Aim for the heart

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Song ~ Cool about it

We got to the place we where staying at and it was really cosy a small inn not too far from the palace. We got all our stuff and headed to the room. When we walked in there was to bunk beds built into the walls on each side of the room. Aang quickly rushed to a top bunk leaving Sokka annoyed. "I wanted the top bunk." He whined what a big baby.

"Too slow Sokka." Aang giggled. I put my stuff down at the bottom bunk on me and Katara's side. I slowly fall into the bed and they were so comfortable. I really couldn't be bothered getting changed out of these clothes so I just snuggled up I'm my bed it had been a long day.

"Let's all just get some rest guys." I say before blowing out the candle brightening up the room.

"I wish I could but I'm just too excited for tomorrow." Katara sequels. "I'm finally learning how to waterborne."

"Yes, and that's amazing but you also need to rest so you can do your best tomorrow." Wow why am I acting like a mum.

"Ok, why do you want to sleep so bad? You seeing someone tomorrow?" Katara asked. I couldn't see her face but I knew she was grinning ear to ear.

"It's probably that guy we saw her with earlier." Aang added.

"You guys are funny. Go to bed."

"Oh she likes him. I can tell." Katara joked. Well I wish but she was being fully serious.

"I don't." i say quickly.

"You don't?" Sokka asked finally talking.

"Well I dont think I do." I reapplied and it was the truth I din what I'm feeling right now.

"You're just In denial Dee." Aang chuckled quietly.

"Why are you guys picking on me, go ask Sokka about Yue." I huffed turning away from them and pulling the covers over my head. I just wanted to be left alone.

"I would but I already had to sit next to them the whole night." Katara argued. "And Sokka can't smooth talk to save his life.

"Yes I can!" He argued back and they kept bickering until I had enough I probably wasn't going to sleep but it was nice from time to time to get some peace and quiet.

"Sokka! Quiet! I want to sleep!" I whisper shouted not wanting to raise my voice too much.

"What!? It was Katara aswell!" He tried to justify.

"Yeah I know but your voice is the only one that's annoying me at the moment. Be quiet." I finish I don't know why I'm being so grumpy. It's probably the weather.

"Gees sometimes I think you still hate me." Sokka moaned. I didn't hate him I was just annoyed at him for reason I couldn't understand yet. I honestly don't know why I'm upset but hearing his voice triggers me. i just need to sleep if off.

"Bowan!" I whisper shout. I look through the gate just then his head popped out.

"Righ here princess." He called from the other side. A smile quickly formed on my face seeing his face. I take myself and the basket of foods I had for him with me under the fence. I hand him the basket. "Thanks" he says lightly pecking me on the cheek. Making me blush good thing it was night or else he'd see.

Me and Bowan had gotten really close over the months leading up to the day I was going to escape. I'd fallen for his charm. As cocky and rude he could be he was also caring. I was willing to get over Zen for him. But In the back of my mind there was always the thought that i was using him as a distraction.

I was gonna bring Bowan to live with me and Iroh he deserved a better life than what he had. "Yunno I heard a rumour that you slept with a girl called Hiromi?." I say fake pouting. A nervous look grew on Bowans face.

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