Chapter Twenty One: The Eve of the Departure

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"Naruto's the nine-tails?!" I exclaimed, I felt fear wash over me. "S-since when?"

"Now's not the time to discuss this, Amaya." Sasuke snapped, impatiently. "Go back now, I'll handle this. Just go."

Anger replaced the fear, and I barked at Sasuke, "If you can handle this, I can too!"

Sasuke was surprised, but then he shook it off. "If you insist . . ." He got off from on top of me, and stood slowly, clutching a kunai in his hand. "Naruto, you chicken!"

The thing that was supposed to be Naruto, shot a glare at Sasuke, its clawed hands gripping onto the silhouette's shirt. A distinct growl came from the dark being, and almost instantly, the figure lunged at Sasuke. Sasuke, who was already in a fighting stance, glanced at me, then nodded at the limp, unconscious shinobi. I nodded and ran towards the limp figure and quickly took out my wakizashi blade I could hear Sasuke shouting at Naruto in the background, I knew Naruto would calm down eventually and I know Sasuke would have that ability (however there's a part of me that doubts it because of his taunts towards Naruto).

The limp ninja made a groan, he sat up and glanced up towards me. I stared at him, his eyes looked very familiar, unfortunately the rest of his face was covered by a mask. "You." he hissed under his breath.

I put my foot on his chest, forcing him back down. "Shut up. How did you get a hold of my journal? Who sent you here?"

"And why do you think I'll tell you that?"

"Because if you don't... I'll kill you." I pressed the tip of my blade against his throat, I could feel bloodlust running in my veins. However I kept it down and cursed corfully in my mind about the Yamaguchi Clan's problem about bloodshed. "And I mean it."

"Of course you mean it." There was sarcasm in his tone, and I dug the tip of the blade in more, enough to see blood dribble down from the newly created wound. The masked shinobi's eyes widened. "I see you mean business. I was sent by someone close to your family, someone you don't know of until the moment is right. Anyway... This is all I can tell you."

"You idiot...." I hissed under my breath. "I know you know something else! Tell me!"

The shinobi cackled an evil laugh, and before I knew it. He had vanished. I dropped my wakizashi blade, and it struck the ground. I let out a furious sigh and glanced up skywards. It was probably noontime. Tazuna would be waiting for me by now. "Amaya!"

I turned my head towards the source of the voice to find Naruto, back in his normal form, sprinting towards me. "Where's the creep, dattebayo? I'm not finished with him-ttebayo!"

"He vanished." I responded, meekly. "I'm going back. I was supposed to help Tazuna-san design a new house. I'll see you at dinner, Naruto."

"Hai, hai. I'll see you later, Amaya!" Naruto responded as I descended out of the forest.

Tsunami smiled sadly at the three of us seated at the table. Inari was quiet and staring at Naruto. Tazuna yawned, glancing around. The whole entire dinner has been quiet, awkward and rather irritating. There was a message from Tsunade-sam a earlier that we would depart and come back home tomorrow morning. Naruto was very upset, although he hadn't said anything since he entered then room.

To break the silence, I spoke up daringly, "Thank you for letting us stay in your home during our mission."

"No, thank you for accompanying us." Tsunami smiled. "We are grateful for you staying here and assisting us."

Naruto leaned back against his chair, grinning, his arms positioned behind his head. "No problem, dattebayo! It's our duty!"

Sakura laughed lightly, trying to catch Sasuke's attention, however the young Uchiha's attention was directed towards the window. "Hopefully you can visit us soon."

Inari broke his silence and stare, "We will!" He was beaming at all of us, his expression mixed with happiness and sadness. "Hopefully soon!"

"Indeed. Send your regards to Kakashi for me when you arrive Konoha again, will you?" Tazuna asked us. "And, Amaya-chan, tell Kei I said hello."

I nodded, then curiously asked, "Will you not be here when we leave?"

"Sadly, no. I will be in town assisting the family that had moved in." The elder man responded, finishing his meal. "Have a safe trip back. Good night."

The room was silent again after Tazuna had left, dinner and ended shortly after that and everyone had gone to bed. I sighed, glancing at my bag, it was all packed. I had enjoyed my time here, and it was intriguing to find out who my parents' and sister's teacher was. I'm actually happy I've gone this far in discovering my parents' history and who else is in the Clan. I lay down, and curled up on my side, closing my eyes. I smiled slightly and could feel myself falling asleep, happy memories playing like a slideshow in my mind.

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