Chapter Twenty-Three: The Cut

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I was running. Running away from the millions of silhouettes that were chasing me. They were holding flashing weapons, ropes, and torches. They were from Konoha, Iwa, Suna, Kiri, and the other villages and nations. They were chasing after me for something I don't even know I did. Then, I tripped over something, and I fell.

My legs were paralyzed, somehow, I wasn't able to get up and run. I coughed, and I watched as blood splayed from my lips. This frightened me, I didn't know what was going on. Was I going to die? Why can't I just die now? Is it that hard to wish for? Suddenly, a bright light flashed in my eyes. I covered my eyes with my bloody hands, not wanting to be blinded by the light at the moment. I could feel myself shuddering, my body shaking as I began to sob.


I ignored it; I was alone. I was dying. No was here to help me. No one.


"S-stop!" I croaked, and my voice sounded horrible. "St-stop..."

Something tried to remove my hands from my face, but I fought. I fought with the only energy I had left. I wanted to be left alone. To die alone. I wasn't a shinobi, I wasn't dying in pride. I was dying in failure, I was dying in loneliness and suffering.

It was hard to do it, though, with something trying to pull me back up. I didn't want to do that, I wanted to stay down and die. Why couldn't they see that? I fought more, even though I could feel my energy dying, my chakra was almost down to its last bits. The more I continued this, the faster I would die. It was better that way.

"Amaya, don't leave me alone in this world." The tone of the voice was persistent, angry, and sad. "Please. Stop fighting me, you idiot."

I let it take my hands away from my eyes, I opened them as soon as my hands left my face. It was Sasuke who was in my visual perspective, I could feel my heart leap from my chest; it was painful, but pleasant. "S-Sasu-Sasuke," I whispered, my voice was hoarse.

A smile reached his face, and he reached down to brush my cheek. Unexpectedly, he was thrown back, yelling my name as he fell into a blood red abyss. Unable to move, I watched in horror.

I attempted to sit up, gritting my teeth in pain. I examined the dark world, I couldn't breathe. "Amaya, Amaya, Amaya..." This time, the voice wasn't Sasuke's, it was someone else entirely. "Poor, Amaya. Left alone to die. How do you like the poison that's coursing through your veins? Good? Very well, then."

I glared at where I heard the voice, it almost sounded like the voice that I heard from that night six years ago. I felt my blood run cold and I was stiff with fear. He was here to finish me off.

"I'm just here to warn you and tell you what you are worth, that is all." The killer sounded agitated and delighted all at once. "You are about to die, as you can see. All caused by the cut our messenger made, although it wasn't necessary to stab you in the chest. What an idiot he is... Anywho, Amaya, you are a powerful shinobi. You're to precious to die right now, you are the key for Uchiha Madara. Well, one of the keys, the other one is your beloved Uchiha Sasuke and your Kyuubi friend, Uzumaki Naruto.

"It's better to stay alive than to die, don't you agree? You don't want to end up like your worthless mother and father, do you?" There was a dark chortle, then he yawned, as if he were tired and needed a rest. "I might as well be going, now, Amaya. Once you awaken from this state, you'll suffer pain you've never suffered before."

I attempted to answer him, but I couldn't, all I would hear is a disturbing croaking sound that was supposed to be my voice. Nevertheless, I decided it was best not to answer, because I had a feeling he already knows that I couldn't do anything about it.



"Is she waking up?!"

"Is she going to make it?! Her heart beat is regaining it's natural pace!"

"Call Yamaguchi Kei! She'll want to be here when she awakens!"

I cringed at the unnaturally loud shouts, I also knew better than to open my eyes. I shifted only the slightest bit and I shrieked in pain.

"What was that? Was that Amaya?" A familiar, recognizable voice. I couldn't identify it right away, however it should belong to Kei. "What's happening? Shizune-san?"

"She's close to waking, she's under a lot of pain. We're trying our best to get Amaya out of it." A woman, Shizune, replied, sounding calm. I began to feel hazy and weary. I blacked out once again as I felt a warm hand touch my cheek.


My eyes fluttered open for the first time in who knows how long. I felt the same warmth from earlier, and my eyes drifted over to see Kei. She was using one hand as a pillow, while firmly holding my hand with the other. Her caramel brown hair was made into a messy braid, her eyelids were closed, and she looked distressed. Weakly, I lifted a hand to touch her cheek, but I quickly set it down because it felt like my hand was being electrocuted by a powerful Lightning Style Jutsu.

I whimpered quietly, and I stopped abruptly. My throat hurt as much as my hand did. I was in agony.

"A...Amaya...?" I turned my head to see Kei awake, she looked concerned. Her bright blue yes examining me. "Y-you're awake..."

I nodded slowly and carefully. A throbbing resulted to that, and I winced.

"How are you feeling?" Kei straightened up, and squeezed my hand gently. To my relief, it didn't hurt at all. I didn't how how to respond, I just tipped my head up, then down. Kei sighed, "You can't talk, can't you? Shikamaru's very worried about you, Amaya. Do you want me to call him over?"

My eyes brightened up at the mention of Shikamaru's name, and Kei smiled. "I'll be back, okay? Shizune will keep you company, but try to relax. You need to regain your chakra. You lost a lot."

I gave her a small smile to show her I understood. She let go of my hand, and left the room. I closed my eyes, still hurting all over as I considered what the killer had said. I was a key. A key for what? But wasn't Uchiha Madara dead?

A shudder went through me as I thought more about this. I opened my eyes when the door opened. It was Shizune, she saw me as smiled, she was holding a small piglet in her arms. "Hello, Amaya. It's nice to see you awake."

I smiled back in response.

"Kei told me you couldn't speak," Shizune said apologetically. "I'm sorry about that. Hopefully, there will be an antidote made for the poison."

I glanced over at my arm where I was cut. There was a pink, faint scar in its place. I bit my lower lip and stared at it. Shizune walked over and put her hand on my cheek, I froze. This was an unfamiliar gesture from her. I noticed her chakra wasn't normal.

I slowly looked up to Shizune's face, and screamed.

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