Chapter Ten: Assassin

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A shudder went through my body, it's been a while since I've actually been in a battle. The last time was my first day at the Hidden Rain Village. I couldn't help but smirk, remembering my opponent's blood splattering onto my face. Bloodlust. It runs in the Yamaguchi, what all they want in a battle. 

I snapped out of my thoughts quickly, and I turned to see two hooded figures in front of Sasuke. I hauled Kimiko, carefully, behind me, One of them has to be the assassins sent to kill Kimiko. But which one?

"Sharingan!" Sasuke snapped out, Kimiko whimpered behind me. "Amaya, go take Kimiko and go."

I stiffened, I did want to protect Kimiko but I also wanted to be in the fight. Even Sasuke can't stop me from that, but without moment's hesitation, I pulled Kimiko onto my back and sprinted for the village. I could tell Kimiko was watching what was happening behind me, I quickly took a glance back to see Kankuro, Gaara, Naruto, and ten Suna ANBU already attacking one of the hooded figures. 

Wait. One? I focused back to the path in front of me and stopped abruptly, causing Kimiko to gasp in surprise. 

"Hand me the girl," the voice was dark and raspy, it sent shivers down my spine and I held onto Kimiko tighter. "Your family was a disgrace to the shinobi world, Yamaguchi Amaya."

I froze, "How do you know me?"

"Hand me the girl," it repeated. "Hand me the girl and you won't suffer the consequences."

I set Kimiko down, knowing the other hooded figure isn't able to get her. I took out my wakizashi from my koshirae. I was glad I picked today to bring it; I held the blade in front of me. "Kimiko. Get back." The girl obeyed and sprinted off to the side, the hooded figure took a glance over at her, and laughed darkly. "I'm your opponent."

"Very well then," it replied and a shuriken flashed out from its sleeve. I gripped the hilt of my blade tightly. "Let us see . . ." 

It threw the shuriken faster than I expected, it hit my shoulder. I ignored the pain of it, and I charged quickly for the figure. I put chakra into my blade, causing it to blaze with fire. I swung my sword towards it, and watched as the blade sink into the figure's flesh. Its hooded robe caught on fire, and I jumped back quickly. 

It screamed in pain, and ripped the cloak off. To my disappointment, it wore an ANBU mask, a cracked and dirty one. "You Yamaguchis . . ."

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" I yelled as I did the hand-seals for the jutsu. I let the chakra knead inside my body, morphing it to fire, and I let it out from my mouth. The fireball directly hit the figure, and I fell back, cutting the jutsu off too shortly and brought my hand up to cover up my bloodied coughs. I hurriedly stood up, getting back onto my feet while the figure shrieked a blood-curtling a cry. 

I fished out my kunai from my belt, and put chakra into. I threw the kunai directly at where its heart would be. But it bounced off about two feet away from the body, headed back to me. I caught it by the hilt, and looked at the figure as it advanced towards me. I dove out of the way, and attempted to stab the figure's back. Although a weird force field seemed to have blocked it and made the kunai bounce back, I gasped in surprise as its fist dug deep into my abdomen.

I coughed again, and fell back harshly against the ground. My vision was blurred and splotched with blood, I saw Kimiko cowering behind. "Now . . . to finish you off." It approached me holding my wazikashi. "Killing an enemy with their own weapon . . . my life long wish. Die Yamaguchi-girl."

The blade blurred as it came down, Kimiko screamed, piercing my ears. I closed my eyes, my last thought: I'm finally joining you. Mom, Dad.

My eyes snapped open, I sat up quickly. My head was pounding, and I brought my hand to my shoulder, blood was streaming out. I didn't wince, I stood and saw the figure twitching off to the side, still holding my wazikashi. Kimiko. I turned to see the girl hugging a silhouette's legs. I squinted to see it was Gaara. 

"I see you're up." he mumbled, his eyes seemed as if he were looking right through me. "Be grateful I used my sand to save you. Your head is bleeding pretty badly."

"I don't care about my head," I replied. "Kimiko?"

Kimiko ran towards me, and tackled me into a hug. I stood my ground, hugging her back to reassure her I'm fine. "I thought you were dead, Amaya-san."

I let go of her, "But I'm not." I drew a kunai out from my pocket, and approached it.

"I don't like what you're doing," Gaara replied. "It isn't a smart move, he's merely unconscious, he might be gaining consciousness right now."

"I know what I'm doing, do not doubt me." I hissed at him through grit teeth, I kneeled over the figure and saw it was breathing. Something shuffled behind me, at first I thought it was Gaara, but it was only Kimiko. I didn't bother telling her to back away, I looked back at the figure and drew back it's mask. 

Kimiko gasped, and dropped to her knees next to me. Crying onto the figure's chest. "Daddy."

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