Chapter Nine: The Truth Behind The Journal

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Twilight came quick. Sasuke and I, of course, were partnered up to guard Kimiko while Gaara, Naruto and Kankuro had headed back to the village to assist the Suna ANBU. Sakura and Temari was with Kimiko's Uncle. Baki and Kakashi were at the gates, prepared to give off the signal when the attackers had come. They were entirely unsure how this all started, especially me because I was distracted, yet again by my thoughts. One of the Suna ANBU had come by to warn us in the middle of training to announce foreign shinobi with dark hoods and no trace of where they had come from were staring directly at the gates.

I was scanning around, kunai gripped tightly in my left hand. I was prepared for any surprise attack aimed for Kimiko. However, it was dead quiet. "Amaya-san?" Kimiko tugged the hem of my shirt and I looked down. "Do you think my mommy and daddy are coming to help?"

I glanced helplessly at Sasuke, but he was staring at the rising moon, completely oblivious to the conversation that Kimiko and I were having. I sighed, then looked back down at Kimiko, her eyes were wide and anxious. "I'm not sure, Kimiko. Possibly, but I'm not entirely sure."

"Another question, Amaya-san." Kimiko whispered, sounding a bit worried.

Out from the corner of my eye, I saw Sasuke look down from the moon and glanced back at us. I ignored that and raised an eyebrow at the little girl. "Yes?"

"What happened to your mommy and daddy? Kei-san didn't answer me when I asked her." Kimiko looked up at me with pleading eyes, but I was paralyzed in memories. Blood. Knives. A sword going through my mother's heart. My father being burned alive. Kei, bloody and unconscious on the floor. And me, I saw the whole thing happen before being knocked out by a rock.

Flashes. Images. The torture of the memory, I was living the it again. And it was making my head hurt, the emptiness and the hatred coursed through my veins. My dying wish was to find out who the killers were. Why did they leave me and Kei alive? Why couldn't I have been the one who died? Why my parents?

I could hear my name being called, but I couldn't answer. No one understood how I felt. The reason why my journal was so precious-it held what happened that night. If Rock Lee reached it that far into my journal. He would know what I desire and fear the most.


I snapped out of my thoughts, I was face to face with Sasuke; his face only inches apart from mine and my eyes studied his. He was worried. "Sasuke?"

"Amaya? Whats wrong?" he whispered, his voice made my heart leap out of my chest. Kimiko was next to Sasuke, looking up at me with a mask of guiltiness and self regret. I switched my gaze back to Sasuke, he was so close to me. I didn't deserve his sympathy, so I pulled myself away from him.

"N-nothing is wrong," I stuttered, looking away. "I'm fine."

Kimiko shook her head, "But you were crying and and mumbling, Amaya-san. You don't look okay to me."

I cringed, and wiped my cheeks. I normally didn't cry in front of people, I didn't want to show how weak I actually was. But Sasuke seemed to understand, and took my hand, holding it in both of his. "Kei and I just don't like talking about our mother and father. They were killed when I was young."

"I'm sorry!" Kimiko gasped, Sasuke held my hand tightly. "I didn't mean to."


A flare went up in the sky. And that's when we knew it was time.

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