A fun day

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NWH spoilers, a POV change, and cussing.

I woke up and woke Peter up, I whispered " Pete it's time for breakfast." He said sleepily " I need some more time." I nodded and said " I'll come back and we can have breakfast in bed." He groaned saying okay. I said " okay." I made the kitchen and I made us french toast and texted Harry we will come by in about 2 hours. I went to my room and I saw Peter with his phone in his hands chilling out in my bed. I said " I have breakfast." He said " Sweet." He took a plate and started eating. I smiled and ate too, I asked   Do you want to go to Oscorp?" He asked " Really?!" I answered " Yes, Harry and his father would be so happy that we came to play in the lab today." He said " That would be great." I said " Okay then we need to get ready to go then." We took turns showering once we were done we went to my car and drove to Oscorp. 

When we arrived I texted Harry Were here. He texted back okay omw down. We went inside and Harry came down and he said " Hey Peter and Ajali." I said " Hey Harry." he asked Peter " How was it last night Pete?" Peter answered " Um it was nice we just went to sleep and cuddled." Harry said " Okay." Harry showed us around and he said " I told dad that you were both coming by and he was happy because he wanted to show you what we are working on." I nodded saying " I was so happy when you invited us over." He smiled and said " It's nothing now the drill is no telling about what you see or else there will be severe reciprocations." Peter and I nodded. We enter the lab and Norman was standing there talking to one of the scientists. He turned and asked " Hello Y/n how are you dear?" I answered " Good but a little tired." He nodded saying he understood. He then looked towards Peter and he asked " Who may you be young man?" Peter introduced himself but he seemed off. Peter said " I'm Peter, Peter Parker." Norman said " Nice to meet you I'm Norman Osborn as you probably know." Peter said " Yeah, I know." Harry said " I have a small thing to attend to but I swear after I will show you the breakthroughs we have made." I nodded Norman and Harry left and Peter let out a sigh and he said " Oh my god that was so cool." I smiled  at his excitement and I said " Yeah, they're both great guys." 

We hung out in the lab looking at the things like the machines, the chemicals, and more in the lab. After two hours Harry and Norman came back in and they pulled a chemical out of a vault Harry said " We made this recently it is a chemical that can disintegrate the strongest metal in the world." Peter said " That's cool." He pulled out a small rock and I asked "  Is that  vibranium?" Harry said " Yeah it is." They put a small drop on the rock and it slowly melted away. I said " Oh my god." Harry said " It's really cool but the thing is the metal isn't meant to be degradable." I said " I think you made something that shouldn't have been made." The rest of the day we worked on things had lunch and dinner then Peter and I left Oscourp and I drove us home. Peter said " Hey, I gotta go home I have somethings I need to do." I said " Okay, I'll drive you over then." I drove to Peter's house and dropped him off. We kissed and I drove off, I thought back to yesterday when I read that guy's. I looked back at what happened when Peter first saw Norman he was super tense, I think it we because he was meeting someone who is famous. But he seemed tense in another way. I don't know but I think I need to look deeper into Peter Parker. I drove home and got ready for bed then I went to sleep. 

Peter's POV         

I am not going to lie I was super scared when I was meeting Norman after the first Norman I met, nope. I have been worried for Y/n since the last encounter with Hephaestus when he said he wanted Y/n, I was worried about who Y/n talked to except for Harry and Kaia. I knew that while I was meeting Norman I was super fucking tense and nervous. I was so scared and I checked for all the signs of D.I.D he didn't show them. So I think this Norman is fine, I have been thinking recently that I need to tell Y/n about what happened to me before we meet. I think once we take a day off that I should tell her but what the fuck am I going to say. I finished up making food and I sat down and I grabbed a notebook and a pen. I then started writing.    

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