pt:25 Heaven In A Bottle

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soo, uhm, there's smut in this chapter... my friends are begging, so i must give the people what they want, but i didn't wanna make it ✨graphic✨ so your welcome

tw: slight mention of ed...
(Back to Ellie's Pov)

You feel a heavy weight on you as you peel your eyes open. The morning sun is peaking through the blinds on Eddie's window, creating a golden shadow on his bare back. You gently run your finger tips along his skin, and up to rake your fingers through his hair. He is laying on your thighs with his head on your lower stomach. His soft snores blow warm breath across your stomach, it tickles and you have to stifle your giggles as to not wake him. Eddie is beautiful when he sleeps. He shifts and cuddles into your leg. "I'm going to marry this man one day," you whisper softly twirling your fingers into his curls. "Oh you are?" a sleepy voice erupts. "Shit- good morning, Eddie." you start blushing. The feeling of Eddie between your legs was everything. "Good morning," he raised his eyebrows. Eddie shifted around and was about to get up. You wrap your arms around him. "No," you whine, "don't get up." You pull him down and crawl on top of him instead. "Fine," he groans, "you got me." "Your morning voice is godly." "I'm glad you like it," he lowers his voice a tad more. You rub your fingers on his chest. You were just tired. Exhausted to be honest. You rest you head on his collarbone. When Eddie noticed you were falling back asleep, he rubbed your back until you did.

Your eyes slowly open. "Ellie?" you hear a whisper. "Yeah?" You ask. "We should get up, everyone wants to see you, alive." he giggles a little. You blink for a moment, being beyond tired. Eddie has his arm under your head and wrapped around to where he can put his hand on your jawline. Your face was millimeters away from him. You had one leg over his waist and the other on the bed. "No, please, I want to stay like this." Eddie doesn't say anything for a while. He just studies you. He hears your stomach growl. "Ellie? Are you hungry?" You hadn't eaten at all yesterday. "No." "Well, you need to eat something, sweetheart." There was a sense of pain in his voice. Like he regrets saying it, but will regret it more if he doesn't. "No," you say immediately, "I just want to stay like this. I only need you right now." You hear the door open and Wayne starts talking to someone. You didn't move. The door opened and it was Robin. "Hey, I'm checking in," she noticed you were not moving and clinging to Eddie, "you okay?" "I'm okay," you say not moving. "Do you want me to make you something to eat?" she suggests. "Will you please?" Eddie says before you could respond, "she needs to eat and doesn't want to move." You cradle your head into his neck, "I'm not hungry." Eddie puts his hand on your jawline and lightly pulls your head you you could look at him. "I don't care," he fakes a smile, but he does really bad because it's hard to hear you say stuff like that, "you have to eat, if not for you, for me, for Robin and Max." "Fuck Max," you say, wanting to shout, but you're just too tired to, "she doesn't care about me." "That's not what she said last night." he grumbled. "Sure...slapping me is a way of love." you roll your eyes. "After you left," he starts to say, "she feels terrible, Ellie." "I'll believe it when I see it." Robin walks in with some eggs that Wayne probably made. "Thank you," Eddie says sitting up. You clung to him. "So..." Robin says biting her lip, "You're supposed to start working today. I could call in and say you're sick or-" "No it's fine," you looked at your food. You didn't touch it. "Are you sure?" Eddie asked shoveling eggs in his mouth. "It will distract me." you stare at your food still, but break it when you see Eddie looking at you staring at it. He looks at Robin, who is equally confused. "Ellie?" he asks. You don't look at him, you don't want to see the look on his face. You can already see it, all scrunched up and melting, in an attempt not to cry. "Please eat." Robin scooted closer to the bed. "I-" you couldn't breathe, "I can't." "What do you mean?" Robin sits next to you. "I don't know!" Eddie grabs your fork and stabs a piece of egg. He brings it up to your mouth, you hesitate. "Please," he's begging. You give in to him and eat the eggs. He gives you a few more bites. "I'm full," you say. Eddie stops. Robin's hand is rested on yours. "When do I start?" you ask. "I think one, you can come in with me." You look up at her. She's beautiful. Why haven't you ever noticed that? You get up to head to your house to shower. "Where are you going?" Eddie asks. "Home," you say walking out the door. Robin and Eddie follow you. No one was in the living room when you got back. Thank god. As you walk to your room, Max's door was open. She was sitting on her bed, staring into space. Lucas must have left the house. She noticed you and waved. You ignored her and walked in your room. She looks down. She tries to walk into your room, but you lock the door. You heard the door knob jiggle before she walks away. Eddie and Robin are talking and Max joins the conversation. "I can't even talk to her!" Max shouts. "Give her time," Robin tries to calm her down. You pressed your ear on the door. "I hate fighting with Ellie," she whines. You scoot back and get your clothes. "Me, too," Eddie adds, "Where is she?" You head to the bathroom. "In her room." Max adds. Eddie walks to the door and jiggles the handle. You turn on the water. "Stop locking this door!" Eddie shouts. You don't respond for a second. "Sorry!" "Don't say that, Ellie. Let me in." "I can't." you shout back. "Why not?" he asks worried. "I'm naked!" Eddie paused for a moment. "Excuses," he says. Eddie went silent after that. You assumed that he left it alone. You wash your body and hear a noise. You peek out of the shower curtain and Eddie is sitting on the toilet seat. "What are you doing in here?" you shout. "How dare you take a shower without me." he groans. "Really, Eddie." you roll your eyes. "Fine! I'll leave." he puts his hands up. You relax and and finish showering.

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