Chapter Twelve: Sincere Apologies

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"Amaya? Are you alright?

I looked up at her, and smiled assuringly. "I'm fine, don't worry about me, Kei-san. I just haven't been sleeping well lately."

Kei looked at me with sad eyes, and put her hand on mine. "I know that your first mission with your team didn't work out too well. I can't stop thinking about that day either."

"Kei-san," I said her name slowly, my gaze not tearing away from hers. She raised an eyebrow at me, a familiar gesture for me to continue speaking. I sipped my tea, and set it down on the table. "What did I do wrong?"

She seemed confused at my question, although her expression changed. Her eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowed, and mouth set in a thin line. She knew what I was talking about, and I could see in her eyes that she was trying to find the right words to say. I slipped my hand from under hers, remembering Sasuke doing that to me, I felt a flutter in my heart at the thought of him. Although, I pretended it didn't happen.

"Amaya," she whispered. "I'm sorry about that. I was young, stupid and I don't know why I blamed you. I came back to the house, to apologize to you, but you were gone. I knew I drove you away, it was stupid of me because you were the only family I had left. When I heard you were sent to the Hidden Rain Village, I realized you went to the Third Hokage.

"I was lonely. I was filled with regret, I knew what I did to you was wrong. I'm stupid, and I still am." Kei had tears in her eyes, I stood and walked over to the box of tissues that were sitting on the small table near the doorway. I picked it up, and walked back to her, handing her the box. "Thank you, Amaya. How can you be so nice to me after what I did to you?"

I sighed, "I've done a lot of thinking while I was at the Hidden Rain. I know why you acted like that . . . I never hated you, Kei. I was just surprised that you changed when you came back, I've been worried that I did get mom and dad killed and you'll still hate me--"

"Like I said, I would never hate you, Amaya." she smiled at me while dabbing below her eye with a tissue. "Does that mean you forgive me?"

I nodded, "And do you forgive me?"

"Whatever it is you want me to forgive you with . . . I forgive you." Kei smiled at me. She lets out a breath, "It's been a month and a half since you last saw Kimiko, Amaya. What ever happened to her parents?"

"What Master Kakashi and Baki-san found out is that Kimiko's parents had died in a battle at Iwagakure. They were turned into those . . . half living, half dead creatures for use . . . I guess there's someone who wants Kimiko dead." I replied to her. "I overheard Sasuke and Gaara talking about how they both killed each of her parents. I couldn't help it, I just listened."

Kei gasped, "Killed? They were the ones who killed them?"

"No," I responded instantly. I know Sasuke would never do that, and I had faith in Gaara, and I knew he couldn't have done it either. "They killed the zombified parents."

"Oh," Kei whispered. "What happened to Reni?"

"Still with Kimiko," I replied hesitantly. I heard a knock at the door and stood, I strode over. I paused before answering, a part of me hoping for him. I turned the knob, and opened the door to see Naruto. "Moshi moshi, Naruto."

"Hey, Amaya!" Naruto grinned at me. "Are you able to join me, Sakura, Sasuke and the others to hang out in the village?"

"I think so," I answered. "I'll get ready, you can come in."

"Thanks, dattebayo!" Naruto walked in, and waved at Kei, who waved back at him. I headed to my room upstairs, gnawing on my bottom lip. Nervousness ran through my veins.

I sat at on the brick wall, watching the others mingle. I fiddled my thumbs, Hyuga Hinata was sitting next to me watching as well. She was watching Naruto, and I smirked at that. Sakura and Ino were arguing about Sasuke, but he, himself was totally oblivious to this. 

Something nudged my shoulder, I lifted my head to see Rock Lee, himself. He held out my journal, and looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry I took your journal, Amaya. It wasn't right, and I understood why you didn't want to show that to anyone."

"Thank you, Lee. And you're forgiven." I took my journal, feeling the familiar texture of the leather and sighed with relief. I hugged it to my chest and smiled at him. 

"You're welcome!" Lee smiled, and walked over to Sakura. I could feel a pair of eyes on me and I switched my gaze to see Sasuke looking at me. His cold, dark eyes gazing into mine, sending that familiar race to my heart. My smile dropped, however he still held my gaze. 

I held my journal close, and switched my glance to Nara Shikamaru. He saw me, and gave me a lazy wave and smile. "Hey, Amaya." He strolled over, and leaned against the brick wall. "How've you been? You look better."

"I' ve been well," I told him, patting his head like I usually did. "How've you been?"

"The same as always," he looked up at me and shrugged. I chuckled and balanced my journal on his head as I jumped off the wall. Shikamaru laughed a bit and let me take my book from his head. "What's this?"

I put my journal into my carrier bag where I hid my other weapons and needed items. "It's the journal that has all of what I told you in it."

He nodded. Three weeks ago, after I had befriended Shikamaru, I entrusted him with the knowledge of my past, he understood completely and had only little questions. He and I were closer friends than I am to Sakura and Naruto. "Lee finally gave it back?" Shikamaru cocked an eyebrow at the boy with bushy eyebrows, and green jumpsuit just like his master. "Do you think he's going to use it against you?"

"No, I---"

A sudden scream interrupted me, and I turned to see Sasuke covered in black marks. He had his Sharingan on and he was glaring at Shikamaru and me. Before anyone could react, he lunged.

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