Chapter Fourteen: Kissed

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"About . . . us?" I repeated slowly, he nodded. His head was tipped down slightly, a small smile displayed on his lips. The blood rushed to my face, my head tilted up a bit. Inside, I could sense Kei's calm chakra, which meant she was sleeping. At these times, I would normally sneak out to the pond near by and play my flute there, she wouldn't suspect it. Hopefully, she doesn't wake up and run into me and Sasuke.

I just watched him, he was really close. He's been close, but he hasn't been this close before. His dark eyes inspected mine like it did that other night, this time I didn't want to draw away. Then, I stopped. "Sasuke-kun . . ."

"What is it?" he asked, concerned. His eyes softened at me, then I found it hard to talk.

Goodness . . . it's like he knows my weakness . . . but I can't let him fall in love with me. Is it already too late though? I felt my face flush even more when he raised an elegant eyebrow at me. "What about Sakura and Ino?"

His gaze steadied onto mine, "What about them?"

"They love you, Uchiha, and they're feuding with each other to be with you. I don't want to be their enemy, I know it sounds---"

I was interrupted by Sasuke's mouth against mine. His eyes were closed, and felt my face flush. I let go of his hand, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. He had put his arms around my waist, reeling me in. My heart was pounding in my chest. Sasuke, you really did it, didn't you?

A loud shatter came from downstairs, causing me and Sasuke to break apart. My eyes widened at that, and we instantly ran out of my room and fled down the stairs. Kei was on her knees, picking up the pieces from the shattered vase. "Kuso!" she hissed under her breath. "I hope I didnt wake---"

"Kei?" I walked over. "What happened?"

Sasuke kneeled over and assisted Kei, trying to act casual. Kei gasped, "I'm sorry did I---what is Sasuke doing here? I don't remember anyone knocking on the door."

"Well---" I began.

"I was just strolling by and I thought I saw someone or something on Amaya's balcony, and went to investigate. Nothing was there, and I accidnetally woke Amaya up." he answered for me, he shot me a mocking grin and I rolled my eyes at that.

Kei seemed to have observed what Sasuke had told her, and nodded. "Thank you, Sasuke-chan, for protecting Amaya. But I think you should be going home now, getting your rest."

Sasuke threw the shards away into the trash, "I'm sorry for intruding. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, Amaya. Sakura, Naruto, and I will be waiting for you at the Hokage's office." Sasuke stepped forward and pecked me on the cheek before turning to leave through the open door, he closed it. I watched him out through the window, striding back to his home.

"Amaya, Amaya, Amaya," Kei clucked her tongue, and I turned my head to look at her. I gave her a confused expression, and she just smiled and chortled behind her hand.

I rolled my eyes, "Oyasumi, Kei-chan."

"Yoru, Yoru, Amaya-chan." Kei replied in a giggly tone, I headed upstairs, heading back to my room. I took my journal and pen from the lap of the fallen chair. I shut the doors to the balcony and threw myself onto my bed, I hid my journal under my pillow and fell asleep.

The next afternoon, I arrived the Hokage's office. I hoped I wasn't late, it seemed as if everyone was busy today and I had trouble coming from Kei's to the office. Due to lack of sleep last night (because of what happened the night before), I was on the verge of collapsing face first onto the dirt.

Shikamaru was walking in the office, and he put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay there, Maya?"

"I'm tired," I responded, yawning.

"Kei keep you up?" he asked, removing his hand from my shoulder. He yawned himself, shrugging. "I forgot, she's a heavy sleeper."

I shook my head, "Why are you here?"

"Asuma-sensei wanted to show me something here after he speaks with the Hokage," he replied. "I'll see you later, Maya-chan."

He parted his way, and I made it to the Hokage's office. I realized I was late because Tsnuade was in mid-speech with the other three. I cursed under my breath and stood next to Naruto. "Pleasure for you to join us, Amaya."

"I apologize, the village is very busy and there are a lot of people, Hokage-sama." I apologized, surpressing a yawn.

Tsnuade nodded, "I was just telling these three about another mission, because your master, Kakashi, doesn't have the ability to help you on this one. I'm making you leader of this mission."

I gawked at the Hokage, disbelief ran across my face. "You're joking, right?"

"Nope, you're leaving tonight. Shizune will come and explain the mission to you four later. Good luck." Tsnuade turned back to her papers, I turned and exited, feeling rather stupid. Sasuke appeared next to me, and so did Naruto, Sakura was walking backwards beaming at me. "You're so lucky, Amaya!"

My drowsiness cleared, and I was grinning back at Sakura. "I can't believe it, I'm eager to know what the mission is this time."

"Since you're leader, can we have a ramen breaks when we travel there, dattebayo?" Naruto's tone was excited, he seemed as if he was ready to burst out dancing right there and then. "Please?!"

Sasuke sighed, annoyed at Naruto, but didn't mutter a word.

"I dunno, Naruto, it depends on how important the mission is." I responded, biting my lower lip. "Wait, what happened to Master Kakashi?"

"He's meeting up somewhere in the Hidden Sand Village with Guy-sensei." Naruto answered, his stomach growled. "Something about Kimiko-chan and her uncle."

My face blanched, remembering Kimiko. I stopped walking, my head starting to throb. "Amaya?" Sakura asked. "What's going on?" She walked towards me, checking my forehead. "Your skin is burning!"

My vision blurred, and I fell into Sasuke's arms.

[Note: thank you for the 1K reads! I'm glad you all like the story! I'm planning for a sequel and two new stories soon! And to let out a little heads up about the new stories, one is going to be a Sai Love Story and another Pein and Konan love story ;) Arigatou <3 *BROFIST!*)

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