Always the issue

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Song ~ promise by Laufey

"Would you like to spend the rest of the day with me?" Yue asked me which shocked me. I had just finished my walk with Atka which was great for the most part until he fell into the canal which was hilarious. I was just dropping him off at the palace as he had to meet with mater Pakku when Yue approached me.

I thought it was just going to be a regular conversation but no. She wanted to hang out. I could do small conversations, but this seemed like too much, what would we even talk about. "Uhm Yue, I don't kn- "

"I just have a lot of free time, and I realised we weren't... well acquainted." this feels like some sort of trap, but she looked so genuine, and I shouldn't make a princess upset. So, I agree. "Yeah, that would be nice." I grinned. I feel the regret simmering in my chest right now. My social battery was already used up.

Yue began to walk into the palace, and I followed. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was a fish out of water. The place was like something out of a fairytale—fancy decorations, fancy everything. And there I was, just a regular person, trying to keep up with Princess Yue, who practically glided through the halls.

Yue must've sensed my nervousness because she shot me a friendly grin. "Relax, I won't make you do any royal duties or anything."

I chuckled a bit. "Thanks, I appreciate it." She led me around the palace in silence. All you could here was the tapping of our feet echoing as we walked through the hallways.

"So do you hang out here a lot?" I asked, trying make conversation to get us out of the silence. But I immediately regretted my words of course the princess would hang out in the palace.

Yue nodded. "Yeah, being a princess means I've got the honour to live in such a beautiful place. but it gets lonely sometimes." She sighed. Her saying that reminded that she didn't have any siblings. It was kind of like how I was at home now since I was the only kid left.

"Yeah, I get that," I said, my voice soft. "It's tough feeling alone." More silence maybe I shouldn't have said that.

Yue nodded. "Sometimes, it's like I'm just going through the motions, playing the part everyone expects me to." She said.

We continue to walk until we get to a big kitchen. "I guess being a princess isn't all it's made up to be then, huh?" I remarked, trying to lighten the mood. Yue laughed; a genuine sound that made me think she liked me.

"You know, I like your take on things. It's interesting." I gave her a confused smile resting against a kitchen counter.

"What do you mean by that? I asked.

"Well, Sokka was telling me how you liked to read and he mentioned you said something about reading being an escape and how it's a distraction from everything that goes on in your head, so yesterday I tried that but with poetry and it felt good, like I could finally have my own thoughts." She smiles.

My smile however dropped. I was flattered at the fact she though my reading books was some amazing tip to tackle my thoughts even though it was. But I couldn't get over the fact that Sokka told her that stuff. I instantly got quiet. Remind me not to tell Sokka things anymore.

"If you're feeling down, I'm always here. I actually have anxiety as well so I can help." Yue asked causing me to look up at her. I don't think I'm breathing. Him telling her about my reading I could get past, but my anxiety was too far. I'm 2 seconds away from bawling. "Hey Dee, are you ok? Did I say something?"

"Yeah, I'm good just... thinking." I understand maybe Sokka wanted to help her, but did he really have to mentions me did he have to let Yue in on a venerable part of my life. I just feel stupid right now. But speaking of the asshole "So Yue, how's you and Sokka?" I asked trying to deflect my feelings.

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