Chapter One: Team Kakashi

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I stood in the office of the Fifth Hokage. Tsunade studied me with an unblinking gaze. "So, Amaya, it says here, you're a good student. And you developed your Chakra Nature a little earlier than usual. You're a Fire Type, correct?"

I nodded, "I know the Fireball Jutsu."

"And you have excellent grades, higher than an average. Hm, Shizune, which team is she assigned to?" Tsnuade glanced at her assistant, then glanced back to my files, looking interested in them. 

"She's in Kakashi's team, Lady Tsnuade. They're out in the courtyard, they're getting ready for their next mission." Shizune responded, holding a piglet in her arms. 

"Both of you are dismissed." Tsunade responded, waving a hand. 

I lifted my bag and followed Shizune out to the courtyard. "A mission, you say?" I asked. "What kind of mission?"

"Where you have to protect a certain villager from assassin shinobi. That's all." Shizune replied, looking quite calm. I nodded and glanced around to see many kids my age, tweleve years old, were training, eating or studying. Shizune halted, and I glanced up to see three people waiting for me. A girl with long pink hair, who is wearing a red dress; a boy with blonde spiky hair and is wearing some type of orange jumpsuit, and lastly a tall man with silver hair pointed to one side and a mask covering a part of his face. 

"You must be our new team mate." the man said cheerfully. 

"Kakashi, this is Yamaguchi Amaya.' Shizune informed him. "So, it's best to take good care of her. Lady Tsnuade thinks she's a strong one." Then Shizune left, leaving me staring at the three strangers.

The pink haired girl smiled at me, "I'm Haruno Sakura. It's nice to meet you."

I smiled politely at Sakura. "Nice to meet you, too."

The blonde boy jumped in front of me and pointed his thumb to himself. "I am Uzamaki Naruto! I'm going to be the next Hokage!"

"Good goal," I complimented, unsure what to say. I liked Naruto's enthusiasm, but I wasn't sure if I should encourage him or not. 

Lastly, I glanced up at Kakashi, who had an amused look in his eyes, "I'm Hatake Kakashi. I am your master for now, and I hope you catch on quickly. We're waiting for Sasuke, but he'll be here soon." Kakashi held out his hand, and I shook it. "So what're your likes and dislikes?"

I sat on the stone bench, setting my bag on my lap. "I like to read, write, and listen to music. My dislikes are people who ask too many ridiculous questions, waiting too long, and people who doubt me and get in my way---"

Saukra raised her eyebrows. Naruto puffed out a breath, "People getting in your way, huh? You sound like Sasuke."

"Be quiet, Naruto! Amaya isn't finished, yet!" Sakura exclaimed. "Be respectful to our new team mate!"

"Why, hello, Sasuke. Glad you can join us." Kakashi said, he was looking behind me. I turned around to see a boy with dark hair and cute eyes, he also had a mysterious expression on his face. "Meet Amaya . . . a new member to Team 7."

The boy, Sasuke, turned his gaze on me. "Hello. I'm Uchiha Sasuke, it's a pleasure to meet you . . . Amaya."

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