Chapter Eight: Yuujin (Friend)

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It was midnight, I was lying on the ground, gazing up at the stars. I was hoping that Rock Lee would be pounded to death soon by my bare hands. I knew he was here, he was mocking me; still holding the important yet unimportant thing in my life. My journal. I wish was able to write, although I didn't want to wake the others. So I stayed put and watched the stars.

Kimiko. She was a fragile little child, she was always by my side and looking up at the others with wide and anxious eyes. It reminded me of myself when I was her age, I closed my eyes and smiled at the memory. Kimiko was also wise for her age---but she didn't know what happened to her parents; which saddens me. I let out a breath, listening to late night conversations next door. Then, something tapped my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to see Sasuke. His hair was ruffled, his clothes were wrinkled slightly, and he had an exhausted expression on his face. "Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be inside?"

I quickly sat up, hitting heads with Sasuke. "Ouch, sorry." I mumbled, blushing in embarrassment. I scoot back and shrugged, "I'm not tired . . . and I'm thinking."

"You're worried about your journal?" Sasuke asked, and looked as if he was reading my mind. He plopped down next to me, and looked up at the stars as well. "I understand you have secrets written in that, but why didn't you keep it where it was safe. At Kei's?"

"I'm not sure," I responded. "I can't really explain it. I just don't trust her with the information I have in there. She won't be able to handle it."

"You have to tell her sometime, you can't keep it to yourself forever, Amaya." He turned his gaze back to me, his dark eyes searching for mine. "You're easier to talk to. To anyone I've known. Better than my family."

"I have to say the same to you, Sasuke." I gazed back at him, feeling a warm feeling in my heart. "Why do you look at me like that?"

"You're unique." he whispered, using his eyes to inspect mine. I felt his hand touch mine. I could feel the speed of my heart accelerate. "Amaya." How he said my name . . . it's so . . . different.

I tore my gaze away from him and I took my hand back. "Yes?"

Sasuke made a surprised noise, "Nothing . . . I just . . . Your name."

"What about it?" I asked him, eyes narrowing. If he was going to make fun of my name, I wish he wouldn't. When I was little, I've had many people call me hideous and rude names. It made me flinch.

"It means night rain, doesn't it?" Sasuke responded unsuspectedly. "Night rain. It sounds beautiful, come to think about it. Have you ever seen it rain during the night, while staring at a waterfall?"

Amaya, baffled, shook her head. "No, I haven't. Is it really that beautitful?"

Sasuke nodded, staring up at the sky again. "We should probably be going back inside, shall we?"

This time, I couldn't argue. "Of course." We both stood, and went back inside. Once I reached my own bed, I fell asleep.

"Amaya-san?" Kimiko whispered, tugging on my arm. "Why is Naruto and Sakura fighting again?"

I didn't dare to look at what Sakura and Naruto were fighting about again. Sadly, Kakashi and Sasuke were running later than usual, and I was left alone with these three. It's a good thing Kimiko isn't like the two . . . "I don't know, Kimiko, I don't know. I hope they don't end up hurting each other badly . . ."

"I do, too." Kimiko replied, quietly. She sat down on the ground, picking at the sand, thoughtfully. "Do they do this all the time?"

"I've only known them for one week, Kimiko, but throughout all of that one week; they do this daily." I smiled at the little girl who was looking back up at me. "Besides, it usually ends with Sakura winning or Sasuke attracting Sakura's attention."

"Oh?" Kimiko whispered, amazed. "Do you like Sasuke-kun?"

I froze. "As a yuujin? Of course."

Kimiko nodded, but in her eyes, I could see she meant something else. "When is Kakashi-san and Sasuke-kun coming? I dislike hearing Sakura-san and Naruto-san fighting."

As if on cue, Sasuke and Kakashi arrived. Kakashi had an apologetic look in his eyes, whereas Sasuke looked coldly at the bickering Naruto and Sakura. I was relieved to see them finally back, Kimiko jumped up, excitedly. "Sorry Sasuke' and I were late. We had an importat task to do."

Naruto lay on the ground, exhausted and breathing heavily. "H-h-hello, M-M-Master K-K-Kakashi . . ."

"I see you and Sakura sparred." Kakashi responded, happily. "That's nice to do before training; although it would be best if you left enough energy in him, Sakura."

"Sorry, Master Kakashi, but Naruto was being a nuisance and it was driving me insane." Sakura admitted, Sakura looked tired, as well, although not as bad as Naruto. "Can I have a break?"

Kakashi nodded, and he glanced over at Kimiko, who was watching Naruto roll around in the sand. "Amaya?"

"Yes?" I turned to Kakashi, who gestured her forward. I strolled over, aware of Sasuke's eyes following my movement. "How may I assist you, Master Kakashi?"

He leaned over and whispered into my ear, "You and Sasuke have to get along at some point in time. I saw you two outside last night talking."

I jumped back, flabbergasted, my face flushed. "W-what does that have to do with anything?" I blinked at my master, who was watching me, amused.

Kakashi chuckled, "I was just kidding, Amaya. Anyway, Team Baki will be joining us in this mission as well. Speaking of Team Baki---"

"Sorry, we're late! We could've been here ay sooner, but Kankuro, here, had to do some business." I switched my gaze to Temari, who stood to the left of Gaara. She seems too proud, I considered. "It'd be nice to finally meet Yamaguchi, here."

I bit my tongue, so I wouldn't snap back at her. "It'll be a pleasure getting to know you as well, Temari."

Gaara rolled his eyes, and studied my, hastily. "You seem awfully tired for someone who has something important to do today."

"I stayed up thinking," I responded, honestly.

Kimiko had appeared beside me, and was glancing back and forth from me and Gaara. "Yuujin."

(Arigatou! >w< thanks for the 470 reads. Sorry I've been lagging on the updates, I've been thinking, roleplaying, and . . . been mostly distracted. I'll try to update sooner.)

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