pt:16 It's So Hard

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TW! sh
You and Eddie nearly slept the whole day. "Ellie," Eddie says rubbing your back, "I got to get up." He starts getting up and you stretch in your bed. "I'm going to change-" Eddie starts saying. "I have some of your shirts," you throw him one, not wanting him to leave. "Okay okay fine," he says, "I'll stay." He takes off his shirt and changes into his new one. You were about to do the same, but remembered that your both of your arms were filled with scars. You grab your clothes and head to the bathroom. "You know, Ellie," Eddie says, "I think you're insecure." "That's cause I am." you shout back. "But why?" he leans in the door. You don't answer him. You open the door and Eddie falls back. You walk into Max's room and Eddie follows you. Max was sitting on her bed talking into her walkie talkie. "Is your mom home?" you ask. "No, and I'm about to leave. I'm going to hang out with Lucas." She says packing a bag. She gets up and heads for the door. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She winks to Eddie. "Same to you." you say back. "As if," she laughs. "I don't know man, you're getting big." Max leaves you and Eddie standing in front of the door.

"Want to make some cookies? Chocolate chip cookies. Your favoriteeeeee." Eddie wraps his arms around you. "Uhh, duh." you reply, walking to the kitchen. You grab the cookie sheet snd spray it with non-stick spray. "Now would be a good time to tell you, I burn everything I touch." Eddie smiles nervously. "Well, I am here to teach you." you kiss him. You tell him everything you need. He drops an egg on the floor. "Ugh, go lick it up Ellie," he jokes. You both laugh and he cleans it up. "Why don't we put on some music?" you ask, and he nods. Suddenly, you hear Black Sabbath begin playing and he looks at you with sparkles in his eyes. "Yeah, you're definitely the best girlfriend I would ask for." he says while pressing a soft kiss into your lips. He puts on a pink apron. "You're so weird." you laugh. He acts dramatic and clenches his chest. You both play around some more, having the best time you've had in a while.

"Alright Ellie, ready to roll the dough into some little balls?" he asks. "Hah, little balls." he chuckles. "You're so
immature Eddie." you laugh, "but yes, yes I am." You roll your sleeves up, forgetting about the scars that were on your arms. Still laughing at the joke he had made, he suddenly looks at your arms. "Hey Ellie? What are these..?" He points out. Your smile suddenly drops, and you look at him like you just saw a ghost. Tears suddenly form in your eyes. "Hey, hey. It's- it's okay. Come here." he holds his arms out and you walk towards him for a hug. "I'm so proud of you. I know it's so hard, but you have to keep trying.." You sniffle into his shoulder and he hugs you tighter, as you play with his hair to calm you. "You are doing so good, do you understand me?" He puts his hands on your shoulders breaking the hug. You nod, "Please don't be mad, I tried. Eddie, I was so mad at myself when we fought. It was all my fault." "Ellie, I could never be mad. I don't want you to think that you can't talk to me for that reason. I care about you, so much. And you have so much to live for. I know you might not think you do, but I promise I'm not saying what I'm saying for no reason." he says pressing a kiss on your forehead. "How about this, we'll finish making these cookies, make some popcorn, and we can go to my house and watch some scary movies?" he says. "That sounds nice.." you smile, wiping your tears. "Good, you didn't have a choice." you both laugh. He kisses your hand and you continue to mix the dough.

When you were done with the cookies, you made some popcorn and headed over to Eddie's house. He was sitting in his room, deciding which one to watch. He puts in the movie and you cuddle up next to him. You look at Eddie, and he was already looking at you. "I love you so fucking much," he says as you rest your head on his chest. He pulls down your sleeves, and rubs his fingers on your scars. They were still pretty fresh, so they were sensitive. "Oh Ellie," he began kissing each one. "I'm sorry," you say, trying to cover them. "Please, don't do it again," he says, and when you look at him, there were tears in his eyes. "Oh Eddie," you say cupping his face, "please don't cry. I hate making you cry." "Promise me," he begs. "I promise." you grab his hand, tears in your eyes. He wipes them from your eyes. "At least tell me if you're going to." You nod and fall asleep on his chest.
Sorry, i'm on a 5 hour car ride and feel car sick lol. if you have suggestions let me know

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