I had the best time ever and A surprise but not a good one

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Cussing and mentions small fights. Listen to the song if you want to I think it shows what happens in this chapter.  

also y/f/f = Your/ favorite food

I woke up to a sound in the kitchen, I looked at Peter's spot and he was missing. I went to the kitchen and I said " Morning love." He saw me and he said " Hey baby." He turned around and he saw me. He saw all the hickeys on my body and he said " Oh my god, I am so sorry." I answered " It's fine love I think I look good with these." He said, " You are not wrong you do look good." I said " Okay." He pulled out two plates and set me on the counter he handed me a plate and we then started eating. I then went started eating and Peter was in between my legs I wanted to get out today. I said " I want to get out today." We ate and Peter walked back to his place so we could get ready for the day and meet on the roof. I walked out and went to my alleyway and I changed. I flew up and I said " Hey spidy." He said " Hey D." I said " We should split up for the day." He said " Sounds like a plan we then meet up if we need anything." I said " Sounds like a plan." I then jumped off the roof and went to the west side of New York and hung out there for a few hours. 

There was a guy trying to rob someone I took care of him. I then took some pictures with some fans and they were so nice too, I found some more people who liked Spiderman so they asked some questions about him and I answered them basically. Then I left telling them I had to do other things around the city. I dealt with a guy trying to rob an ATM so I got him and left and note saying what he was trying to do and that he was unsuccessful and to have a good day. By the end of my day as Deception, it was 5:00 pm. I said to Peter through my com " I am all done for the day." He said " Yeah me too we should call it a day." I said " Agreed meet you on the rooftop in 30 minutes." He said " Okay see in 30 then D." I flew back to the roof and me and Peter laid down on it and he took his mask off. I said " Guess what happened today." He said " Um you got paid for something." I laughed and said " No." He asked " What happened today?" I said " You have fans from out of the state." he said " Of course I do but you do too." I smiled and said " I know they were so nice they asked questions about what it is like working for you. I told them you were very nice and brave, all the superhero shit." He smiled and said "That's nice of them." We then went our separate ways and we changed we both walked back to our houses. As I walked to my apartment I felt eyes on me I looked around but I didn't see anyone looking at me. I walked to my apartment and I saw a piece of paper that slide under my door. I opened my door and grabbed the piece of paper. I closed the door and locked it, I then went to the table and I opened it. It said 

Dear Y/n, 

We know who you are, be ready for us. I will have you. 


I gasped and sobbed loudly. FUCK FUCK FUCK, what do I do? Then I heard the door open and Harry came in I was now crying he asked " What's wrong Y/n/n?" I handed him the note and he read it he then said " I am going to call someone." I nodded and I cried more. He came back out of his room and he said " Okay Pete is on his way." I nodded and Harry guided me over to the couch he sat me down and he just hugged me. Then five minutes later there was a knock Peter came over and he hugged me. He asked Harry " Can I see it?" Harry handed him the note. Peter read it and he said " FUCK!" He wrapped his arms around me and said " I promise I won't let anyone hurt you." I nodded and I just cried. When it was 6:00 pm I stopped I had no more tears. I feared for Peter, for Harry, and for myself, Peter came over to me and he pulled a bar of chocolate out he said " here this is your sad snack according to Kaia." I nodded and took it. I ate it slowly and Peter said " It's okay we are here we got you." I nodded and asked Peter in a quiet voice " Please stay?" He said " I will." Peter said " I will be right back." I nodded. Peter then left my apartment and Harry locked the door. I just sat there in silence, I am scared, and I am mad at myself for letting this happen. Peter came back with a bag and Harry said " I am gonna make y/f/f  Y/n." I nodded. Peter came back to me and he sat down I put my head on his shoulder and I said " Peter, I am so scared and worried right now." He said " I am too." After 40 minutes of Peter holding me, Harry brought out plates for us and we ate in the living room. 

After that, I headed to my room to get changed and ready for bed, Peter asked " Where are you going?" I answered angrily " I am just changing, Peter." He said " Okay." Harry and Peter were in the living room talking while I got changed. I came out and I heard Peter say to Harry " We have to treat her like everything is normal but we have to keep an eye on her." Harry said " Okay I can try to do it but you and Kaia are with her the most." Peter nodded and I said " Please I swear I can handle myself don't be like a helicopter mom or something like that." They nodded but Peter wanted to say more. I looked into his head and he said But you need to have an eye on you so that you are safe. I said " I don't Peter." He said " I didn't say anything." I said " I heard you up here." I pointed to my head and he said " You didn't tell me about that one." I said " I found out recently that I can read minds." he said "That's nice to know." I sighed and I just turned and walked to my room, I closed the door and laid down in my bed, after a few minutes Peter came in and he got changed for the bed. He came out of the bathroom and he got into bed he said " I am so sorry." I said " It's fine I am just being emotional right now." He said " You have a right to be that way." He kissed my forehead and he wrapped his arms around me. I said " I don't think I can sleep tonight." He said " That is fine, I will be up with you then." A small smile appeared on my face. Peter just held me all night long then I saw the sun starting to come up.                    

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