Chapter Sixteen: Dinner

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It was completely precarious that Kakashi wasn't here to be in the mission. Even though he was in Suna, it wasn't normal for the master to be away from his students, nor is it normal not to have a substitute while he was gone. Was it the same for Lee's team?

I sat in the dining room, alone, waiting for everyone to come back inside. I could be reading, I thought, but they might come in any minute, so that might make them think I'd rather read than be interested in what they're talking about. However, that wasn't true at all, I was interested in what they were talking about. I was anxious to hear what Tazuna has to say about my parents. Their names made my heart leap, remembering every good memory of my childhood. Then, the images of their deaths came across my mind and I winced.


I jumped at the sudden break of silence, I glanced up to see Sasuke, his clothes were dirtied and his hair was messier than before when Inari tackled Sasuke into a hug. Even though he was covered in all of that dirt and grime, the twinkle in his eyes were still there. "Y-yes?"

He slipped into the chair next to me, and glanced around for a moment---seeing if anyone would be there, and he took my hand in his and smiled at me comfortingly. "You're easy to startle. Have I caused that?"

I rolled my eyes in response, "No. I was just thinking. Which, I hope I won't do during battles or training sessions."

"Hopefully, because you're almost stronger than me."

"I am stronger than you, you dope." I replied, rolling my eyes again. "You're just being this show off that always gets in the way."

"Now you know how it feels, dattebayo!" Naruto replied out of nowhere, he wasn't in the room, but he was getting near. Quickly, Sasuke and I let go of our hands and leaned away from each other. I played with my chopsticks, Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest, looking like his obnoxiously emotionless self. "Hallo, Amaya. Sasuke." Naruto said Sasuke's name as if it was his least favorite word.

"Tch, Naruto . . ." Sasuke retorted.

"Hi, Naruto." I greeted, with a simple nod.

"How come it went silent when I came in here-ttebayo?" He asked, his blue eyes beginning to wonder. He glanced from me to Sasuke and cocked his head slightly to the left. "Oooh, planning a secret plot to throw me off guard, eh?! NOT HAPPENING, DA---"

"Hi!" Sakura entered, and instantly sat next to Sasuke. Naruto, sat next to me, and gave the empty chairs a look. "What's wrong, Naruto?"

"Nothing . . . Where are the others?" Naruto asked, glancing around. "Didn't they say they were coming?"

Sasuke shrugged, "They must've had something to do . . . "

"Probably," I muttered.

Tsunami arrived with the food, "Gomen nasai! We were getting all the food ready."

Inari sat in the empty seat next to me and smiled, "You're pretty."

I smiled lightly at him, "Thank you, Inari." I ruffled his hair and I turned my gaze to the Uchiha, and found him hiding a smirk. I turned to my empty plate as Tsunami put the bowl down.

"Is this ramen?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Sadly, no, it's miso." Tsunami chuckles. "But probably tomorrow for lunch..."

Naruto jumped up and had a fist in the air. "Yatta!"

Inari laughed cheerfully, "Nii-san Naruto!"

Tazuna came in, with a tiresome look on his face and I felt slightly disappointed because he wouldn't be able to explain how he knew my family. "Minasan, kon'nichiwa."

"Moshi moshi," I responded, nodding.

"Moshi-ttebayo!" Naruto grinned.

"Hello!" Sakura smiled, glancing at Sasuke.

Sasuke, who didn't notice Sakura's glance, flashed a brief look at me and winked, and turned his attention back to the food. "Hello . . ."

Tazuna sat down, "Amaya."

"Yes, sir?" I responded, my eyes glancing up at the old man.

"I promised you, I would explain." He replied, examining my face. "And I will. And you have to remember. You understand?"

"Hai, Tazuna-san." I swallowed the nervousness down, feeling my heart racing from the suspense.

"Your mother was my pupil, and so was your father." Tazuna said. "So was Kei. You should've been my pupil, however your parents didn't want me to. Where are they, anyway?"

"Dead." I replied, automatically.

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