Chapter Twenty Four: Antidote

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It felt like my throat was on fire as I screamed for my life. Shizune wasn't Shizune at all, it was the face of Kimiko's dead father. I didn't know why I was scared, but I was. I was backing away quickly, my throat feeling like its going to tear open the more I screamed.

Shizune, with the face of my father, began to approach me. "Amaya? Are you okay?"

I screamed even more, and suddenly, Kei came bursting in with Shikamaru by her side. She took a look at me and then to Shizune. "Shikamaru, calm her down. Shizune-san, what happened?"

"Amaya," Shikamaru approached me, as I realized that I had stopped screaming. My throat felt like it had been blown up by a Paper Bomb. I felt tears streaming down my face. Shikamaru embraced me, I flinched in swift discomfort, but I melted into his embrace.

"I don't know, she took one look at me and she seemed startled and frightened." Shizune answered, sounding astounded. "I'm going to inform Tsunade-sama about this right away." I listened to Shizune leave the room, and I exhaled in relief. I buried my face in Shikamaru's shoulder.

Kei sauntered over to me, sitting down on the end of the bed to give me some space. Shikamaru let go, and I smiled apologetically at him. He shrugged in reply, taking my hand. "How are you feeling, Amaya? Horrible after that scream for bloody murder?"

I rolled my eyes, it was difficult not to talk, however it felt nice not to. Shikamaru chuckled, "Well, it would've been nice if Naruto couldn't talk for once."

I rolled my eyes again, and squeezed his hand. Kei gave me a sad grin, "Kakashi-senpai asked me if you we're doing alright. I told him that you were, Team 7 might be having a visit tomorrow."

I thought about Sakura, and how sweet and nice she was if she wasn't annoyed or drooling over Sasuke. I also thought about Naruto, how concerned he is for other people, how he isn't just a boy with a big mouth and a big dream ahead of him. Lastly, I thought about Sasuke, how he started off as a complete jerk with a sweet side; then into someone who was sweet and protective. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of his eyes, and I felt my face flush. I glanced up to see Kei raising an eyebrow at me and my eyes widened.

Kei laughed, "Amaya, you---"

A knock at the door interrupted Kei. She tilted her head to the side and stood up, strolling over to answer. Shikamaru sat next to me, and placed something on my lap. It was my journal and a pen, I beamed at him. "So you can write when people are boring you to death." Shikamaru replied, he let go of my hand and closed his eyes, falling asleep. "Mmm... Don't scream while I'm sleeping, Maya-chan."

I slowly brought my hand up, ignoring the stinging pain, and I flicked his nose, causing him to wiggle his it like a cute and small forest animal. I giggled quietly at that, and I heard a rustle, at that moment, I found Uchiha Sasuke watching me with those mesmerizing eyes of his. The blood rushed up to my face, causing me to look at Kei. She shrugged, and sat back down near the window.

When I turned my attention back to Sasuke, he appeared to be staring at Shikamaru sleeping next to me. A flash of betrayal appeared on his face, but suddenly replaced by a cold, blank look. "Amaya."

I nodded, feeling my heart drop.

"How're you feeling?" Sasuke asked, leaning back against the wall, as if to keep his distance. His forehead protector was grimy with dirt. When I didn't answer, he had an expression of concern, confusion, and slight anger. "What's wrong?"

Kei spoke up, "The poison that's still in her body is making everything hurt. She can't talk. She can barely move. There's also a slight possibility where an antidote cannot be made."

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