pt:43 Skin

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I forgot what day it is. I think it's been four days, I could be wrong. Something like that. Every day is almost the same. Jason leaves for 3 hours in the morning then comes back. The windows are sealed shut, and the door is locked from the outside. He's been 'trusting' me more lately. Letting me have more freedoms. But I have no free will, no right to refuse to have sex with him. He gets what he wants when he wants it. I am determined to do something. To escape.

I bite the inside of my lip. Jason has been gone for two hours, so he should be back soon. I make sure the house is nice and clean. I inspect every window. I check to see if the door is intact locked. Nothing. I slam my fist on the wall. I could break through the wall. It would take too long though. I hear cop cars and my heart beats a little faster. I scream, bang on the window. But it's useless. The siren fades away. I collapse in denial all over again. Every day is the same.

I hear keys jangle and a shuffle at the door. I am already on the floor on my knees. Jason walks in with a bag. He doesn't even look at me when he says, "take off your clothes." I frown, but do as he says. "I bought something," he snickers and I almost wince. I pull my shirt off as slow as I can while Jason takes a few things out of his bag. He puts some snacks in the cabinet. I lay on the bed, already conditioned to the experience. I close my eyes and pray. To God. To anything. To fucking rocks. Get me the hell out of here.

I open my eyes and he's literally holding a whip. I've been cursed or something. Jason ties my hands up where I'm on my stomach. He then puts a ball in my mouth and ties it around my head. "It's a gag ball." Captain fucking obvious.

Jason flips me sideways and inserts himself I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. I moan out loudly. It hurts. It hurts so much worse than I remember any other time. I try to tell him to stop, to slow down, anything. This stupid gag ball makes all of that near impossible. "Oh, yeah." Jason speeds up. "I love it when you're quiet." It's so much. Too much. Tears flow down my cheeks. Jason pulls at my hair. I jerk my head back. The sound of my hair ripping out of my head only make me cry harder. Jason grabs something.

The feeling of a tree branch slapping me in my lower back over and over again. I think it's ripping my skin apart. I'm screaming. Screaming. It stings like a bitch and the feeling doesn't go away. The snot in my nose from crying (in which I'm still crying) is making it hard for me to breathe. I am suffocating. He won't stop as if he is overcome with some awful spirit. "Jason," I shout with the best of my ability. Jason stops. However continues to slam himself into me. I curl my body together. He slaps his hand on my back. I scream so loud and for so long. I think I may have broke my vocal cords.

I waited him out. I had no say in this. I just waited till he was satisfied. He eventually left and locked the door. I cried for the rest of the night, not daring to lay on my back. I didn't want to see it. I didn't wanna touch it. I want to rip it off of me. That would be less painful than this.
~ ~
Jason didn't return to the house until 3 days later. I think. I would have tried to leave, but I was in too much pain. I think I need medical attention. I asked Jason to look at it for me. He refused. I told him that I will die and if I don't I'll kill myself. He ignored me. I planned my escape plan.
I know this chapters kind of short. It's like a turning point in her kidnapping. love y'all tho <3

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