Chapter Twenty Five: Summer Solstice

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I headed back home with Shikamaru, I was leaning on him because the effects of the antidote were making me drowsy. I was anxious to tell Kei about what Tsunade has told me so far about the relative. I've never felt so happy and, yet, so exhausted before. We approached my house, and Shikamaru knocked on the door. Kei answered it several minutes later, and she gave me a small smile. "Tired?"

"Very," I said over dramatically. "Shikamaru made me run from the hospital to here without any exceptions."

Shikamaru made a surprised noise, "No, I didn't!"

Kei moved to the side, letting us through, chuckling, "Either way, both of you are very tired, right?"

"Very," we agreed. Shikamaru assisted me over to a gray, plain love seat and sat me down. Kei closed the door and headed over to the kitchen, a considerate look on her face. I relaxed against the seat, glancing over at Shikamaru, who was about ready to fall asleep.

I sighed, and shifted carefully. A faint pain buzzed in my arm, and I let out a breath. Kei came back out with a tray of tea and dangos. "How was the antidote?"

"Heavenly," I replied, taking a dango. "It wasn't bitter and foul like any of the other medication. It's like they put all the sweetest candies in that antidote."

"Really?" Kei sipped her tea, sitting down next to Shikamaru.

I nodded, taking a bite out of one of the dumplings. "Mmm," I moaned at the delicious taste. Kei's dangos almost tasted like our mother's. "Kei, I have something exciting to tell you."

"If you proclaim it's exciting," Kei began, setting her cup down onto the saucer, "then do tell, dear sister."

"Tsunade-sama told me that a letter had come in from a relative of ours that lives east of the Five Nations on a small island. She wants me to come be her student." I grinned. "Her name is Yamaguchi Rin."

Kei's jaw dropped in astonishment, "Has Tsunade-sama checked if this was a trap?"

"She's positive it isn't." I stopped to take another bite out of my dango. "I'm still thinking about it, I only got here a few months ago, but I also want to learn about our bloodline, the reason why whenever we're in battle we have the desire to see blood."

Kei raised an eyebrow at me with a serious expression on her face.

"I mean... Why we love to fight." I said lamely. Then, I remembered what the messenger told me, that Ryuhei would tell me why our bloodline enjoyed bloodlust. "I'm intrigued by this, Kei. I want to go, but I don't want to leave you or anyone else."

"How much time do you have to think, Amaya?" Kei asked, getting a dango herself.

"Ah," I thought for a moment, trying to remember. "A week."

"A week? That seems a fair amount of time," Kei replied. Then she paused, looking like she wanted to change the subject. "How was training today? Did you learn anything new?"

I shrugged, glad to be dropping the subject already. "It was alright. Naruto and Sasuke were sparring again. That was all, I think Master Kakashi would feel bad if he continued the lessons without me. I did tell him I could still learn by watching, however he said he didn't mind that we could wait."

Kei nodded, looking observant. Shikamaru opened his eyes slowly, and they instantly found mine. He gave me a simple, yet lazy wave; I nodded in acknowledgement. Kei spoke up after Shikamaru sat up and took a dango from the plate. It was quiet for a while, no one looked at one another. It gave me time to think about my decision, whether to stay or not. I wasn't so sure; I wanted to stay to get to know Kei more and repay the six years that I have spent my time without her. However, I did want to know a lot more about my clan, and to learn what the murder had meant by me being a "key" in Uchiha Madara's plans.

"What are the plans for Amaya's birthday tomorrow?" Shikamaru asked, suddenly. I choked on my last bite of dango at the suddenness.

Kei's eyes flickered over to me in concern. "Amaya?"

It took me a moment to calm my coughing down, then I took a big swig of the classic tea Kei had set out. Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "Will there be a party? A gathering?"

"I was actually planning on a party down by the river," Kei took her eyes off of me, and turned her gaze onto Shikamaru. "Is there something you'd like to help me with---?"

I scoffed, interrupting Kei. "Shikamaru is too lazy to help. Also, I don't want a party. It's too... Late for that."

"How is it too late? It can also be a celebration that you, erm, survived." Kei suggested, giving me a smile.

I sighed, feeling defeated somehow. "Fine... But I most certainly do not want the whole entire village showing up to celebrate just me surviving."

"Don't forget it's also the Summer Solstice tomorrow," Shikamaru added.

Kei nodded. "Let's try inviting Kimiko and Reni-san."

I pursed my lips, then shook my head after a moment of consideration. "I haven't seen Kimiko in months," I murmured. "That is a good idea."

"You should rest," Kei told me. "Leave the planning and inviting to us."

I rolled my eyes simply, but I yawned. "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Kei. I'll see you tomorrow, Shikamaru."

I stood up, and walked my way up the stairs, hearing faint and shushed whispers from Shikamaru's and Kei's conversation. I walked towards my room, thinking about the decision and my birthday tomorrow. Did I want Sasuke to come? He was avoiding me, but should I invite him at all? Once I entered my room, I glanced out towards the open door and to the balcony. I shook my head, then closed the door.


I jumped and spun around, with the tip of my kunai at his neck. He was staring at me, wide eyed, and his eyebrows raised up in concern. It took my a second to recognize him in the dim room, but from his chakra, I knew who this was.

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