Chapter Twenty-Six: Good Luck

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"How did you get in here?" I demanded, slightly scared. "All the doors and windows are locked so another...mishap won't happen."

He stared at me with those dark eyes of his. It was a moment of silence before he answered me, "I picked the lock to the doors that lead to your ." He gave me an innocent, sad smile. "And, Amaya? Can you get your kunai away from my neck, it hurts."

I retracted my kunai from his neck and put it in my weapons bag. "You've ignored me for about a month, Uchiha. What do you want?"

We stared at each other for a while, his eyes were soft and kind; they way the were before I was poisoned. He then, averted his gaze, and he backed up to the chair behind him and sat down gracefully, he was looking out the window. I crossed my arms over my chest, watching him. It wasn't until we heard Kei's footsteps echoed through the halls and the door possibly to Kei's room closing before he glanced back at me. He had a look of hurt in his eyes, then he said, "News has been spreading around town that a living family member of yours asked you to be their student."

"Yes," I replied, biting my lower lip. "And...?"

"If you choose to go... How long will you be gone for?" His voice cracked, he looked down and started to shake a little. 

"I don't know," I whispered. "Possibly a few years..."

Sasuke stood suddenly, and he had the most tortured look on his face. My heart felt like it was being torn out of its cheset seeing it, I began to tremble. He held both of my hands, and squeezed them affectionately yet sadly. "Amaya, I beg of you... Don't go. Please, you're the only one I have left. You're the only one who keeps me sane. Please. For our sake, don't go."

I stared at him, utterly shocked by what he said. My eyes were wide, and I could feel myself tremble more. I was feeling various feelings about this, I looked down at ours hands. I stopped trembling, and I drew my hands away. "You avoided me for a month, and you come here to tell me to not go? For 'our sake?'"

"Yes," Sasuke stepped back from me. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Amaya. I never intended to."

"But, you did," I could feel my eyes beginning to water. "You never said a word, you never looked at me. You said you loved me. The way you treated me was completely unfair."

"I thought what was best for you, Amaya." Sasuke's tone was no longer cracking, the tone of it was defiant not tortured. "After that incident in the hospital, I hated myself all over again."

I responded with a sound of disbelief. "You could have talked to me about it at least, Uchiha, instead of keeping it to yourself and avoiding me!"

His eyes turned cold at what I said, then he chuckled darkly. "Amaya, you don't understand. You can never understand. My parents were slaughtered by my own brother. Everyone in my clan was dead because of him. He showed me what he did to them... I am going to avenge the Uchiha Clan by killing him."

I was silent, I watched as the loving, caring boy I knew had crippled away into nothing; and in his place was a menacing, arrogant and ruthless shinobi. "You don't think I  didn't see my parent's dead bodies. Just like you, I was with the killer. He mocked me while I was in that unconscious state a month ago. He told me that you, me, and Naruto were your ancestor's keys."

"Keys to what? And which ancestor?" Sasuke's eyes narrowed at me, accusingly. 

"I don't know what kind of keys we are!" I snapped, angirly. "That thing mocked me he told me I was too precious to die and that I was powerful."

"What ancestor?" Sasuke demanded. 

"Uchiha Madara." I responded, hastily. 

Sasuke rolled his eyes and walked to the balcony doors, his back to me. "You're delusional, Amaya. Madara is dead, and he has been for generations, now. You're being stupid."

I let out a breath, and glowered at the back of his head. "So are you."

"Do you really think that?" He turned his head to look at me, I could see something glisten against the moonlight on his cheek. It was a tear. 

"I do," I answered, walking toward him slowly. "I really do."

Sasuke turned around just as we were exactly an armslength away from each other. "We're both idiots, then."

I tilted my head up to look at him, and gave him a small smile. "Good luck finding Itachi, Sasuke."

He swallowed, his expression back to its tortured mask. He had realized I've already made the choice, he took a deep breath. "Good luck trying to stay alive." 

I kissed him on the cheek before he turned and walked out of my room. I glanced at the journal resting on my nightstand, a small box was perched on top of it wrapped with flowers. 

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