Holy Shit You are Spiderman

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Ajali POV 

I woke up and I ate and got dressed. I heard a knock on my door I opened it and Kaia was standing there she asked " Did you watch the fucking news?" I replied " No, I haven't." She turned it on and there was a video of me and Spiderman leaving the bank. Kaia said " They are making a huge deal out of you two." I said " I know." I then sat down and ate. Kaia said " So there is nothing between you two." And I said annoyed " Really you too?!" She said " I am so sorry but two heroes sound like a package deal." I said " Whatever." 

Then there was another knock on the door. I went to open it and I saw Peter. I said " Hey Peter." Peter said " Hey, could I come in?" I said " Sure." Kaia who was sitting on the couch turned and asked " Who is this?" I said " Kaia, Peter. Peter, Kaia." Peter shook her hand and said " Hey, nice to meet you. I didn't know Ajali had a roommate." Kaia said " Oh no we are project partners." He said " Oh nice." I asked Peter " Would you like some food?" Peter said " Um no thanks." I asked " Okay. What's up?" he said " Um, I was wondering if I could spend the night tonight." I asked " Like a sleepover?" He said " Sure, if it's okay with you." I said " Sure, come around 7'oclock." Peter said " Sure." I nodded and Peter and I started talking. Then Kaia said " Hey, I am so sorry but can I please steal Ajali for our project?" Peter said " Sure, um thanks for your answer." He turned to Kaia " Sorry about that. It was nice to meet you Kaia." She smiled and said " Nice to meet you to." Peter left and Kaia said " You have a crush on him." I said " No, I don't." Kaia said " You do." I rolled my eyes and I watched Peter leave the building he turned into another alley. 

I then went into the alleyway and I said " Deception." I turned and I flew onto the roof and put my earcom in. I heard Kaia say " Ajali and peter sitting in a tree kissing." I said " Really?" She said "What we were testing this thing." I said " Okay so, I am meeting up at a place with Spiderman I need you to tell me what you found out about those robbers." She said " Okay." I asked " So were there any places where the same note was left with the word Hephaestus." She said " Well there was one in Colorado and Cali." I asked " Okay so what was stolen?" She said " There was something that was stolen it was money for Colorado. In Cali, there was something stolen. But I can't find out what it was, I will call you up on what this thing is." I said " Okay." I then landed on the roof of the shop that me and Spiderman were meeting on. 

I said " Hey Spidy widdy." He said " Hey lady." I smiled under my mask and I  said " So I have some good news. The Hephaestus guy he robbed a bank and he stole something else but I have my person looking for what was stolen." Spiderman asked " Okay so what was stolen?" I answered " Money but like I said not sure on the other one." He said " That's fine." Then Spiderman and I went to patrol the city. As we went around we helped some tourist find there way around the city and we took some pictures with them. 

Then we got some food Mr. Delmer's shop and sat on a roof eating. Spiderman took his mask off and I saw a far to filmar face. I said " Holy shit you are Spiderman." He said " Yeah I am and I know who you are." My mouth dropped and I said " You were asleep, when I woke up from it." He said " I was pretending." I said " I wish you told me that you knew." He said " Well I know that you don't want people finding out so I kept quiet." I said " Your right," I continued " Why are you telling me that your Spiderman?" He said " Well, I wanted you to know that you can trust me with whatever you needed me to know or do." I went to Spiderman/ Peter and took of my mask and I said " I am happy to know that I can trust you." Then Peter pulled me close and he said " I also wanted to tell you that I happen to think that you are super pretty." I looked down and smiled. I thought Shit fuck it do it. I then leaned in and kissed Peter. He kissed back and we pulled away and said " Oh my god." I then pulled my mask up over my mouth and said " Come on SpiderParker." He smiled and put his mask on. And I jumped off the roof. Peter said " Holy shit." He saw me floating and he shot a web out. Then in my ear I heard " Holy shit did you guys just kiss?" I said " If I told you no would you belive me." Kaia said " Nope." I said " Fine we did no let me do my job." Kaia said " Fine. I will hit you up when I find out what that bastard stole." I said " Thank you." 

After a  few more hours me and Peter went our separate ways. I said " I will see you later Pete." I went to my alleyway and said " Deception." I turned and went into my apartment. I went inside and said " You don't know who Spiderman is got it." She said " Your right who the hell is Spiderman." I said " Good. Now I will see you later, I have somethings to get done since Peter is coming over." Kaia and I left to my place she drove to her apartment and I walked to Delmer's shop. I got mine and Peter's favorite snacks. When I went to pay Mr.Delmer said " I have something to tell you sweetheart." I asked " What is it?" He answered " I meet a superhero today." I asked " Who was it?" He replied " Lady Deception." I said excitedly " Really?" He said " Yeah, she was so nice and she even left a huge tip." I said " That's really nice." I paided and went to my apartment. When I arrived i placed everything down and I got into PJ's and put some music on while making me and Peter dinner. 

Then I heard a knock on the door. It was Peter and I asked him " Are you ready for the sleepover?"                       

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