pt:18 Our Little Secret

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The officer started writing down everything on a piece of paper. "Ok, yeah I get it," he says with the pen cap in his mouth, "but we need evidence for a case." "I can show you where his body is, a-and the knife." Eddie rubs your shoulder. "Alright," the officer writes down a time and slides it to you, "Thursday, meet me here at noon. We will travel to Texas and figure all this out." Eddie walks out with you and you sigh loudly. "You okay?" he massages your shoulders. "I don't want this to go south." "It'll be okay." He opens your car door and helps you in. "Eddie?" you look out your window. "Yes sweetheart?" he starts the van. "Why does everyone say you are different now?" He turns to look at you. "I am a freak. Born and raised.
I will never be anything different. But you, you make me...human, I guess. You make me feel so loved. You make me feel a way I can't describe in words. I love the way you make me feel." He grabs your hand and kisses it. The rest of the car ride was silent. Not for any particular reason, it just was. Eddie is no doubt the best thing that has ever happened to you.

When you got home, you went to your room and, of course, Eddie followed you. "You know Eddie." you say, he looks up at you. "Never mind it's stupid." Eddie grabs your chin and pulls it up, pushing his body against yours. "Go on," he says in a deep voice. "Are you in a band?" "'Am I in a band?' of course I'm in a band!" he mimicked you. "We met in middle school." "I don't re-" you look down. "You don't remember me?" he crosses his arms. "No?" "It was a talent show, what were you doing? Oh yeah! You were doing this song, you were singing it. You were really good. I was with my band... Coro-" "Corroded Coffin!" "Yes! You do remember." "Shoot, with a name like that how could I forget?" "I don't know you're a freak." "You're one to talk." "Hey!" "You just looked so..." "Different? Ya, well, my hair was buzzed, and I didn't have these sweet old tatties, yet." He took off his shirt to show off his tattoos. You touched his skin. You started looking down. "Hey man," he snaps, "my eyes are actually up here." "Well, I always look at your eyes. What if I want change?" "Hmm, but are you ready for change." You hear shuffling at the door. "Shit, there are kids in the house." You whisper to Eddie. Eddie creeped over to the door. "You know, I wonder if we had a blanket." You say, making sure to distract them. "RAGHHSHFROSKSD," Eddie yelled, scaring the shit out of the kids. "Holy fuck!" Dustin screamed. Mike and Will screamed like little girls. Max was just laughing her head off with El. "Why are you shirtless?" Lucas raised his eyebrows. "A man can do what he pleases," Eddie says in his Dnd voice. "And a woman can control the man," you say shutting, and locking the door. Eleven unlocked and opened the door, but you two already escaped through your window for Eddie's trailer. You and Eddie laughed as you spread your limbs on the bed. "Ellie," he says smiling. "I need to take you on a real date." "It's fine, Eddie." "No, I do! How about Wednesday?" "Sure," you smile as he crawls on top of you. He aggressively starts making out with you. It would've gone farther if you didn't hear a knock at the window.

"What do you fuckers want from me?" Eddie shouts opening the window. "I don't know," Max smiles, "I just like interrupting you guys." "Fuck you!" you flip her off and Eddie closes the window and curtains. Eddie turns up his music as loud as it goes and pushed you down on the bed. "I think I'll wait to have children." you smile. "Good idea," he kisses you.

The door opened again. "Go away!" you shout, as Eddie leaves hickeys on your neck. "You always hang out with Eddie." Dustin groans. "Fine!" you push Eddie off of you, "you win!" Will pulls you back to your house and sits you on the floor of Max's room. "We are playing spin the bottle." Mike says. "Wanna play?" Eleven asks. "Doesn't look like I have a choice." You looked around at everyone making a circle. Eddie is sitting across from you, next to Mike. "Everyone know how to play?" you ask. Everyone nods and you get to the rules. "Rules," you say eyeing Eddie, "no tickling." You point to Eddie. "Hey!" he laughs. "No being a bitch, this doesn't affect relationships." Everyone nods. "Pants must be worn the entire duration of the game." You look at Eddie, who is grinning. "That's bullshit!" Mike and Dustin just looked at each other and laughed.  Max nearly peed her pants laughing. "Guess I have to quit." He crosses his arms. "EDDIE!" Max shouted. "I'm joking," he puts his arms down, "be safe kids. Use protection." "Shut the fuck up Eddie!" you push him. "I'm serious!" "I don't care if your serious, you're talking to 16 year olds." "And?" You roll your eyes. "You act like we haven't done it." Lucas spats. "LUCAS!" Max shouts. "What a twist!" Eddie laughs. "MAX?" you yell. "It was only once! And you can't even count it because-" "Ew, I don't even want to know!" Dustin plugs his ears. "So I'm assuming you found out what was under his bed?" Eddie smirked. "I found out more than that." Max eyed Lucas, who was on the floor laughing. "Can we just play already?" Will shouts.

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