Chapter Three: Surprises

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I unpacked my things into the wardrobe, and grabbing the needed things into my bag. I sighed at the thought of Kei being so nice, it was so odd. When I finished, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and climbed down the stairs. I saw Kei and Sasuke drinking tea and eating cookies, I raised my eyebrow at that. I set my bag down at the door, and walked over to the two. 

"Oh! You're done, Amaya! Good!" Kei set her tea cup down on the coffee table. Sasuke did the same. "Well, you two take care."

Sasuke and I walked out, I grabbed my bag on the way. "She sounds like a mother," I said under my breath. Sasuke was silent, but I knew he kept on switching his gaze to me at times. Frowning, I said, "Take a picture it lasts longer."

He snorted at that and he strolled a head of me. I scowled at that and sighed. He took a glimpse back at me, a mocking smile on his face. "Problem?"

"Nope," I retorted, resisting to hit his head with my bag. I kept my bag slung over my shoulder, and glanced around me. I sighed at the old memories I had here, and wish I can just throw them into a fire pit. The next moment, my head hit the back of Sasuke's head. I fell back, and glared at him, "What do you think---"

"Shut up for a second," Sasuke hissed. Their surrounding was silent, and I could almost hear a faint shout of help. I straighted up quickly and thought for a moment. "Amaya, have you ever been in battle before?"

"Many," I replied calmly. "It's probably a trap, I can feel something wrong with that."

Sasuke turned arond and raised an eyebrow at me. "What happens if it isn't?"

"I don't want to be an idiot and fall for a trap, Sasuke." I growled at him, his brows furrowed and he began to sprint towards the direction of the scene. I let out a sigh and ran after him. I stopped at the branch above him, I looked down to see he was listening. I closed my eyes and listened for the source of the voice. "It stopped."

"I heard that, too . . ." Sasuke answered, then he appeared next to me. "You could've been . . . right . . . this can be a trap but there's a weird feeling to it. Though it's not right to ignore it"

I nodded, understanding. "Is there anyway where we can contact Master Kakashi?"

Sasuke only shook his head, he craned his neck to listen for any more. Possibly ten minutes of silence, before we heard rustling in the bushes below us. Sasuke dove and hid us underneath the leaves of the tree. He had pushed me against the tree trunk, I almost yelled out in pain but he had clamped my mouth shut with his hand. His eyes glaring into mine, but he glanced down to watch the commotion. 

I took my gaze away from Sasuke and took a peek at what was going on. It was a kid from the courtyard, and I blinked because of his wardrobe. He was wearing a green body suit, with orange legwarmers, he had a bowl haircut and big eyebrows. Sasuke seemed to have recognized him because under his breath, he hissed, "Rock Lee."

And at that moment, the boy looked up to where Sasuke and I were and grinned evily with a challenging look in his eye. He raised his fist up and laughed, "Guy-sensei! I found them!"

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