Difficult Times

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Song ~ Moonlight on the river

Dee's POV

"Dee you're always reading let's do something fun please." Katara groaned making me look up from my book.

"What do you have in mind?" I feel like I know where this is going but I ask anyway.

"Well, me and Aang where thinking it would be fun to go swimming." She grinned. She was nervous and I knew why. The way her smile was a little too forced gave it away.

"With who?" I say putting down my book and looking her in the eyes. Her smile dropped.

"Oh uh just me and Aang." She stopped. I gave her a look to finish her sentence. "And maybe Sokka but-"

"There it is." I grumble picking my book back up.


"My reason to say no." Me and Sokka are not in good terms at all. So no swimming for me.

"Common Dee, you and Sokka had just become friends you guys shouldn't throw it away just because of some harsh words." She pleaded.

"From him. I'll wait till I get an apology." I say trying to focus on the words on my page but now my mind was filled with other thought completely. "A proper one."

Sokka 'apologised' to me a few days ago. His way of an apology was coming up with something goofy to say and then with the most stupidest grin say sorry.

"At least he tried." Katara expressed trying to reason with me. Which made me angrier.

"Katara I'm not gonna accept some half-ass apology." I hiss frustrated.

"Well maybe just try today, you can't hate him that much." She came close to me sitting in the empty spot beside me.

"Yesterday I got mad that he sat on the log I was about to sit on and almost kicked Momo." Poor guy almost felt my wrath. "I think I would try drown him if we went swimming and for the sake of everyone else I think it's safer for me not to go."

Katara just didn't understand. To be honest I don't completely understand but I'm learning to not ignore my feelings and right now they are extremely pissed off.

She just sighed and gave me a slight nod before walking away to find Aang and Sokka.

I try go back to my book but I can't. Great now he's ruined that for me as well. I huff to myself. The thing that makes me especially mad is the fact that after I didn't accept his apology he got mad at me like I don't have a right to not want to talk to him. He's in the wrong here. I'm not saying I want him to beg for my forgiveness on his hands and knees everyday.

But like how is he gonna give me the worst apology in the universe and then get mad and not talk to me cuz I didn't accept it. He's being very childish for someone who's meant to be the oldest. The thing that's getting me through this right now is remembering the past. My life used to be so bad. It's better now even if at times it doesn't feel like it.

I rushed out of my dorm and straight to the hall way that was practically pitch black. My only source of light being the dimly lit torches on the building walls.

My bag rustled as I went down the hall. If I get caught it was over for me. Where would I even go. Not home, father would send me straight back. Maybe I could go find Iroh and stay with him. Yeah I'll stay with Iroh the nonstop tea and Pai Sho would be the best.

I keep going down the hall till I get to the Court yard. I'd been watching from the day I got here (a week ago) waiting for my chance to escape.

They where brutal here. On my second day I came 5 mins late to a class and my professor forced me to stand for the rest of the period and then after that I got a detention.

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