Chapter Fifteen: Hidden Mist Village

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Shizune paced, waiting for Naruto to arrive from the bathroom. Sakura scrunched her face up, impatient. Sasuke sighed, he was sitting with his elbows propped on his knees, and his folded hands under his chin. He was looking straight ahead, deep in thought. "Goodness . . . how long does it take for a boy to go to the bathroom?"

"Pfft," Sakura snorted. "That's Naruto, you're talking about, Shizune-san. But he'll be back soon, this isn't the first time he's done this."

I exhaled, completely trying to keep the drowsiness and bad thoughts away. But they keep coming back, which made it very difficult for me to stop fidgeting. I sighed loudly, which caught Sasuke's attention. 

Are you okay? His beautiful eyes asked.

I shrugged in response, and looked down at my bag. Kei told me that she only cleans my bedroom, and doesn't snoop around. I trusted her, not caring if she was lying or not. Just as long as she doesn't find my journal, I'm okay.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" That snapped our attention, we turned around to see Naruto sprinting for his life, coming our way. He had a scared expression displayed on his face, his blue eyes wide with fear and his clothes dirtied with soil and tomatoes. "I said sorry! Aiieeee! Shizune-san, Sakura-chan, Sasuke, Amaya! HELP ME, DATTEBAYO!"

Naruto barged into me, causing me to fall back, and he hid behind Shizune, trembling. At that moment, there was an old woman and a child with tomatoes in their hand, glaring at the trembling boy in the orange jumpsuit behind Shizune. "Hey! You! You need to pay for the fee!" the little boy yelled. 

"Naruto!" Sakura growled, and gave the old woman and little boy a sheepish smile and laughed nervously. "Eheh, I'm sorry about him he's---"

"He needs to pay for his fee!" The old woman interrupted, not caring what Sakura has to say about Naruto this time. "This is the fifth time this month he didn't pay."

Shizune took out her coin bag, and opened it, face red with embarrassment. "How much does he need to pay?"

The little boy yelled the price and everyone's eyes widened, turning their heads to gawk at Naruto. I, for one, had never heard a price so high for a bathroom fee. It kind of surprised me that Naruto had to pay for such a high price, but what didn't surprise me is that he wouldn't be paying it. 

Sakura walked over to Naruto, her steps heavy---almost making the ground shake each time she set foot onto the earth. Shizune had already gone to the old woman and little boy to explain about Naruto. Sasuke glanced my way, raising an eyebrow again. I gave him a crooked smile and mouthed, This is amusing.

"Naruto, baka!" Sakura gave Naruto an upper-cut, causing the boy to fall back, with his nose bleeding. He was unconscious, leaving Sakura crossing her arms, a vein popping out from her forehead. "Ay, Naruto! Why do you have to be such an idiot at times like these?"

When Naruto had finally regained consciousness, Shizune explained to us about the mission. We needed to go to Kirigakure (the only place I haven't been to) and collect information from Inari, Tsunami, and Tazuna. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto seemed to have know them from before because Naruto's eyes lightened up. "Really?! We're going to see Inari again?!"

Shizune nodded, and sighed. "You'll be staying there for two days. Do not delay, Tsnuade-sama needs the information as soon as possible."

We all nodded and picked up our bags. Naruto turned to me and grinned, "Does that still mean we can have ramen-stops?"

"Not sure, yet, Naruto. We only have two days to gather the information." I responded, already walking towards the gates. Sasuke and Sakura followed behind, while Naruto just stood there, thinking.

"So . . . that's almost a yes, right, dattebayo?" he asked, walking behind. 

Sasuke muttered under his breath, "Just say yes and don't do it."

I wanted to do what Sasuke suggested, but I didn't want to be rude to Naruto after what had just happened. I considered this for a moment and let out a breath of defeat. "I guess, but we can't take too long, Naruto."

"Understood!" Naruto squeaked in excitement, and skipped ahead of us. "So, leader, have you been to the Kirigakure?"

"I know where to go, but I haven't been there before." I answered, thinking of the many opportunities that I could've went. But instead of going with my sensei and classmates, I thought staying home was better. Back then, I thought I was a jinx. I still am, but not much anymore. "I can tell you guys have been there before."

"Yeah, dattebayo! Our first actual mission!" Naruto replied, happily. "It was boring at first, but then when we got to kick Zabuza and Haku's butt, I felt happy."

Sasuke sighed, "Yeah . . ."

Sakura's eyes saddened at Sasuke, and I raised an eyebrow at that. Sakura noticed and she whispered into my ear, "He almost died saving Naruto."

"Oh," I responded, my voice barely audible. My blood had gone cold again, and disbelief ruled my mind. How could've Sasuke possibly be beaten like that? He's powerful, ruthless, and strong for someone their age. But I had heard about Zabuza, so it made clear sense.

If we ran into anyone like them during our mission. I'll be sure not to wimp out again.

Dusk fell as we arrived the Hidden Mist village, I could feel a cold chill go down my back. I shivered, Naruto waddled behind, filled with ramen. "Amaya, thank you again for the ramen break."

"You shouldn't have paid, Amaya. That was surely a lot." Sakura declared, giving me a worried glance. 

Sasuke nodded, agreeing with Sakura, making her blush at that. I shook my head, "I've paid more than that at the Ame."

Naruto passed by, leading us inside because he's anxious of seeing Inari again. I just glanced around, seeing that most of the houses are being rebuilt or repaired. The villagers glanced at us and waved with a grin on their face. I felt like an outsider. 

Just then, a tall man appeared in front of Naruto, a grin on his face. "Uzamaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke! It's nice to see you three again. Where's your teacher . . . ah, Kakashi?" He glanced around, just in case if suddenly Kakashi would pop out of no where, but nothing came up. His eyes found mine and I just blinked. "You."

"What about her, dattebayo?" Naruto asked, glancing behind his shoulder to glance at me. "Oh! She's---"

"Yamaguchi Amaya, daughter of Reyuri and Saito. Your sister is Kei." the old man said, studying me. "You look exactly like your mother. Did you know her hair was that color when she was your age?"

I just stared at him, He knows my parents? 

"What're you talking about Grandpa Tazuna?" Naruto asked. "How do you know about Amaya?"

Tazuna, the old man, shot Naruto a look. "Do I look like a grandfather to you?!"

"Yes," Naruto replied. 

Sakura and Sasuke sighed, I just stayed silent, trying to think if I've seen this man before. Tazuna ignored Naruto's answer, "Let's go back to my home, Inari and Tsunami would be glad to see you all. And Amaya?"

"Yes, sir?" I responded, looking up at him. 

"I'll explain how I know you and your family when we get there." Tazuna turned and guided us to his home, but that didn't stop me from wondering and devising the possibilites of how he recognized me even though we never met before now.

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