pt:6 Eddie Munson is Hot

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To start off, I would like to say, I added teachers that were mentioned in the show. :) I'm proud. Anyways, I have no idea when Eddie's birthday is, BUT according to how the timeline is and the year skip I created, HE SHOULD BE 22. Stop being old, Eddie. I got a notification that my book is going on fresh reads! I'm so excited!

After you eat your waffles, Eddie walks into his room. You were about to leave and he came out saying, "You forgot these." He hands you your posters and say, "Oh, I completely forgot." You both walk outside, and he asks you if you need a ride. "Maybe, I'll check with Max." Eddie walks you over. You walk inside and Max hands you a backpack, "I had a spare." "Ok, I'll be right back." You set the posters in your room and grab your schedule and some papers. You shove the papers in your backpack and see Eddie and Max chatting.

Max give you this eye and then hold out her pinky and thumb tipping her thumb to her mouth. You knew she meant her mom was drinking. "Yes, Eddie, we need a ride." Eddie is shook. "How the fuck you get that... from... what?" "Never mind," Max pushed Eddie out the door, "we're gonna be late." Eddie opens your door. "Malady," he gestures inside and shuts the door. He helps Max in. "So Robin and Nancy are going to meet you at the-" "Wait a minute," you count on your fingers, "I'm a year younger than them, shouldn't they be graduated?" Eddie looks at Max. "Actually," Max scratched her neck, "since all that Vecna shit, no one graduated." "That's stupid!" you shout. "I know," Eddie rolls his eyes and pulls out if the park. The car ride was pretty quiet, Eddie turned up the radio cause he could tell you were getting tense. You just kinda hummed. Eddie just smiled at you. "Cute," you muttered, making fun of what he said this morning. He shoved you, "oh shut up." You could feel Max's eyes. He pulled into the parking lot. "I wasn't wrong." He laughed. "Well neither was I," you looked away, causing him to pause what he was doing. "Ok, ok," Max pushed you, "Stop flirting and let me out." Eddie opened your door, again. As Max got out she groaned, "Your driving makes me sick." You giggled.

When Nancy saw you, she greeted you with a hug. "Wow," she smiled, "You're all grown!" You laugh and Eddie and Robin kinda just stare at each other. "So what's your classes?" "Uhm," you think, "well, I have Ms. O'Donnell for English and then Chemistry with Kaminsky-" "Oh my gosh," she smiles, "I had him in Sophomore year, his tests are close to impossible." Eddie butted in, "you got that right." "If you need help studying, you know where to find me." "Okay," you say rushed, "I've got to go." Eddie looks to you and pulls you into the school. He takes a deep breath and says, "god, I really hate it here." You laugh. Ms. O'Donnell let you sit next to Eddie. In fact, all your teachers did.

Eddie probably wouldn't have passed, so he wouldn't have graduated regardless. "Eddie," you whisper. He was too busy doodling in his journal. He drew little people, you weren't sure what he was writing, but you thought it was cute. You threw a piece of paper at him, he jumped a little. "Hm?" he says quietly. "Pay attention." "Shit, sorry." he quickly closed his journal, not quite focused, cause now he was staring at you.  He tapped his fingers on the desk lightly. You grab his hand and it seems to calm him down. He wiggles his hand around, but you ignore it. You feel something cold slide onto your middle finger. You look down. He scribbles on a piece of paper, "My smallest ring." You smile.

Kaminsky's class was next. "Eddie," you say to him, "I'm gonna pass this class." "Good luck," he chuckles. "You are, too." "Have fun with that." You sat down next to Eddie. "Chemistry." he says in a singsongy way. As class starts, you decide to take notes. Chemistry is usually your weakest subject anyways. "How many times did you redo senior year?" "Third times the charm." He whispered. "Damn," you "mathed". "So you're like 21?" "Yep," he smiles, "22 on April 1." "On April fools!" You say a bit loud and he shushes you. "So, you're a joke." You giggle. "Shut up," he smiles. He actually begins taking notes, or what you think is notes.

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