you could tell. You smile and shove the paper into your jacket pocket. You will give the paper to the cops later in the afternoon. Color started to flood into the sky, motioning you to leave. You hopped on your bike and left for your house. You see a red car, slowly driving behind you. You bike a bit faster. You look to see whose in the drivers seat. You see a guy with blonde hair and a black eye. Fuck. Jason. He pulls up next to you. "What are you doing up this early?" he asks, driving the same speed as you bike. You stop. He reeked of alcohol. "None of your business." you spit at him. He jumps out of his car, and you begin to bike as fast as you can. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He tackles you to the ground. "Let me go!" you shout. He punches you as you squirm on the ground. He has got you in a position that you can't move. "Jason!" you screamed, "stop!" He wouldn't, he just kept going. You were aching in pain. You pulled his leg, making him unbalanced, and kicked him where it hurt. He winced on the ground for a moment as you run to your bike. You started to bike away as Jason got in his car. He stepped on the gas, straight towards you. No one was around. He hit the back wheel of your bike, causing you to crash and roll on the floor. "Ouch!" you scream. Jason jumped out of his car. He grabbed your wrists. "Let go of me!" you shout. He had a look in his eyes that just seemed like pure evil. He tossed you in the back of his car, shutting the door behind him. "What are you doing?!" you shout. You tried to open the door behind you, but it was locked. You bang on the windows. He began taking off your clothes. "No!" you shout, "Jason, stop!" You kicked and shouted, but he was strong. He slapped you across the face. You held your face. Jason grabbed whatever cloth he had near him and tied up your hands. "Jason, please." you begged. You were half naked now and crying. He wrapped his hand around your neck before you could say anything else, "you're such a slut." By this time, you've accepted your fate. You scream when you feel him inside you. You finally realized what the paper said. Who raped Tiana. It was Jason Carver. You try to push him off, kick him. Anything. He hurts you. Your legs were shaking violently. Your nails, scratching up and down his back with the pain of him stretching you out. You whimpered, waiting for him to finish. His hand tightened around your neck, not letting you breathe. "J-Jason," you cry. He doesn't notice that he's literally choking you. That was until you blacked out.

     .        .         .          .         .         .       .

You woke up on the ground. On the dirt road to be specific. You were clothed, covered in your blood, and crying. You look at Max's bike, which was not in good shape. Your jacket was unzipped, revealing your bra and a million bruises. You can still feel his hands on you. You stood up, wincing. You flip off the sky. "You're supposed to fucking protect me!" you screamed at your dad, "you fucking coward!" You were feeling every emotion except joy all at once. Anger. Deep anger. Sadness. Guilt. Everything. You just wanted to give up. Take the easy route, like Tiana. You zip up your jacket and pull up the hoodie so no one could see. You walk your bike all the way back to your house. By this time, the sun was risen. Eddie walked out as you put up Max's bike.

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