Chapter Seven: Kimiko

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"Who's this?" the other boy demanded behind the redhead. "You actually got a girlfriend, Naruto?"

Naruto let go of my wrist quickly and I sighed with relief, rubbing my wrist because it lost circulation. "No, she's not my girlfriend! Besides, what're you guys doing in my way?!"

"We were just passing by . . ." the redhead studied me silently, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Hm, you must be the newbie from the Hidden Leaf. Yamaguchi Amaya, am I correct?"

I nodded, "You are. Although, I'm not a newbie."

"Of course you're not," the girl behind the redhead muttered, rolling her eyes. "I heard that you were sent to the Amegakure by the Third Hokage. Come on, how can you guys accept her in? She's probably a spy."

Sakura appeared next to me, "She is not a traitor! That's what you think anyway, but she isn't. Even ask Master Kakashi, Temari."

So this must be Team Baki . . . I considered, and I glanced at the redhead. And this must be Gaara. 

Gaara noticed my glance, "What're you looking at?"

"Nothing," I replied with a frown. 

"Now get out of our way! It's not like you guys are going to do this mission, dattebayo! Master Kakashi is looking for us!" Naruto yelled angrily at the three. When they didn't move, Naruto shouted even louder, "HEY! WE NEED TO DO THIS MISSION, DATTEBAYO! IT'S NOT LIKE YOU THREE IDIOTS ARE!"

Temari flashed a glare at Sakura, "Control him, will you? He's creating a scene."

Sakura laughed slightly, then she slapped the back of Naruto's head. "Hehe, quit it, Naruto. You're embarassing us!"

"I'm so sorry, Sakura-chan. But this goofball won't get out of my way!" Naruto screamed while pointing his finger at Kankuro. Kankuro glared at Naruto with his dark eyes, and he sneered. Naruto stuck his tongue out, he attempted to sprint pass Kankuro. 

I watched as Kankuro stuck out his foot, causing Naruto to trip and cuss at Kankuro. Sakura, Temari, Sasuke, and I stood there in silence while Gaara glowered at Kankuro and Naruto. "Both of you are fooling around, knock it off."

The two stopped bickering, and glanced at Gaara with wide eyes. Temari let out a breath, "Thank you, Gaara."

"We'll let you four pass us, I need to talk with Temari and Kankuro." Gaara annouced without looking at us. "We apologize for the interference."

Naruto jumped on his two feet, and grinned. "No, thank you, dattebayo!" The four of us passed Team Baki, Sasuke took a glimpse behind us. Sakura sighed, and slapped Naruto on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being an idiot . . ." Sakura grumbled. 

"This is Mori Kimiko." Kakashi gestured to the little girl. "She's an important villager from the Hidden Leaf, and she needs protection from us."

Sakura smiled at the little girl, "Hi! I'm Haruno Sakura! It's nice to meet you, Kimiko-chan!"

Kimiko's violet eyes widened slightly and blinked up at Sakura, "H-hi."

"I'm Uzamaki Naruto!" Naruto grinned at the little girl. "It's awesome to meet you, Kimiko-chan!"

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke and me. "And these two are Uchiha Sasuke and Yamaguchi Amaya. They're quiet, but they're nice people. Do you know where your parents are?"

"They're . . . they're out at . . . the . . . Iwagakure." Kimiko said innocently. "Daddy said he'd be back with mommy . . . but they should have been back two months ago."

Sasuke was listneing quietly, I turned my gaze at the little girl. She was studying me for a moment, then her eyes widened again and she jumped up and down. "I know you!"

Naruto mumbled, "Is it because you heard her name a moment ago?" Sakura heard and she thrust her elbow at his ribcage. Naruto moaned and wrapped his arms around himself. 

"You do?" I asked her, my tone and expression quizzical.

"Yes! Your sister is Kei, right?" Kimiko piped up, smiling at me. 

I felt disappointed that she mentioned Kei, but I nodded. "Yes, she is."

"Ooh!" Kimiko grinned, and wrapped her arms around me. "She's told me all about you!"

Kakashi and the other three raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged my shoulders, honestly unsure what's going on. Kimiko unwrapped her arms from me and I hear rustling. Kimiko smiled, "Yay! Uncle Reni is here!"

Naruto let out a breath when the little girl left the room. "We need to protect her?"

"But how is she a target?" Sakura asked Kakashi, looking up at him. "She doesn't seem that . . . harmful or . . ." 

"But Tsnuade is Kimiko's mother's closest friend." Kakashi replied, handing the four of us a look. "And there's someone out there looking for her. It's obvious they have her parents; Tsnuade trusts us to protect Kimiko."

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