I am so done with this

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Cussing, mentions of stalking, short chapter, mentions of fights?.  

I woke up around noon and I saw a note from Peter 

Dear Y/n, 

I went out to do our thing Harry left for the day already but he is going to check on you. We just want to make sure you are okay that's all.

Love Peter

I smiled a little and I got out of bed Kaia was sitting in my living room and she said " I heard about what happened." I said " Oh I am sure you did." She said " I am just helping Peter out today that's all." I nodded and I made us some food.  We ate and I said " I am going to head out." I put my com in my ear and heard Peter ask Kaia " Is she awake?" I answered " I don't think so Pete." He said awkwardly " Hey, Y/n/n." I smiled and said greeting him " Hey Peter." He asked " How was your sleep?" I said " It was good but I need food." He said " Okay, I will let you eat then." I took it out and I just started eating. We then finished eating and I left the house. I texted Harry 'Please don't come by I am going out to do my thing I will see you when I get home.' Harry texted back ' Okay be safe.' I read it and I then went to get dressed.

 After that, I went out and to an alleyway three blocks away from my normal alleyway. I changed to Deception and I flew to the rooftop and I put my com in Peter said " Welcome back player 2 D." I said playing along " Glad to be back Spidy." He laughed and he said " Um I am in the upper part of town." I said " Okay. I will be on the lower side then call in if you need anything." I then made my way downtown. 

Once I got there I was called down by some tourists so I took some pictures with them. Then I helped them find their way to the next spot they were going to. Then I went South and I took care of some people getting a little too close to a girl so I helped her out. After two more hours of making sure nothing bad was happening I then heard an explosion and I yelled out  angrily " I AM SO DONE WITH THIS SHIT." Peter asked " What's wrong?" I answered saying I need you on Parkway South end." He said " Okay, I will be there in a few minutes then stay above the spot, I will meet you there." I let out a breath angrily and said " Fine."   

 A/n ( Yall should read this BTW) 

Um, so next chapter shit is going to go down so be ready for that. You will now learn who the big bad is. Some shit is going to go down and I am very sorry in advance. Have a good night or day, I love you all, and thank you for your supporting my shitty writing. 

Sincerely Ajiweasley 

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