pt:40 Starting Over

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The house smells awful. I'm sure we will have cops called for the horrific smell. One of Robin arms are lying on top of me and one of Max's legs. Max is at least three feet away so I don't know how she managed. Out of boredom, I decided I want to go on a run. I squirm out from underneath them and slide on some shoes. I'm wearing sweats and a t-shirt so I should be fine. As I step outside of the door, I see Eddie sitting on the porch steps. He looks up at me and stands up. "Hey," he says so calmly and it instantly soothes me, "where you headed?" "I was going to go on a run." I state bluntly. I do not want him to stop me. I don't need to be sheltered. "Do you mind if I go with you?" I fiddle with my fingers, "okay."

"Where do you usually go?" He ask me. I debated on telling him about the cliff side, but going there would really trigger me. "Wherever I feel like exploring. Last time, I went down to Will's old house." Eddie looks down. He seems very off, and I can't figure out why. "So, uhm, what did you girls talk about last night?" I blushed, "that's our secret." "Come on, pleaseeeee." He gives me puppy dog eyes. "Oh, fine!" I look away, "you." "Me?" "And me." "I don't understand." "Together." "Still not getting-" "In a hotel bed." "Ohhhh," he grinned as he kicked a rock with his feet. "Well I talked about us, too." "To who?" "Just Dustin and Steve. Steve was a little salty. He totally had or has a crush on you." I shove his shoulder. "Ellie," He said softly. "Hm?" "Ellie, I love you." "I know, I love you too." I don't look at him. "No, Ellie, I love you." I don't understand. "I said I know. I love you too, Eddie." "No, Ellie," Eddie grabs my shoulders so I am forced to face him, "I love you." I don't know if I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms or it's him repeating my name, but I just had a shift in my point of view. Suddenly, I actually feel it, I feel his love. Like a warm blanket and him touching me could start fires. It sounds corny, but I swear it's rushing through my body. I pull him closer and hug him. My arms wrapped around his neck with his arms around my waist. Eddie lowered his head on my shoulder. His breathing stifled and something felt was wrong. Eddie's head sags and rests on my upper arm. His whole body was shaking. I wrap one of my arms around his head in an attempt to comfort him, my other arm around his back. His arms go limp as they rest on my lower back. "Ellie please," he chokes on words he can't even remember, "help me." He is so vulnerable in this state. "Oh Eddie," I whisper.

(this is what i envisioned

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(this is what i envisioned. ft. kiera and jj from outer banks.)

We weren't far from the house. I dragged him into his room. We laid on his bed and he shattered in my arms. Eddie lost control of everything. His arms are wrapped around my waist. He keeps saying my name over and over. It calms him. "I can't do this anymore," he mutters. "What can't you do?" I brush my fingers through his hair. I feel his whole body tense up. His muscles squeezing and relaxing over and over again. "Eds, relax." I put my hands on his face and brush my thumb on it. "I can't breathe." He's having a panic attack. "Hey," I say trying to distract his brain, "squeeze my hand for me." He does so and holy shit does he have a grip. "Breathe." Eddie stifles a breath. "Acknowledge it, Eddie." "What?" Eddie breathes out really fast but can't inhale again. "Acknowledged that you are having a panic attack." I explain, "It's not a heart attack or dying. You are very overstimulated, recognize it." Eddie's grip released a little from my hand. He closes his eyes. "Deep breaths," I repeat to him. After a few minutes, his muscles finally relax.

"I'm gonna relapse, Ellie." he whispers. I'd rather not hear it. "Eddie," I whine, "you're better than this, I know you can do it." "NO!" he slams this fist on the bed, "I can't! I've tired so hard!" "You are doing amazing, Eddie. I am not going to force this on you, but if you want to get better, you have to find the motivation in you to do it." "I don't know how." I hear him say softly and it nearly breaks my heart. "Neither do I," I'm not helping, "but I can restrict you." "I don't think this will work." Stop it Eddie. "I don't know if I want it to work." He continues. I close my eyes. "What do you want Eddie?" I ask plainly. "What do you mean?" "What do you want out of life? What do you want to happen? Who do you want to make proud? Whose opinions do you care about?" He stops and thinks for a while. "I want to be happy. I wanna live in a small house in the middle of nowhere so no one can bother me. Maybe some kids one day. Who do I care about? Uhm, well you. That's it. My uncle Wayne for keeping me steady. And Dustin. That's about it. Is that sad?" "No," I whisper, "I only care about you, Robin, and Max. Steve, Nancy, Lucas and them aren't my first priority right now." "Who is?" "You, dumbass." He giggled at that. "The point is, if you primarily care about me then you would try really hard to fulfill my wishes." "And those are?" "For you to not quit. To try really fucking hard. Try to go to college or something worthwhile. All of the thing you try to go for are temporary." Eddie nods. I think he's getting it.

"Have you thought about college yet?" He asks me, and I freeze up. I forgot there is a life outside of high school. "No." "I really want you to go." He whispers this very quietly. "I don't want to leave you," I say under my breath. "Ellie, you won't lose me." "I'm losing you now." Eddie goes quiet. He picks his head up and looks at me. Really looks at me. "I'm sorry." "For what?" "Being a dick." "You're not being a dick." "I am sometimes." "Yeah well so am I." "Whatever," he starts to kiss my jawline.

Eddie eventually says he has to go to work (which shocks me). He gives me a kiss on the forehead before driving off. I wrap myself in his jacket and turn to walk into my house. It feels weird calling it my house. It's not my house. It's Max's house. Robin is making food in the kitchen and Max is braiding her hair at the table. "Where were you?" Max scrutinized my appearance. "I assume with Eddie," Robin turns towards me. "Well you were correct. He stopped me when I was going to go on a run. I needed to talk to him about something." "You don't look it." Max looks me up and down. "What do you mean?" I put my hands on my hips. "She means it looks like you and Eddie did more." Robin goes into depth even though I know where this is going. "We literally laid in his bed." "Not helping," Robin raised her eyebrows. "He was crying." "Now that helps." Robin smirked. "Why?" Max sat me down at the table. "He wants to relapse." "What did you say?" Robin asks turning back to tend the food. "I talked him out of it." "That's it?" "Yeah? Why are you so nosy about my personal life?" I ask Max. She just gives me some snarky remark. I just hope I talked him out of it...


I think I can finally comprehend how Ellie felt when she was battling addictions. I wasn't battling mine, they were consuming me. I applied for a job a few days ago. I have no source of income and I'm in my early 20's. I got a job in construction. Luckily, I had a friend to hook me up.

"Eddie," David patting his hand in the window of my car., "what's up?" "Not much." I turn off the van before opening the door. "It's been a while since we've spoke." "Yeah. Oh and thanks man for helping me out on this job." "You're welcome. I'm glad you're sober." "Me too," I lie. "So I heard you got a new girl," he elbows me softly. "Yep, for several months now." "Damn, what's her name?" "Ellie." "Cool, I'd like to meet her someday." "Will do." We walk around for a bit trying to get to the place we are supposed to be, which I have no idea where. "How do you feel about going into the construction industry?" "It's fine I guess." David stops. "Why are you really doing this? I know for a fact Eddie Munson doesn't give a shit about jobs and definitely doesn't give up on drugs." "I need to get right. I want to continue this with Ellie and if I do I need to be able to support her." "Wow, you really changed... I'm proud of you." He smiles. I smiled all day.

Struggling to finish lol.

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