Kate moves in ( this is going to be a short chapter)

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The meme lol. 

* 3 day time skip* 

I woke up and got ready for the day. Peter got up with me and he made breakfast we ate and talk about what day I had off next so we could plan out what we were doing that day for a good day off for the two of us. I then went to my car and I went to work. 

Throughout the day me and Harry were at meetings I didn't even need to be there but Harry wanted me to be there. Then after those meetings, we had lunch then we had a few more meetings, then we had time to plan out what we were doing later. After that Harry and I went to the lab and we worked on the chemical that could go through any metal. I don't know what to think of it but hopefully, we can get some vibranium to test it on. After finishing the day at work I went to the house and when I got there I saw Kate, Peter, and Kaia moving stuff. I pulled up next to the curd and went inside the house set my stuff down. Peter came over to me and he asked  " Hey how was it today?" I answered " It was boring but whatever." Peter nodded understanding. I said " We need to talk about something." Peter and I went to our room and I changed Peter asked " What's up?" I answered asking " Does she know?" Peter replied " No, she doesn't." I said " Okay then we need to talk to her about it." Peter nodded and asked " When should we tell her?" I answered " In a week maybe." Peter said " Okay then." I finished and I changed into black jeans and a long black shirt. I said " let's go help her out." 

After a few more hours of setting up Kate's room we finished. Kate suggested " Pizza on me?" We all nodded and Kate called the pizza place. She then yelled out " Pizza will be here in 30 minutes." We then sat down and started talking about mine and Harry's day, then the pizza arrived and we all ate and continued talking. After that we stayed up watching Disjointed on Netflix. After about 2 hours we decide that we would go to bed. Me and Peter climbed into bed and we talked about how we were going to tell Kate about what might happen being the people we are. After that sleep took me over.      

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