Chapter Six: Sunagakure

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Sakura stood by my side, just in case if I collapsed again. Kakashi strode in silence, reading Make-Out Paradise. We were nearing the Hidden Sand, the hot sun burning the back of my neck. I run my fingers through my hair, and I looked next to me, to see Naruto panting heavily, sweating. Sasuke was looking away from the us, but I could see he was sweating. 

Kakashi stopped and Naruto crashed into him, causing him to fall back down onto the hot sand. "Aaaaacckkk! That's hot!" he quickly stood back up and swiped the sand off his clothes.

Sasuke scowled at Naruto, "Of course it is. We're in a desert, it's supposed to be hot, you idiot."

"Idiot?! I'm not an idiot, you idiot! I was just . . . rephrasing what Amaya said earlier!" Naruto yelled in defense, he pointed at me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "When we started walking in the desert, she said that it's hot, and I replied, No, duh! It's a desert."

"Naruto, you dunce! Amaya did not say that! Now stop being rude and shut up for once!" Sakura shouted and glowered at Naruto, while giving me a quick grin and Sasuke a longing one. I looked up at Kakashi, who was still reading. 

"Master Kakashi?" I asked, while the two quarrled behind me. 

Kakashi glanced away from his book, and down to me. "Yes, Amaya?"

"We have to protect someone for our mission? That's basically it?" I questioned him with an eyebrow raise, and he nodded. "Oh, okay. Is there anyone else w---you four know here?"

Kakashi put his book away, "There is Team Baki. In it, there's Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. They're a pretty good bunch, but it's best if you don't pick a fight with them, and while you're at it . . . make sure Naruto doesn't get in a fight with Kankuro."

Naruto must've overheard because he yelled, "I do not pick a fight with Team Baki!"

"Yes, you do!" Sakura growled angrily, she had a fist shaking at Naruto. "You pick a fight with everyone! You dumbell!"

Naruto chuckled nervously, with a shy smile on his face and he scratched the back of his head. "Ehehe, Sakura-chan . . . But I do it to protect you."

Sakura jumped away from Naruto instantly, and she pretended to vomit. "Eugh! Disgusting!"

Sasuke and I breathed out heavily in usion. We looked at each other, surprised but we instantly turned our heads to face the village gates for the Hidden Sand Village. Kakashi turned around and gave us a behind-the-mask-smile. "Let's go in, shall we?" 

"Master Kakashi," Naruto pulled at Kakashi's sleeve. "Where's the person we have to protect, dattebayo?"

Sasuke sighed, "What's the rank of this mission?"

"Probably a B or a C," Kakashi replied, walking in the village silently. He was scanning the houses, slowly, and then he stopped again. This time, Naruto stopped before he could crash into Kakashi. "Odd . . . everyone's . . . quiet."

I glanced at the villagers who were going by, they were quiet. Something nudged against my arm, I turned my head to see Sasuke, who was nodding up to a silhouetted figure, leaning against the wall of an alley. I squinted at the figure and it was holding a book. A familiar leather-bounded book, then I realized. It was my journal. 

"Sasuke? Amaya?" Sakura came up in front of us. "Are you both alright? You both are squinting . . ."

Naruto came up from behind Sakura. "Master Kakashi found her! Come on, let's go, dattebayo!" Naruto grabbed my wrist, and dragged me along with him to a small house. I glanced back to see Sasuke and Sakura with slightly raised eyebrows at us.Then, I turned my head back when Naruto stopped, and saw three shinobi my age, looking at us with calm glares.

"Naruto," the redheaded one hissed. 

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