Oh my god leave us the fuck alone

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Cussing and fighting. 

I woke up and got ready for the day. Today is my day off from working at Oscourp but not as Lady Deception. Peter and I ate food, went into an alleyway, got changed, and then split up for the day.  I said into my com " Make sure we have some time to meet up." I was on the south side of town and I helped out a few people a few of them talked about how they missed me and spiderman working together. And then I helped them get to where they are going. Then in the middle of the day, it was lunch time so I changed out and I put on sweatpants and a hood. I went to Delmar's shop and he saw me and asked " Where have you been?" I answered " Around and moving that's all." He asked " Where to?"  I replied " I am still in queens but I am in the nicer part." He said " Okay but make sure you still come by." I said " Mr. Delmar I wouldn't ever stop coming here." He said " Okay." My sandwich was ready and I said " I will see you later Mr. Delmar." I left and I ate on my way to the east side. I then finished up threw my trash away and went into an alleyway and changed. 

As I walked around the streets I smiled and everyone then all of a sudden I heard a bomb go off. I said " Peter we have trouble on the southside." He said " On my way." I waited and then Peter came over to me and he asked " Is it who I think it is?" I answered " Let's see because I will not put up with this bullshit anymore." Peter said "Let's go." We went to the bomb and I saw Ben on a hoverboard he made himself. And it actually fucking works. I asked Peter " What's the plan?" He answered " You get the people out and I will handle the goons and him." I nodded and since me and Peter were on a roof I took off my mask and Peter did too. I kissed him and said " Please don't let him catch you." Peter said " I won't." We then pulled our masks on and we went down. Ben said " Aww took you two long enough." I made illusions of myself and I started getting citizens out. I heard punches come from Peter and Ben's goons. I helped people get out and once they were gone and out of dangers way I started working on goons. Ben came from the air and he tried to grab me I yelled out " OH MY GOD LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE." Peter and I then went for Ben but he got away. The rest of his team that were still up and ready to fight left with him but the others were taken into questioning by the police. 

Me and Peter went back to our alleys and got changed then meet up at my car. I said " I fucking hate Ben." Peter said " Wait you know his real name!" I answered " I do but he got rid of it from the police records and everything else." Peter looked at me and he just hugged me. He said " I am so sorry." I said " No, I am. I am just now stressed out and angry that he is trying to ruin my life." Peter said " It's okay." We let go of each other and we went to the house. When we got there Kaia was making dinner for us and I said " When Harry gets here we need to talk about Kate." She said "Okay." After about half an hour dinner was ready and Harry was home. Harry asked me and Peter " How was it today?" Peter shook his head. And Harry said " Nevermind." Peter said " We need to talk about Kate." I nodded agreeing and I asked " What do you two think of Kate?" Harry said " I trust her, she seems like the one." Kaia nodded agreeing. Kaia asked " What about you two?" I answered " I like her and I trust her too." Peter said " Agreed." Kaia said " So then we should call her and tell her the news." I nodded. I called Kate and she picked up and said " Hey Y/n/n." I said " Hey Kate we have decided that you are a perfect for us so." Kate asked excitedly " Really?" Kaia said " Yeah." Harry then asked " When can you move in?" Kate said " How does in three days sound?" I looked at everyone and they all nodded saying yeah.  I said " That works fine Kate. We will see you in three days roommate." Kate said " Yeah, see you in three days." I hung up and said  " I am going to take a shower." Kaia said " And I will be heading home." 

I went to mine and Peter's room and I got out pjs and I went to the bathroom. I took my clothes off and I  went to the shower I was so upset. Ben is back and he won't let go but hey this is what happens when it comes to being a superhero. I put on y/f/m (  your favorite music) and showered and got changed into the pjs. When I came out I saw Peter on our bed on his phone. I gave him a small smile but he could see past it. He came over to me and he said " Let it out." I said " I am so pissed Pete he fucking won't leave us alone." Peter said " I am pissed too." I said " We need to do something like put cams on us so we can have some form of evidence to get him caught." Peter said " Yeah I can get some tomorrow." I nodded and Peter said " Come on lets go to bed." I nodded and we go under the covers and Peter wrapped me up holding me which told me that I was safe and that he has me. I closed my eyes and went into my thoughts laying out what I should do next.  And after an hour I felt sleep take me over. 

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