Chapter Nineteen: Revealed Secrets

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I was perched on the docks again, my journal was closed on my lap, the leather slightly heating up from the sun. I could still hear Sasuke whisper, "Aishiteru." It made my heart pound, and I couldn't help but smile. He loves me, I thought. But do I feel the same way? Or is it just a crush? Was it only a dream? The dreams I always have about him from time to time?

"Amaaaayaaa!" somebody yelled. I jumped in surprise, almost dropping my journal in the lake. "Amaya-chan!"

I turned to see it was Naruto, he was waving a sheet of paper while sprinting towards me. I blinked, he should be in the village with Sasuke and Inari. They were supposed to be getting groceries for Tsunami, but why was Naruto here? I stood up, taking my journal with me, in half an hour I was supposed to be helping Tazuna with designing a new house for the family that has just recently moved in. "What's wrong?" I asked him once he was about five meters from me. 

"Is . . . this . . . yours . . .?" he asked, panting heavily. He handed me the sheet of paper, and I turned it around, reading the contents.

April 17

Today I just finished researching about the clan's history. I couldn't believe it, but I was surprised to find that Kei and I do have aunts, uncles, cousins. Although they're out of country, village, or regions. I can't go out on my own with them watching me. But the closest relative, and he's my age, is Yamaguchi Ryuhei. I don't know much about him, except he became a rogue ninja at an early age. 

I froze. This was my hand writing and I remember writing this, I glanced up at Naruto. "Where did you get this?"

"Inari found it in the village. There's a lot of these around town." Naruto said, giving me a precarious look. "A couple of people are reading them . . ."

Completely baffled, I gawked at him. "What? People in the village are reading these?!"

"Is there something wrong, dattebayo?" Naruto asked, his tone very serious. 

"Yes, something's very wrong. Take me . . . to the village. Please." I begged him. When Naruto agreed,  I could never have felt so relieved. We ran into the village, I quickly gathered the papers thaty I had lost. I checked my journal to see the pages were torn out. Who could have done this?! How could I have not have noticed?!

Naruto assisted without a question, he gathered the papers in his hand, snatching them out of most of the villager's hands. I could see a familiar figure that represented Sasuke. But he seemed to be reading something and I stopped dead. I didn't want him to know about my gruesome adventures in the Hidden Rain Village, I didn't want him to know about the information that I gathered. As long as he knows . . . I'm partially clueless.

"Oi! Sasuke!" Naruto hollered. "You have the paper? Where's Inari-ttebayo?"

Sasuke glanced up from the paper, his eyes blank. "He's paying for the groceries. Did you tell Amaya about it--?" He stopped when he saw me. "Amaya?"

"Sasuke . . ." I said his name with confusion, desperation, and guiltiness. I was curious which paper he was holdling, what he read on it. How he possibly feels about me now.

He walked over and embraced me, whispering softly into my ear. "I'm so sorry . . ."

 (Sorry for the lack of updatings, no computer . . . but I updated as best I can. The suspense will drive you nuts soon. ;) Arigato for 2000+ Reads.)

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