The fortune teller Pt2

56 3 1

Song ~ Space song

Sokka's POV

Here I am sitting in this crazy lady's house of vuudo this is so stupid. She led me to a back room and now I'm sitting on some pillows like the ones outside.

"Young man what shall we start with?" She asks. I huff In annoyance.

"Nothing." I say crossing my arms. "I don't want to be here."

"You're telling me stuff I already know." The witch grumbled.

"If you already know then let me out." I protests. Where just wasting time right now Aang need to get to the North Pole as soon as possible and this women is in my way.

"I can see you're difficult, and you don't trust easily. Something must have happened in your childhood."

I could feel anger inside me. "You know nothing." I growl. She is getting on my nerves.

"You're quite similar to the girl I just had in." Aunt Wu said. "All the 'I don't believe you, or the you know nothing about me." She joked. Now I want to know what they talked about.

"Wow don't go spilling my secret. This is meant to be like, confidential" I shrugged.

"Well I didn't mean to it's just slipped out, ok let's get started we don't have all day" I'd rather do anything other than this.

"Tell me one solid piece of information about myself I bet you can't cause this is all a pawn-" I started.

"You are very fixated on being masculine, you're probably like this because something happened in your childhood as I said, in connection to your father. Am I correct?" How dose she know that.

"Th-that's a lucky guess" I say folding my arms. Almost everyone has daddy issues.

"Ok so it was your fathers I'm assuming he wasn't present during your childhood, I wonder why. Did he leave suddenly? By choice I assume."

"My father would never do something like that he cares about me and my entire family, our entire tribe" I voice angrily. I'm gonna lose my cool any second now.

"From your reaction I can tell he didn't leave with malicious content. But he did leave. The girl out side is your sister. From a young age you were required to be the man of the house and now hearing about tribes I realise you were probably the only man in your tribe which led you to take charge on all the male dominant role you felt pride in being able to do stuff others couldn't." She spoke clearly not a stutter or anything. She wasn't human.

"But that's a lot of responsibility for a child and that effected you for the rest of your life didn't it." She asked but it wasn't victorious she looked more intrigued.

"I don't want to speak about it" I say. This was not how I wanted to spend my day.

"But we must, with this you become very dependent on your ability to achieve, you want to achieve everything you put your mind to and when you don't or when someone does it before you you go into panic because you where always the best before, that also ties into why you don't trust easily."

"Ok! Ok I get it you know everything can you stop now." I yell in frustration. I sit and sulk not wanting to acknowledge how this lady had just ripped me apart. Dug through my mind effortlessly.

"If this is going to work you need to open up ok" Anut Wu said politely. I just shook my head."When was the last time you've seen your father?" That question always went through my mind.

"Um about 7 years ago he left when I was 10." I muttered. It's been so long sometimes I wonder if he's still alive. What if he's dead and we just don't know it.

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