Fever dreams

66 4 1

Song - I cant handle change


"SOKKA! Stop watching her sleep" Katara whisper shouted at me. She thought I was watching Dee sleep. I'm not.

I look up at her. "I'm not" ok look maybe I am but it's not like that. I'm just Intrigued.

I made a joke yesterday day about how when she passed out that's the longest she slept all week. But today she took a nap. A NAP.

Maybe it sound normal but to me it's very weird she barely goes to sleep most nights. But today she's sleeping...  willingly. It Must be because she's that sick.

"Well it looks like you where so just leave her alone" Katara grumbled.

"Asshole" I whisper I know better than to call katara a bitch.

But honestly I'm concerned I haven't told anyone this but last night I heard Dee it sound like she was having trouble breathing. And it's not like I care it's just since shes meant to protect us she has to be in good shape. You know.

At first I didn't believe her on how she is when's she's sick. But with all the groaning, coughing, restlessness, sleeping, Rudeness, I could go on for ages. She wasn't over exaggerating.

I wonder what she's dreaming about. Just then Katara walked back up to me and grabbed my ear dragging me away. "Ok! Ok ow"

"Leave the poor girl alone Sokka" Katara instructed me. I grumble a yes quietly but not before sneaking a glance at Dee. What is happening to me.


"ZUKO NO!" she screamed "it's too risky"

"Well that's why you'll be careful " Zuko said trying to convince Dee.

Him and Zen wanted Dee to see there secret hideaway in Zuko's garden but Dee wasn't aloud out after 9pm unless she was staying at a friends house.

So they wanted her to sneak out.

"Why can't we do it another day or so it earlier today?" Dee questioned.

"Because I need to train all day tomorrow and Zen is going on this trip with his father and we don't no when's he's going to come back" Zuko says.

"Common Dee you still need to try" Dee stoped for a second taking In what Zen said.

She crossed her arms and look him in the eyes "fine, but if we get caught and I can't come out ever again it's your fault"

"Yes!" Zen said happily.

"Ok we'll be out side your window by 12:00 ok" Zuko said excited. I cant believe she actually agreed. Zuko thought.

"Ok I need to go now bye guys" Dee said hugging Zen And Zuko goodbye.

She left feeling overwhelmed and a little bit excited. She couldn't believe she was doing it. Sneaking out.

Actually she could believe it. she'd do anything Zen asked her to. She wouldn't ever admit it but she had a little crush on him.

It all happened one day when she was 8 and he was 9. She had gotten shouted at by one of their training teaches for not knowing the movements to a skill. She only came to the school a few weeks before.

She was crying outside alone then he came he gave an ice cream and a hug and they talked for hours.

And then when they went back in and the teacher stared giving her more shit he stood up for her. He got detention for a week but he didn't care.

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