pt:26 Stop Hurting Me

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-Dear Diary,

I don't normally write about my life, but my therapist says it could help. Me and Eddie have been dating for about 6 weeks. He demands to be with me 24/7 since the incident. Eddie is super antsy about the concert, but it's in a week. Jason has been all over me this week. Hitting on me. It's annoying because I'm CLEARLY with Eddie. Eddie is passing now, and I'm super proud of him. I have hardly been eating. Don't tell Eddie. I don't know why, I just don't want to. I have been seeing a therapist. (Mainly because Eddie insists I do.) She says my hallucinations were caused by the drugs. Eddie was heartbroken when he heard that. He said I'm only allowed to get high on 'special occasions'. News spread across the town about my dad. Everyone knows my mom is a murder now. Robin has been hanging around me more, which I love. Robin is a good friend to have around. Nancy has been acting more distant for some reason. I didn't think much of it though. Me and Eddie leave this Thursday. We will spend some time in the city before. (Mainly to skip some school.) Work is going pretty well, but Steve is picking on me. Eddie found my hiding spot on top of my fan, I need to find a new one. Oh, I went to Eddie's gig at the hideout on Tuesday. He was so hot. I shouldn't be writing this but he was... Tomorrow I'm going to-

"Ellie, get your ass out here, we are going to be late!" Max screamed to your room. You quickly shut your diary and hid it in your underwear drawer. "I'm coming," you slide on your converse that matches Max's. When you got outside, Eddie was leaning on the side of his van. "Took you long enough," you rolled your eyes and got in the van. Eddie's hand rested on your upper thigh the whole ride there. You rest your hand on top of it. He rubs your thigh softly. You bit your lip. He has really got to stop doing that. "Sooo," Max breaks the silence, "anything fun happen yet?" "Like what?" you ask. "You know what I mean-" "That's none of your business." Eddie laughs. He parks his van. "We have a test in Mrs. O'Donell's class," you say, getting out of the car. "We do?" he asks. "Yeah, and another in Kaminsky's tomorrow." "Ughh," he whines. "I will see you later," Max says, beginning to walk to her class. You look to Eddie. He was already looking at you. "Here, I'll carry your stuff." He takes your bag. "Thanks," you walk towards the building. When you got inside, lots of people were staring at you, it's no surprise. Eddie held your hand as he pushed to the classroom. The bell rung right after you sat down. "Phew," you sighed, taking out a pencil. The teacher passed the test out and you began. The test was pretty easy. Eddie passed you a piece of paper. 'Hey, guess what?" it read. You passed 'what?' back. 'Chicken butt' with a smiley face, he giggled. 'Need answers?' 'How could you ever think so low of me?! ...maybe.' 'Hmm,' you passed to him. 'What do you mean 'hmm'?!?' he asked. 'We went over this yesterday, Eddie.' you gave him an eyebrow. 'And alas, I'm still confused!" he wrote. 'You're not even going to try?' 'I did try!' 'You wrote your name...' 'Yeah... well I tried in my head.' 'Try on the paper.' Eddie sighed and started drawing on the paper you passed. He was bored. You took the paper away from him. He frowned. He started drawing something, you studied the paper closely. He didn't finish, so it was just a bunch of random lines. You hurried and finished your test, and you turned it in. Eddie turned his in second to last. You gave him back the paper. "Thanks," he whispered, when he was done with the drawing, he put in in his red notebook. He always drew in that notebook, or wrote random stuff. He never let you see what was in there. "I will grade them, you will see what you got tomorrow." Eddie looked kind of nervous. "I can't fail this test," he whispered. "It'll be fine," you smile. The bell rung and you headed to Kaminsky's class. You were already tired. Eddie wasn't paying much attention. The teacher basically reviewed everything for the test. Eddie put his hand on your thigh. It wasn't much of a surprise, he did it all the time. His hand glided up your thigh. You take a deep breath as his finger played with the edge of your underwear. "Eddie," you whisper, "we are in class." "I had no idea." he whispered back. You close your thighs. "Ellie," he smiled, "I'm trying to focus on my assignment." His rings were cold on your skin. He looked back at his paper. "I can't focus, Eddie." His finger slipped inside. You grip your desk with your right hand and cover your mouth with your left. The teacher didn't notice your soft gasps as Eddie's finger roamed inside you. You adjusted yourself so you could feel his finger better. The bell rung and Eddie stood up. "Really?" you mutter. "Can we go somewhere?" he asks. Your next class was boring anyways.

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