The water bending scroll pt2

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Song ~ sweater weather


"So what do you want to talk about" I ask he probably wanted to talk to me about katara.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about katara" im always right.

"I just want to say...that I'm not mad at her i just didn't want anyone to get hurt and when she kept interrupting me over and over again I really couldn't take it and I yelled and I hate yelling so now I feel really really bad and I just don't want her to be mad at me and I see where she's coming from about Aang needing to learn water bending but where going to the North Pole for that so I just- wait im talking too much sorry" i say realising I was rambling.

"yeah you where talking a lot but it's fine I guess I just wanted to make you see her side of things but I see you already get it" he said with a chuckle.

"But water bending is so important to katara because our mother she sacrificed herself for Katara during a fire nation raid. They wanted to take katara away because of her water bending and now katara think that she has to master it or else our mom.. you know was for nothing." He finished ok now I feel horrible.

Sokka just bowed his head looking at the ground I couldn't help but think he was holding back tears.

I knew we weren't that close so I placed my hand in his shoulder causing him to look up straight into my eyes.

"Sokka I'm so sorry that you and katara had to go through that I went through the same thing when I lost my mom and sister and I want you to know I'll be here for both of you" I say with a smile even though I'm mentally bashing myself for revealing what happened to my sister and mom. "And you know Sokka I just hope we can put our differences behind us and be....sorta friends? for the sake of the group" I say he just stared at me and it was starting to make me anxious.

But then he Just .. laughed. He was laughing.

"why are you laughing!" I yelled getting annoyed at him.

"It's ju-just you want to be friends" he said continuing to laugh. Dick.

"Wow I didn't realise I was so bad " I say in a huff.

"Look it's not that I don't like you I don't trust you and if you think one measly conversation is gonna change that then your wrong" he finally said.

"you like me?"

"No I don't"

"You literally just said "it's not that I don't like you it's I don't trust you"" I mocked in a high pitched video.

"I don't sound like that I just don't think I can ok" he said getting up "friends hilarious" he mumbled walking away

"Whatever I'm gonna go talk to your sister ok" I say standing up and heading towards katara but for some reason I felt sad. I hate him so much.


Where is it..

"Hey Aang have you seen my sleeping bag anywhere? I can't find it" I shouted over to Aang.

"No sorry sokka. Maybe it went down the stream from the wave" Aang said back as he came closer.

"Ok can you help me look" I ask

"Sure"After a while of searching we found the sleeping bag under a tree. I don't remember putting it there.

Then from a distance I heard a voice "Aang!.. Aang! Oh there you are" it was Dee. She walked out of the forest.

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