Chapter Eleven: Killer

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I stared at Kimiko and the thing that tried to kill me. That's her father? But what happened? And where's her mother? Suddenly, its eyes flashed open, they were pitch black; its hands grabbed for Kimiko. The little girl shrieked and fell back, eyes wide with fear. "Daddy? What happened to you?"

Kimiko's father, or rather the corpse of him, smiled at her softly while sitting up. He was looking quite pleasant, and I blinked at it, trying to remember if that was the thing that was trying to kill me. "Come with me, Kimi-chan. Your mother and I have been waiting for you . . . we miss you."

I tightened my hold on my kunai, I glimpsed over at Kimiko and saw her trembling with fear. But in her eyes, I can see she's planning to run into those dead arms. I wouldn't blame her, a part of me said, but then I shook myself out of it. "Kimiko . . ." I whispered, hoping she would hear me. The pain in my head continued, and I ignored it. "Don't."

"But, Amaya-san, it looks just like him." the little girl whispered. "I-I-I want to . . . He's my daddy." Ever so slowly, Kimiko stepped towards it. I felt frozen in my spot, unable to move. 

"Amaya-san . . . it is him. See?" the little girl whispered, her eyes wide and her tone was like she was hypnotized. I froze as the girl began to stand up and walk towards it. 

"Come here, Kimi. I love you." it whispered to her softly, I got to my senses and stopped Kimiko by standing in front of her. I forgotten all about Gaara, and he was on the other side of the thing. Its eyes snapped to my face, hissing at me so inhuman-like. "You, girl, are going to die!" Before it dove at me, a huge sand fist came down upon it, crushing it down.

Kimiko screamed, "Daddy!"

I turned to Kimiko, and kneeled down to be the same height as her. "Snap out of it, Kimiko. That wasn't your father---" It was the corpse of your father being taken over by someone else . . . or rather, something else. 

"Amaya! Kimiko! Gaara!" I snapped my head up at the cry of my name, I saw Naruto running his way with probably fifteen dopplegangers of himself following behind. He skidded in front of us, and he stared at the sand fist. "W-w-what happened, dattebayo?"

Kimiko was frozen with shock, I flinched from that. I could remember my shock when I awoke after my parent's massacre, Kei was trembling over my mother's and father's dead bodies. I felt sick, I felt my throat closing up on me. Just as the others arrived, I turned and ran back towards the village. 

"Amaya . . ." Kei's voice was hoarse and sounded as if she couldn't breathe. "Amaya. Look at me."

I did and gazed up at her, her hair was damp with her own blood. There was a sharp look in her eye, as if I've done something that she didn't approve of. "Y-y-yes, K-Kei-san?"

"This is all your fault. You're the one who caused all of this! You killed mom and dad!" she screamed at me, her words slapping me in the face. I was trembling with fear, my eyes wide at her. "You did this to them!" She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me hard.

"Kei! Stop! You're hurting me!" I cried, trying to peel her hands away from my shoulders. It was no use, her grip was as hard as steel. I felt tears run down my face. "Kei! Stop!"

Then, she hit me. It was a hard blow, making me fall back onto the bloody floor, I held a hand to my cheek. I sobbed, curling into a ball, trying to block out Kei's yelling. 

It all stopped for what seemed like decades later, Kei ran out of the house. I sat up, lightheaded and I glanced over at my dead parents. I closed my eyes, pained. What did I do to make this happen? Why me? I shuddered and walked over to my half-burnt father. His face wasn't recognizable anymore, I kissed his forehead before I turned to my mother. My mother's beautiful face was masked with blood, I kissed her clean cheek. 

I stood, and went to what's left of my room. I gathered everything I needed, I planned to head to the Third Hokage's office. He knew what to do.

"Amaya?" Sakura's voice snapped me out of my dream. I stared at her, a little surprised. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, lying. "V-very . . ."

Sakura frowned, a little disappointed. "You don't look okay. You looked like you were having a bad dream."

"Sakura," a different, familiar voice intruded the conversation. "Master Kakashi needs you, he's waiting with Naruto at the ramen shop."

Sakura nodded, "Bye, Amaya." She stood up, and left the room. I switched my gaze to Sasuke, who sat down next to my bed. He raised an eyebrow at me, concerened. I saw a bruise slightly below his cheek bone, I raised a hand and touched it lightly.

Sasuke's eyes closed at my touch, I could feel him lean onto my hand. "What brings you here, Uchiha?"

He opened his eyes again, looking at me. "To tell you something . . ."

"What is that?" I blinked, I wanted to drop my hand, but it felt right there.

Sasuke's eyes inspected mine, as if trying to read my thoughts. He didn't have a smile on his face, but he did look serious. The words came out of his mouth, and I stared at him, baffled.

(What did Sasuke say? *le gasp* The world may never know *evil laugh*  Thanks for the reads ;) and please check out my Original Story: Beyond the Limits. Love you all, dattebayo <3) 

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