Chapter Four: The Journal

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I sighed, I was tied back to back with Sasuke. He didn't seem happy about it either, he was expressionless though. I knew it was useless to try to escape, but I wanted to kick Rock Lee upside the head because he was going through my bag. His eyebrows shot up, and I felt my face flush. 

"So, you must be the new addition to Kakashi's team, huh?" I turned my gaze at Rock Lee's master, Might Guy. I frowned, and he nodded. "You're strong, aren't you? You know your Chakra Nature and such. Everyone in the Hidden Leaf is talkng about you."

"Gossip," I exhaled. "Something everyone hates, but they love the juicy stories."

Guy frowned and glanced at Sasuke. "Uchiha Sasuke."

"Yes?" Sasuke answered, I could hear the doubt in his tone. "I think it'd be best if you let us go now. Kakashi would be disappointed if he figured out his two students got captured."

"Guy-sensei! Look what I found in her bag!" Rock Lee shouted, I snapped my head to Lee and noticed that he was holding my journal. My blood turned cold and I froze, not daring to breathe. Sasuke noticed my reaction, and chuckled slightly. 

"Private thoughts kept in a book . . . how unfortunate of that to be seen." Sasuke whispered to me. I jerked my elbow against his back and I heard him cough. "What was that for?"

"Shut up," I growled at him. "Excuse me, Guy-san?

Guy turned his gaze at me, surprised. "Yes, little lady?"

I held down a shiver when he called me that, but I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you really sure about keeping us hostage while your two students are back at the village, unsure what to do without an assignment? You only brought your prodigee with you, did you not?"

"Well," Guy thought for a moment. "I do suppose that I can come back to bring them. Lee!" Lee appeared next to Guy, saluting his master. In his other hand, he was holding my journal. My eye twitched at that, and I grabbed the kunai hidden in my back pocket. I cut Sasuke's rope, and I could feel him straighten up, trying to hide his untied hands. "You will watch these two while I come back for Neji and Tenten! Is that clear?!"

Lee nodded, "Yessir!" 

The three of us watched Guy leave, Sasuke's hand accidentally brushed against mine and I could feel my heart beat quicken. I glared at Lee, "Let. Go. Of. The. Journal."

"What're you keeping in here that's so private?" Lee opened it, breaking the lock and I tensed up when he began to read. "Yesterday, I was looking in the library for the Yamaguchi Family Book. Still, I'm not sure why it'd be in a library, I guess it's all Kei's fault for that. Though, if---"

Sasuke stood up and slashed the rope around my wrists. I kicked the book out of Lee's hands and it went up flying. Lee, with a very surprised look on his face, stared at us with wide eyes. "I swore I unarmed you of weapons!" He jumped after the book, I dodge a kunai being thrown at me. I whip around and glared at Sasuke but he was gone from where he was standing. He was going for the book, I closed my eyes. I could sense Guy's chakra arriving the boundary. 

I opened my eyes, and glance to see where Sasuke and Lee were. Then all of a sudden, something pushed me back to the ground. I looked up to see Sasuke, blood trailing down from his forehead down to his chin. I could see his face grimed with mud. Sasuke opened his eyes and looked down at me. I pushed him off and saw Lee was reading my journal to himself. 

I did the hand signs for the Fireball Jutsu and blew it towards his direction. I needed to burn that journal anyway, it wasn't that important to me anymore. Lee fell off the tree branch, and was still holding my journal that was still in one piece. I took out a shuriken, before I could throw it, Sasuke stood in front of me. My eyes widened, and I saw a kunai slightly above where his heart should be. "You idiot, I would've taken that blow."

"Don't call me the idiot when you were the one that wasn't paying attention paying attention," he snapped at me. "Besides, he's gone."

I dropped down next to Sasuke, he caught me and I closed my eyes. I could hear the drumming of his heart from the adreneline of the fight. "He took my journal," I whispered, I felt tears gather in my eyes but I held them back. 

Sasuke's arms wrapped around me, and to be honest I wouldn't think someone like him would do that, he whispered, "Don't worry about it. I'll get it back for you."

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