Chapter Eighteen: Aishiteru

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  • Dedicated to L/Mackenzie/Akane

We all ate dinner in silence after that, I could tell everyone wanted to say something, but wasn't able to. After dinner, everyone sat silently. I couldn't help but blame myself for this, I caused this silence. I excused myself, and headed outside; thinking it's better if I'm alone for tonight. I shivered at the cold air, goosebumps rising on my arms. I strolled down the fishing docks, sitting down on the edge.

I looked up at the rising moon, it was a full moon. The stars were shining brightly, and there was a cool breeze. I bit my lower lip, wondering if it was a bad decision to tell everyone what happened. Inari was only six, and he heard my gruesome story. I was disappointed in myself.

"Get used to it," I told myself out loud. I leaned over slightly to touch the cold water, and was surprised to see it wasn't cold unlike the breeze.

"Don't think about it," a voice said behind me. Startled, I jumped, almost causing me to fall in but someone's hand grabbed me, pulling me back quickly. I turned to see it was Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun, what're you doing here?" I asked, confused. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms. "Sasuke?"

Sasuke shook his head, "Just shhh... I'm here to comfort you and you're ruining it."

I scowled, then hugged him back, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I could feel the thrumming of his heart against mine, I closed my eyes. A part of me was glad he was here, the other part was confused on why he had come. His breaths tickled the back of my neck, causing more goosebumps to rise on my skin. I listened to the beat of his heart, the wind rustling the leaves, and the crickets chirping.


I opened my eyes, the moon was above my head, I glanced confused up at the silhouetted figure holding me in its arms. "Hmmm...?"

The silhouette chuckled, "You fell asleep. Do you want to go back or stay?"

"Uchiha?" I cocked my eyebrow at silhouette. "Is that you?"

The silhouette nodded, "You really must be tired, Amaya. We should head back . . ."

"No, no." I shook my head, clearing my head. "I'm awake."

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked, pulling away from me. "There's a whole reason why you left. I meant to ask you this earlier, but you fell asleep."

"I just feel stupid." I replied to him. "I didn't mean for them to feel bad, I shouldn't have said it like that."

"Amaya, we understand. We run into those things at some points in time. We're shinobi." Sasuke responded, assuringly. "It's . . . " he stopped talking, he was gazing over the lake, his eyes looking distant.

"It's what?" I asked quietly, very curious of what he was going to say. I expected him to say "normal," though. "Sasuke?"

He shook his head, eyes searching mine. "Your parents weren't the only ones slaughtered, Amaya."

I realized what he was saying and I blinked, "Sasuke. I'm sorry, I didn't---"

"You're not alone, Amaya." he shrugged. "I'm going to kill the man who slaughtered my clan. I will surpass that traitor and use my Sharingan---" He instantly stopped himself, remembering where he is and what he's saying. "Amaya, I'm sorry, I was thinking out loud."

"Who is he?" I asked, ignoring his inessential apology.

He let out a breath, "Uchiha Itachi. My brother."

I stared at him in disbelief, Why would his own brother kill the whole entire Uchiha clan? But I thought it would be best if I didn't ask, I pecked his cheek, comfortingly. "I'm here."

"Night rain." He chuckled, glancing down at me, twirling a lock of my hair in between his two fingers. "Still remember?"

"Why would I forget it?" I raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a challenging look. "Does it look like I forget about anything?"

"No, because you're a beautiful and intelligent girl." Sasuke caressed my cheek, giving me the same look I'm giving him. My cheeks reddened, and he smirked. "I'm always here for you, Amaya."

I stood up, pulling him up with me. "I'm always here for you, too."

Sasuke stretched and glanced towards the village. "We should be going back now."

This time, I couldn't disagree. I was growing more tired, even though I didn't want to go to sleep. "Okay."

"Oh, Amaya?"

"Hm?" I turned to look at him.

Sasuke leaned in, and kissed me softly. The kiss made my senses tingle, my heart speed faster, and my cheeks grow warmer. His eyes were closed, like the last time, and before I could close my own eyes; he drew away. "Aishiteru."

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