Chapter Twenty Seven: Sayōnara, Night Rain

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"Tanjobi omedeto!"' 

I blew out the candles on my birthday cake, relieved that this is over yet overwhelmed with sadness. Sakura came up to me, took my hand and placed something in it. She gave me a sad smile, then embraced me. "I'll miss you, Amaya!" When she drew away, there were tears in her eyes. 

"I'll miss you, too, Sakura. And, thank you. Good luck with Naruto...and Sasuke." I smiled sweetly at her, and gave her one last hug. 

Sakura turned away, sniffling. Suddenly, there were arms around me and I turned my head to see Naruto sobbing into my shoulder. "DON'T LEAVE US, DATTEBAYO! WE NEED YOU! KAKASHI-SENSEI IS TOO CHEAP TO BUY ME RAMEN ALL THE TIME!"

I found Kakashi shaking his head slightly at Naruto, but I just smiled at him and turned my attention back to Naruto. "I promise you when I come back, I'll treat you with ramen." That made Naruto sob even harder, but he eventually let go, gave me a confident smile. "You'll be a wonderful Hokage someday, Naruto."

"You'll be a great shinobi, dattebayo!" Naruto ruffled my hair and gave a wave of goodbye. I sat down next to Shikamaru, who was playing Shogi against his master, Sarutobi Asuma. They didn't notice me at first, which was good because I needed a break from the farewells. They hurt as much as what happened last night with Sasuke. I realized I still had my hand closed over what Sakura has put in it; I opened my hand and there was an iris engraved onto a medallion, underneath it was written: Friendship. I brought the chain over my head, and it lay below my collarbone. 

Something tapped me on the shoulder, and I glanced over at Shikamaru who gave me a lazy wave. "How're you feeling, Maya-chan?"

"Sad," I murmured. 

"Because you're leaving tonight?" Shikamaru asked, observing my face. "There's nothing to be upset about, Amaya. You will see us again, don't you worry."

I took a deep breath, "I know... However, that doesn't stop me from missing all of you..."

"Onee-san! Onee-san!" 

I snapped my head up, abruptly, to find Kimiko right in front of me. I threw my arms around her. "Kimiko!"

f"Onee-san! I missed you so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much!" Kimiko expostulated, wrapping her tiny arms around me. I closed my eyes, and I could remember the time I spent at the Sand Village. I could feel the medallion digging into my skin, but I ignored it. "Happy birthday!"

I drew away from the hug, and smiled at Kimiko---she still had the same bright purple eyes she had when I first saw her, and the same happy radiance. "Thank you! How are you and Reni-san?"

"We're okay," Kimiko shrugged. "How's that cute boy, Sasuke-kun, Amaya onee-san?"

I felt my chest tighten at the quesiton, nevertheless, I gave her a smile and shrugged. "He's okay, I haven't talked to him in a while and I heard he's not feeling well."

Kimiko pouted, "Aww! Are you sad about that? You two are really adorable!"

I felt my face warm up, and I laughed, lightly. "Kimi-chan, we're only friends. Just that and nothing else." Shikamaru snorted next to me, and I elbowed him in the ribs. Kimiko didn't question me afterwards, however, she did give me another hug and went off to find Kei. I glanced at Shikamaru, who cocked his brow at me, a little smirk tugging on his lips. My eyes narrowed at him, "What?"

"'We're only friends. Just that and nothing else,' huh?" Shikamaru mocked.

"Oh, shut up," I murmured.


There was a knock, and I lifted my head up from my bag to glance at who was at my door. It was Kei.We gave each other sympathetic smiles, however, her smile was sadder, "Amaya."

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