pt: 50 Sober

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It's been...5 weeks since I arrived at the hospital. My skin actually looks like skin now. My ribs are almost completely healed. School is ending next week and I am (a little) behind on school work. Oh who am I kidding? I really need help! I have been more focused on keeping Eddie passing these past few weeks. (He's doing AMAZING!) But me? Where do I even start?

Eddie has only left when I made him go to school. Besides that, he's slept next to me EVERY day. My nightmares have been decreasing—slowly. Eddie has gotten significantly more sleep. The only problem is...Eddie's mental health is like a dead leaf. If you touch it, it crumples. Eating has been hard for him. Luckily—I hope—he hasn't developed the self harm addiction. It's been harder for him to stay sober and I can tell he isn't clean. I wish I could help him more, but I'm bound to this STUPID HOSPITAL.

Robin has been visiting once or twice a week. (Mainly because her parents are making her go to tutoring so she will graduate.) Nancy drops in sometimes with Robin. Max comes almost every day after school.

They found Jason a week ago. He was hiding near the Ohio border. Jason is going to be tried as a serial killer. Hawkins is freaking out about their citizen who turned out to be a serial killer. My DNA results came back a positive match to Jason.

My mom's trial got dropped. I was told two weeks ago, which crushed my heart. My mom will live, free. She will be out to get me I know it.

"Ellie," the doctor came in with a bright smile on his face, "you are free to go!"
"Really?" I sit up.
"You have to be very careful. Don't do any heavy lifting. No exercising, although that may sound weird, but try to stay active. No running. No smoking. Don't play sports. You get the gist. Doing these things will only hurt you. You are almost fully healed though!"
"That should be pretty easy. I feel much better and in a lot less pain."
"If it ever gets painful, ice your ribs, and take some pain medication."
"Okay!" I scoot out of my bed and gather some of my stuff.
"Is there anyone you want to call to pick you up? We will also have to fill out your discharge paperwork."

I use the phone to call Steve. Eddie is still in school, otherwise I'd call him.
"Hey, I'm being discharged from the hospital. Could you please pick me up?"
"Of course, I'll be there soon."
"Thank you, Steve."
A loud sigh exits my body unannounced. Steve and I haven't been as close as we used to.

I pack a little baggie with my school work and my walkman. Steve walks in about ten minutes later. He looks...fresh, new almost. Like he actually tried to make himself look good. His hair is slicked back. And he's wearing really nice clothes. Me on the other hand...not so much. My hair is knotted, acne crawling all over my skin, and I'm wearing a hospital gown.
"I brought you some clothes." He tosses them to me.
"I thought you'd be sick of that gown, so I swung by your house first."
"Thanks." I headed to the bathroom to change.

I've lost a lot of weight. Not that I was heavy to begin with, a normal, healthy weight. Now, I look heavily anorexic. The waistline of my pants hardly stay up. I slide on my shirt, which is only a little bigger than usual. I stare for a moment in the mirror.
"Wow," my fingers travel down my waist. I can touch my index finger to my thumb around my wrist.

Steve was filling out my discharge paperwork when I got out.
"This is a pain in the ass." Steve grumbled.
"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't even know I knew so many random facts about you." He laughed a bit.
"Like what?"
"Like your birthday, or your middle name. Why do I know those things?"
"Because..." I walk over to him and try to peer over his shoulder, but he's a little to tall, "I wanted to tell you." Steve turns his head to look at me, then sighs.
"You want to grab something to eat before I drop you off?"
"Yes, please!" Steve just laughed.
"You look like you were starved," he turns to face me, his hands at my side.
"I was," I look at his hands. I'm surprisingly...comfortable. "I guess I never recovered."
Steve leans in and kisses the top of my head, "I'm so sorry." His chin rests on top of my head. My head cradles between his arms, pressed to his chest.

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