Chapter Two: Kei

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"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Sasuke." Our gazes held longer than expected, I could see a smirk about to appear on his mouth. But I turned my head to glance Kakashi. "When is the mission?"

"We will be leaving in an hour to head to the Hidden Sand." Kakashi replied, surprised to hear me ask. "Why did you ask?"

I shrugged, "I'm just wondering. I'll be back, I have to drop my bag off at my sister's home."

Sakura squealed, "Your sister lives here? That's so cool!"

Naruto rolled his eyes and frowned, "Sister, eh? At least you have family."

I stood up, and turned from the others. "Not easy as you think." I walked towards the exit, feeling four pairs of eyes on me.

I knocked on the door of my sister's home. I could hear rustling from the inside, I bite my lower lip, nervous of what might come. The door opened, and my sister's arms were around me. "Amaya! I missed you so much!"

"Hi, Kei-san." I blinked, trying to remember if this is actually my sister. "How're you?" I hugged her back awkwardly.

"I'm doing well, come in." She let go of me and pulled me inside. "How are you? You've grown so much, you're so pretty!"

I blushed, "Th-thanks, Kei-san. I'm doing great, I'm glad I got assigned to a team with good people in it."

Kei nodded and guided me upstairs. She insisted on carrying my bag, but she turned and looked around, catiously. "Do you hear that?"

"No . . ." I suspiciously said, glancing around, too. I gazed out the window to see a blurred figure coming from the roof. I jumped back and bumped into the wall. "What was that?"

"I don't know, that's exactly what I want to know." Kei whispered to me, and she walked towards a room. "This will be your room, I guess since you're living here now you deserve to have your own room and start fresh in this one."

We both entered it, and I could see what she meant by "start fresh," we both were in an empty room with only a wardrobe, bed, nightstand, and a door leading possibly to a bathroom. But luckily, there was a balcony outside of my room. Which showed a beautiful lake, where I can see the sun's reflection. I took a glimpse at Kei, "Thank you. I'm glad you're here with me, Kei-san."

Kei smiled down at me, "I'm so sorry for giving you a rough time,  Amaya. I'll do anything to rebuild our sister-ship. Now I think you have to leave now, I see Sasuke waiting outside."

"Sasuke?" I looked to a window outside my room to show Sasuke. Leaning his back agains a tree trunk, a kunai in his hand. 

The nerve of him to follow me, I growled inside my head. I let out a breath, and ushered out with Kei. Sasuke glanced up from his kunai, and waved at us. "Hi," he mumbled. 

Kei laughed, "I see you're here to escort my sister back."

"Kakashi didn't like it when she went off her own," Sasuke raised an elegant eyebrow at me and I stayed expressionless, I stood up straight and crossed my arms across my chest. "He thought it'd be best if I escort her back to the Academy."

"Of course," Kei patted my shoulder. "I'll see you in a couple of days. Heres your bag."

"But that's why I came here, to drop it off . . ." I turned my head to look at my sister, she blushed a dark red. "Or, you wanted me to pack the things I needed. Which will take me a while."

Sasuke grunted, "Well, we have until the next hour. So it's best if you hurry up."

"I'll try my best, Uchiha." I turned on my heel, and grabbed my bag from Kei's hand. 

I heard her say to Sasuke, "Sorry about Amaya. Why not come inside for some tea?"

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